lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Excellent untune,

    also, the next build of the closed alpha of the editor will be expanded to include all current spriter pro owners. This build will be released wednesday, so if youve already purchased spriter, or plan to, expect an email sometime around the middle of next week with the download link, and info on where to report bugs and request features and such

  • Works correctly on android browser, btw

  • in general satelita looping events with math are an easy way to slow things down, each time a plugin is called to evaluate an expression or perform an action, there's some overhead aside from the actual c++ running, just to make the event system work correctly. it's very fast in most situations, but looping thousands of things is not one of them.   c++ will almost undoubtedly be much faster, especially if you make the plugin draw your voxels as well. QuaziGNRLnose and I are working on converting his 3d events into a plugin. he probably has the specific numbers, but I believe even in it's unfinished state still pushing around thousands of construct objects it's already running much faster

  • I would use newt's formula, but for it to look like it was blending between colors as opposed to traveling through all colors to get to the right one, you need to lerp each component like


    You can make a pv for the value t, and increment it every tick, or you can use the math plugin to do an autointerpolation of a value "t", from 0 to 1, and give the total time, and have it automatically increment the value t which you could put there as well

  • me too for construct classic. thanks ash!

  • Wooooow!!! Cool))

    Plugin wil be easy?

    it's meant to be pretty straightforward:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • woot!

    I'm here as well now arsonide, already made a new plugin for it, well still working on

    arsonide you've completed the circle, this is the ultimate dream team now

  • quazi requested a plug for storing 3d point cloud data and 3d camera to navigate them.

    it's not finished yet, but here's a little demo of some 3d points doing stuff:

  • Can we see a new screenie of the UI yet? <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> (or is it just that small screen in the video?)

    I plan to reskin the UI before the open beta, or perhaps before 1.0 to make it look less flashy and imposing. but for now it looks like that video with some stuff that wasn't there before. I will try to post an updated video today or tomorrow, and start making good on my promise for regular updates, just wanted to get the basics in there, and clean things up before public display. ^_~

    there's alot of new UI stuff not ready for public consumption however, I will give you a little teaser of one of the features that's been added since the video: Onionskinning:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    you can adjust those red and green triangles on the timeline to decide how far into the future and past you want to see onion skinning if at all

  • Like a cross between The Walking Dead and Desperate Housewives in game form. Survival whore.

  • so the game's gonna be called Bored Zombie Lovers?

    Wtf genre will that be?

  • A simple way to do it without math, is have an invisible(visible until you get it working) sprite of a long thick line sticking out of the front of the bullets, you can adjust it's length according to how early you want the enemy to begin dodging or depending on bullet speed, and make the enemy move laterally when overlapping the line.   If you want to increase the intelligence not to dodge into other bullets or take into account other bullets on their way the problem begins to get more complex, but alot can still be solved by invisible detector sprites, like a horizontal line sticking left and right out of your ship, and if it overlaps a bullet detector in one direction and not the other it can dodge in the correct direction

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