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    canvas worked for me when I was working on it. for the next version, a memory leak in canvas is fixed, and distort maps have been added

  • Uh, I've just looked at the image... should I expect a SWAT team to burst in through windows?no, I should

  • make it would crash every time i went to add or move would still crash a stability seems to be the main complaint. here is a test exe for the new ui so far. please let me know if it works for you. once complete, the final 1.0 version of spriter will be built on this.   so please test it out, and try to make it glitch up or crash, and tell me how you did it.   press space bar to create a window, right click to add elements:

    download ui test here

    <img src="" border="0">

    a way to mirror/flip a animationou can set the width to -.originalwidth to do a mirror

    Hey Lucid, is the commercial version found at compatiable with this plugin for Construct Classic. we have a converter between the old and new format available. mike has the link. I'll get it from him and post it later.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • o man, I totally didn't realize there was a second search button.   also, I mentioned this a while back, but thought I might eventually get used to it, but it's kinda annoying that it's a fake search bar at the top complete with changing cursor, because the impulse is to start typing. if it can't be an actual functional editbox up there, i don't think it should be disguised as one either. just my 2 cents

  • I agree, but here's an easier way that involves less searching, reading, and writing

  • Yeah, don't rememeber the name of this studio, but I've always found their animation to be well entrenched in uncanny valley, and the movies to be mediocre. Also, I didn't grow up watching tintin, however I think the sub-title to this movie has the word 'unicorn' in it, which has me more interested than all the other factors

  • I am still trying to understand where these triangles are being formed.

    object starting point is red

    object ending point is pink

    light grey lines are examples of nonrelative x and y offsets.

    black are examples of directions of motion.

    when you're trying to get the speed relative to an angle, you're trying to get the black part of the triangles.

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • So, i know that lucid are working on spriter...but...but...anyone trying to help develop CC?

    ing is right

    I was also working on cc, btw.

    lucid is right, the new devs have been doing some work on a new release recently and we're going to try and put together an r2 release soon. We're just very busy at the moment, but I do want to get this done in the next couple of weeks.

  • ok. thanks again.   I'll do my best to get this next version out before christmas. This one will feature a massive ui overhaul, and so far other than loading invalid files or files with missing images(also should not make it crash, will be fixed in future version) the plugin itself has had no stability issues reported yet. So the ui overhaul, aside from improving useability, should also solve most crashing and stability issues as well. Bear with me on this one, because it's a larger workload than most previous updates, but after this, the race to 1.0 should proceed much more smoothly and quickly.

  • yeah on left button clicked

    mousex, and mousey

    also, if you're zoomed in or scrolled on layers separate from other layers you can do mousex(layer name or number),

    mousey(layer name or number)

  • This seems like it could be good but it currently crashes every time i use the editor.

    If i load the example files (also tested with the fixed .sprtr posted later as well) every time i click on something it will crash.

    If i start a new project it works better but moving the timeline bar i get a crash and the same thing after using it for a while.

    The Classic example and plugin worked ok after editing it, the editor seems way too unstable at the moment however.

    well, if you try it again, and pinpoint your exact steps to getting it to crash, please post to the workflowy if it's not already there. As far as general instability though. What I'm currently working on is general ui plugin. Most of the problems I've fixed so far with crashes come from the ui itself, so stability should be much improved in the next version.

    These changes will also lead to a more practical and customizable ui.

    I'll post an update when the changes are closer to completion, and thanks everyone for trying it out.

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Member since 16 Jan, 2009

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