Construct Classic r1.2 released

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  • Can someone please help me? I installed construct classic r1.2 on my computer and every time I try to use it I get a popup saying

    "This application has failed to start because XAPOFX1_1.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

    And I have reinstalled it multiple times, but it doesn't work. If someone here could help me that would be great.

  • Can someone please help me? I installed construct classic r1.2 on my computer and every time I try to use it I get a popup saying

    "This application has failed to start because XAPOFX1_1.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

    And I have reinstalled it multiple times, but it doesn't work. If someone here could help me that would be great.

    This should really be in the help section.

    Have a look at the thread HERE. Hopefully, you're problem is the same.


  • > Can someone please help me? I installed construct classic r1.2 on my computer and every time I try to use it I get a popup saying


    > "This application has failed to start because XAPOFX1_1.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."


    > And I have reinstalled it multiple times, but it doesn't work. If someone here could help me that would be great.


    This should really be in the help section.

    Have a look at the thread HERE. Hopefully, you're problem is the same.


    AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! lol. thank you so much. I would of never known to install a lower version of directx to get it to work. It's working fine now once again thank you!

  • Would be nice to have the command "Change collision mode" for tile object, since it can be set to solid, so I could change the collision mode from "bounding box" to "none" and vice versa

  • I totally Agree with you there

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  • Is there an option in the sprite editor to make the image background transparent? i notice that when i add an image to the room it still has the white background around it........

  • Its better to start a new thread in the help forum to ask questions like this.

    But to answer it, I usually use the "wand" tool in the picture editor to select the areas I want transparent and then just press delete button.

  • Hopefully somebody is still tinkering with Classic for the occasional update. I just wanted to say that I've been getting a bug more frequently where Construct says "Out of memory" and you have to restart the program, so I'm guessing there's a leak somewhere? Most frequently happens when compiling a preview, since I guess that builds up the most memory use.

    Most annoying because the program goes weird and might not let me save before the restart sometimes because of how glitchy it gets.

  • That might be related to a memory leak I found with the picture editor. If I use the picture editor (opening, closing and saving) a lot on a layout with a lot of objects, eventually the interface tends gets messed up (indicating a memory leak, as it's the same thing that happened with another confirmed memory leak that was fixed). When I try to reproduce it though in a blank .cap, it doesn't happen, which is why I haven't reported it.

    It's an annoying workaround, but I get around it by simply restarting construct after working with the picture editor a bit.

  • Does this work with 64 bit Windows 7? It crashes as soon as I load it on both my Win7 computers. Running in compatibility and as administrator doesn't help.

  • It should work. I know windows 7 doesn't include Directx 9, but Construct's installer should take care of that. What error message do you get when it crashes? You could also try to run Construct's installer as an administrator in case some of the install is being blocked.

  • I just get "Construct has stopped working" Then it checks for a solution and simply says that it stops working correctly and closing the program is the only option.

    EDIT: Ok, I figured out what's wrong. I just had to create a new project. Apparently messing around with it with no projects open causes it to crash.

  • So, i know that lucid are working on spriter...but...but...anyone trying to help develop CC?

  • I've heard rumors that a new release of CC will be released eventually, and that it IS being worked on.

  • So, i know that lucid are working on spriter...but...but...anyone trying to help develop CC?

    ing is right

    I was also working on cc, btw.

    lucid is right, the new devs have been doing some work on a new release recently and we're going to try and put together an r2 release soon. We're just very busy at the moment, but I do want to get this done in the next couple of weeks.

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