lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Ashley if you have the time:

    found a major efficiency issue with function object where calling functions using an expression runs at about one third the speed of calling using the addparam and callfunction actions.

    I remade a basic version of the function object and ran into a similar speed issue, which I fixed, and it now runs faster using expressions than the original function object using the action method. I'd like to implement this fix on the official object, and also try and find the source of some other stability and speed issues some users have mentioned. if you have a chance ashley, please add Function object to svn, or if you pm me a link, I'll fix it and add it to the svn. thanks!

  • looks like davio is right, which was kind annoying, so I made a new function object. seems to be about 1.5 times the speed using the single expression method than the regular function object runs with the separate action method

    this one will only accept the format:

    CallFunction :     .myfunctionname(param0,param1)

    there is no addparam, and callfunction does not pay attention unless you use that .functionname(params here) method

    or just .functionname if you have no parameters

    you get your params in one of two ways


    or just


    because it's easier to type p or nothing than param

    in this object parameters are 0 based, which means, the first parameter you put in is 0, the second is 1, etc

    this does not have the "on any function" or 'alias' features, but I can add them if anyone really uses them, and wants to use this faster function caller

    I would have just optimized the regular function object, but that code isn't on the svn

    let me know if anyone tries it, or if they encounter any bugs

  • Cool. Twilight, I can definitely hear the difference, and would have noticed even if I didn't know. But its still good, definitely good enough for a fighter id say. Definitely above par for licensed game revoicing. Sorry thq, but if you look at(listen to)? any nickoledean cartoon licensed game, its usually so horrendous, i can't even tell if the game is any good because you're too busy cringing in disgust and embarassment anytime anyone says anything

  • Sorry for the late arrival. Yes I've been waiting for fighting is magic, and I agree the animations are surprisingly good and authentic looking, capturing the personality of the show and such. Only thing that has me worried is they said they plan to have voices, and not just samples from the show (which wouldn't have worked well anyway)

    But id say the odds of them finding voice actors that don't screw this up are probably 1 in 10 trillion.   But they obviously have high standards for themselves, so who knows?

    Dont remember if its online. If so, I will destroy you all, btw.

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  • ok, all current spriter pro owners should have your alpha copies in your email by now. if not pm myself or brashmonkey, and we'll get it straightened out. Enjoy! And thank you for helping us test!

  • Another thing you can try, but then you have to manually make your character slow down when pushing heavy things for instance because physics wont do it for you anymore -

    Is have both physics and platform behavior on your character and have physics property immovable enabled. as of cc-r1, an immovable physics object will apply forces that correspond roughly to any object movement made outside physics behavior.

    If you need physics to be able to knock around your character momentarily, you disable platform, and change to moveable and then back again when you're done

  • Function: Add Parameter "ObjectA"

    Call Function "Properties"

    just a nice tip for using function objects, this method will always remember picked objects I believe, but it's much simpler and more readable

    this here:

    Function: Add Parameter "somestring"

    Function: Add Parameter 1

    Function: Add Parameter 45

    Function: Add Parameter objecta.x

    Call Function "Properties"

    is equivalent to just doing this:

    all Function .Properties("something",1,45,objecta.x)

  • That's fine sved, just threw the text in there, with imperfect placement :)

    Thanks everyone. It seems to be working and should hear more about this as it gets further along...when I have some time i'll make an updated demo

  • ok shviller the great found the error!!!!

    test one more time just in case


    the problem was a simple typo somewhere I hadn't thought to look


    was supposed to be:


    heh...uninitialized variables

  • thanks again everyone

    if you download again, it's an updated exe

    I've fixed some code that may have been the cause of the problem

  • thanks everyone also, 32 or 64 bit windows may be helpful to know as well

  • (please redownload if you tried before the time in the topic name, may have fixed the problem)

    ok, in chat some users cpu's had some rounding errors that caused major problems with display, namely, the plugin not displaying anything.

    if you have a few seconds to help me determine the extent of this problem,

    please try these two exe's, and let me know if it passed or failed. and what cpu you have and what windows and whether its 32 or 64 bit.   helping me will not only allow everyone to see amazing visuals courtesy of this plug, and quazi's capbuilding skills, but also eventually, a 3d camera/point cloud/poly plug. just a heads up though, this doesn't mean a general 3d camera for cc. the 3d cam would just work for this plug, and exploring the point clouds you make with the plug


    this one has 4 text boxes, with numbers in them. if you don't see anything else, that means it doesn't work on your pc, and please report the numbers here and your cpu. if you see something in the center of the screen, it works!

    this one even if displays nothing initially, should display something when you roll the mouse wheel, so rotate it a little and if you don't see something move onto the screen, it also failed. I don't need the numbers here, just to know if it failed. if you see an object rotating around the camera from top to bottom as your roll the mouse wheel, you win!

    thanks in advance for the help

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