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  • Sorry to bump an old thread, but better than to start a new one. how do you get an Arcade card to show? I copy and pasted into my sig but it just shows as html code.

    noga replied to your actual question on the previous page, but

    also, it's probably better to just start a new thread, rather than bump an old one for a few reasons, some of which I'll list here:

    first, your reply to this old thread gives a flag to me for having a reply to my thread, which makes me feel like a child on christmas morning, only to discover it wasn't related to me... it's like realizing the large gift is for my sibling. To fall from such a height of ecstatic egomaniacal anticipation was devastating, to say the least, and I may take weeks to recover.

    second, if someone else wants to know how to get an arcade card to show, or wants to answer your question, they'll see this topic title, and not look in here, because it's not titled "how do you get an arcade title to show in your signature".

    also, i can't remember, but I don't believe the boards will alert you of a reply to something you replied to, only one's you started yourself, so you miss out on that convenience.

    it's good that you searched before posting a new topic though.

    also, related to your question, I notice your signature is in html and not bbcode. I'm not sure if <html> works or not in sigs, but [bbcode] definitely does

  • when you download and unpack the plugin

    copy that plugins directory over your current


    then try the example cap, and reread my post

    ask any questions if you still have them

  • I have a sort of messy one I use for my own projects. It works great, I just never made it nice and neat:

    download plugin here

    download example cap here

    it requires 2 objects in addition to the slider plugin itself

    a slide the handle will slide on, which can be any object. I used a sprite in the example. it also needs a second sprite with drag and drop behavior on it.

    it's very simple. the example cap has the slide at an angle to demonstrate that it works not only works horizontal and vertical, but at any angle. hope it's useful. I'd prefer to keep this off the svn, until some future date when it doesn't require a second object, but as I said, it works, and it's stable.

    in start of layout: use setup slider: decide the two sprites you're using, and choose the minimum and maximum values you want the slider to have, and the starting value.

    after that there is an action to update the value to the current slider position, and action to update the slider position to a new value that you specify (so you can move the slider around based on the value)

    then there are expressions to retrieve the current value and the current 't' of the value, which is just a value from 0 to 1 representing where the handle is on the slider. depending on your knowledge of math, this is a shortcut that may or may not be useful to you

  • i can't find the thread where the ashley answered this question, but I believe it was a portmanteau of sci- meaning knowledge, and cirrus like the cloud type.

    scirrus was already taken, so it was changed to scirra

    originally pronounced sir-ruh

    but since everyone pronounced it skir-ruh, I believe that's the official pronunciation even among the devs

  • Should be fun to play with <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle"> Don't know if it's just mine, but the cap example crashed when it was run (I just got a huge white window and couldnt see anything and when I tried to move it, it terminated)

    Also the exe example, the character was floating above the platform

    I should have said this, but you need to change the path in the cap example to point to the spriter file wherever you extracted it. that shouldn't crash though, that will be fixed in a future version. also, I uploaded the wrong sprtr file, that's why he was flowing. redownloading should fix it. if you don't want to download the whole rar. here is just the sprtr file:


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  • here's a link to the current alpha version of the editor and the construct classic plugin:

  • We can get you a refund guyon, PM me your email, and I'll forward it to Mike, who handles that side of things. The intention was definitely not to mislead, the plugin and the editor are moving into free open alpha, so this announcement wasn't meant to garner additional sales. Development of the Construct 2 plugin begins after the Construct Classic plugin is complete.

    I'm not ready to give a concrete release date for that yet, as it's evolving with the editor, and with user input, which will be beginning today.

  • Just wanted to clarify something, the plugin I was referring to was for construct classic.   I apologize if anyone thought I meant the c2 plugin, for which development has not yet begun.   I always just copy paste the post from the construct classic forum.

    The editor will be the same, so you can still use that, and cc is free, and has the same event structure, so you can still test out characters you animate, and save them for later use in a c2 game.   Keep a lookout for the link later today.

  • hi guys, small update before the official announcement. It doesn't look like I'll achieve feature complete beta status on time for dec 1. a few construct classic bugs and missing features slowed progress, such as platform behavior crashing on nonsprite objects, and a few others, and so I had to fix those before moving on with spriter.   

    however, the good news is that because i will miss the dec 1st deadline for achieving beta status, I will be opening alpha to everyone a week early, so within the next two days I'll be releasing the alpha version of both the editor, and the construct classic plugin as well, to the entire scirra community so you can actually load characters in game, and start reporting bugs and requesting features.

    I'll also announce the future plans of spriter, both the immediate future, such as the order you can expect the currently announced features to be implemented, and the complete to-do list for 1.0, and also the possible future feature set.

    see you soon with download links, and instructions. happy thanksgiving!

  • hi guys, small update before the official announcement. It doesn't look like I'll achieve feature complete beta status on time for dec 1. a few construct classic bugs and missing features slowed progress, such as platform behavior crashing on nonsprite objects, and a few others, and so I had to fix those before moving on with spriter.   

    however, the good news is that because i will miss the dec 1st deadline for achieving beta status, I will be opening alpha to everyone a week early, so within the next two days I'll be releasing the alpha version of both the editor, and the plugin as well, to the entire scirra community so you can actually load characters in game, and start reporting bugs and requesting features.

    I'll also announce the future plans of spriter, both the immediate future, such as the order you can expect the currently announced features to be implemented, and the complete to-do list for 1.0, and also the possible future feature set.

    see you soon with download links, and instructions. happy thanksgiving!

  • firefox 8.0

    and on the basic arcade page:

    all the links except for the space shooter one and intergalactic matter

    basically everything under 'examples'

    just tried it again to make sure it wasn't a fluke

    still happens for me

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