Blinky_RSA's Forum Posts

  • Trolling :P?

  • Hey yall,

    Is there a "option" to stop syncing position and/or angle on a selected instance of a specific object type - or hold/freeze a specific selected instance of the object type that is currently being sync?

    I am working on a experiment as instances of a specific object type that or not visible (such as not on screen or not visible etc...) to the peer are no longer sync'd by the host until the peer have vision of the "ghost/hold" object instance.

    The purpose of this is to reduce the packets that is being send/received as 100+ objects that is being sync'd where as the angle and position is constantly shifting unpredictably can cause some funny hiccups on longer distances.

    The experiment is also relayed behind a TURN server.

    Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated greatly!

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  • Good day guys,

    I am working on a 2D side view multiplayer tower defense game. The base game is already completed but I currently need a artist to assist me with the artwork that is needed.

    Please send me a pm for more details!

  • Thank you Eren,

    What is the purpose of the Web Worker? Does it improve the performance of my Game?

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  • Eren Thank you for the ports, but they doesn't seem to be working anymore. I tried loading Firebase and Firebase API v3 blank, and my app crash. I attached a image for you.

    Thanks so much in advance

  • Thank you ash, I am going to try both methods, how do I do the second suggestion? APK Whitelisting?

  • Hi guys, I have a website called Floores it loads perfectly through the iframe that construct uses, but the only page that doesn't want to load through the iframe is the login page. This only happens on the android compiled apk... And I get the following error:

    Web Page not available

    The web page at could not be loaded because


    Any ideas or help will greatly be appreciated.

  • I did the else condition as you said, and thought that might be where my problem lies... But silly me just discovered that I exchanged my angles with my grid index so it was like trying to look at grid index 180 etc...

    It's fixed now, but thanks anyways :D

  • Hey all,

    I have another question,

    How do I do the following:

    IF 	a = "Test3"
    	b = "Test2"
    	c = "Test1"
    	Result = "True first"
    -> OR
    IF 	a = "Test5"
    	b = "Test6"
    	c = "Test7"
    	Result = "True second"
     -> OR
    IF 	a = "Test7"
    	b = "Test8"
    	c = "Test9"
    	Result = "True third"

    I hope this makes sense, what I'm trying to do is to have a set/group of conditions and if one of the "group" conditions are met to execute a specific set of events for that specific type of condition that was met.

    And tips or advice would greatly be appreciated.

  • Thank you!

  • Nobody said anything about mental problems, I'm asking why you want to have sub folders for family objects. If for example I have some families "Enemies" "Characters" "Weapons", I can't think of a sub folder I would need to create to categorize it further.


    Family: Guns
    -- ********
    -- ********
    -- ********
    -- ********
    -- ********
    -- ********
    Family: Melee Weapons
    -- ********
    -- ********
    -- ********
    -- ********
  • Hi guys, I am facing a problem and not sure if it's a bug... But whenever I run a repeat inside a function, the loopindex is always 0... How can I make this work?

    + System: On start of layout
    -> Functions: Call DoCount (Times: 100)
    * On function 'DoCount'
    * Parameter 'Times' (Number)
    ----+ System: Repeat Times times
    -----> System: Wait 0.1 × LoopIndex seconds
    -----> Text: Set text to LoopIndex

    The value of loopindex always says 0

  • Hi all, Ashley I have a quick suggestion for the debugger, more like a quality of life feature...

    1. When you choose to show the debugger in its own window, it would remember that the next time you run.

    2. An option to switch the default "Preview" button, so let's say you click on Debug Preview, next time you click on "Preview" it would run "Debug Preview" automatically.

    3. The Debugger will remember it's own position every time you move it so that if you run "Preview" again the next time, it would be at the last position you moved it to.

  • Read the following regarding Layouts as it may help you with your goal;