Blinky_RSA's Forum Posts

  • No way. This game is Insane hard

  • <font size="3">Have you sometimes forgotten a password?</font>

    <font size="3">Do you want to make your Brother/Sister Mad?</font>

    <font size="3">And you don't know there User's Password?</font>

    <font size="4">Well I Have a Sulution for you!</font>

    I have created a small application with CN, ye CN. that can change a users password without you even knowing there password, And I think many people know the trick behind my application, but hey it's just for the fun and I was bored.<img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    This application works <font size="4">100%</font> if all the info was enterd correctly.

    I hope you guys Enjoy it!


  • Do You have any Cap file that I can work of from? <img src="smileys/smiley25.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Are you trying to make it work out a % of something?, Bec "percenta". I am just Gesing

    Anyhow, This might help:

    Download here

  • Everyone Keep saying: Good looking artwork, But I also like to know how is the game play. So that I can know whether I sould go on, or stop with my project

  • <font size="6">HEROES OF NEWERTH</font>

    Hi, guys.

    <font color="red">First of all this is not a ad.</font>

    Some of you probbly know HON. and how much fun it is.

    Lemmy make this short for you guys, There is this new promotion at hon,

    Every time someone create a account with a link to a user account, the user gain gold, and gold is very hard to get.

    So.. I would enjoy it very much if you just can spare like 2 min and create a account with the given link. You don't ever have tp own the game.


    <font size="5">If you don't know what is hon, well now you will find out</font>

    <font size="4">HON is a FREE-TO-PLAY mmropg, simular to Legue of legend (lol) and Dota</font>

    <img src="" border="0">

    More info, if you wanto to play/Register

    Game Size: 700MB- mybie 200mb updates

    Heroes of Newerth puts two teams of players against each other: the Legion and the Hellbourne.[5] Both teams are based at opposite sides of a map. The standard map is split into three continuous 'lanes' (Two in one of the lesser-played maps), running from one base to the other. Defensive towers are positioned evenly through each lane, until the lanes terminate at a team's base. Bases are strongly defended with extra defensive towers, and buildings from which units spawn. These units, termed 'creeps' are spawned every thirty seconds, and run along their lane until they meet opposition - which they then attack. Victory is achieved when one of the teams manages to push into the base of the opposing team, and destroys their primary structure; the Hellbourne's 'Sacrificial Shrine', or the Legion's 'Tree of Life'. At any point after fifteen minutes has expired a team can choose to concede defeat - this loses them the game and requires a unanimous team vote to pass or a 'four of five' vote after the thirty minute mark.

    Players on each team choose one of 95 heroes, featuring a variety of abilities and advantages to compensate for any shortcomings. Players control a single hero from a top-down perspective, while common features of real time strategy games such as base management and resource collection are removed.[6] Every hero has four abilities that may be acquired and upgraded as the hero gains experience and levels up. Experience is gained for being within the range of enemy units when they are killed. The maximum level a hero may achieve is 25 and the experience required per level gain increases with each new level. The player obtains gold though periodic income and combat experience, which is used for buying various items for his or her hero. All heroes involved in the death of an enemy hero are rewarded experience and gold, while the hero that has dealt the killing blow receives the greatest portion of gold. Players may terminate their allied creeps and structures when they are almost dead to prevent the enemy from placing the killing blow and gaining additional gold and experience. These technique is referred to as "denying". When a hero dies, he loses a part of his gold and after a certain amount of time, based on their level and number of deaths, respawn at the well located in their team's respective base.

    Once started, average game length is around 35 minutes.[7] Players on the winning team gain ranking points while the other team loses them. Ranking points are used to place players on the ladder system and it has no influence on game play- players are always on equal footing despite their ranking.



  • I can see you have a problem with choosing a file hosting server, you can try dropbox, once you get to know it. it like draging a file on your computer. Also Dropbox is a much faster way for other users to get game files, Exsamples only with 1 click.

    AND: Try useing a ENG hosting server so that other users know how they can download the files. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • <font size="4">EDIT:</font><font size="3">You can download Cap</font>

    Download .cap

    <font size="3">Note: You will need a Custom Effect.</font>


  • I realy Enjoyed the video!!

  • You Can Ask This At The Construct 2 How Do I... Section

    Or Go here

  • Looks realy Cool!!

  • Thanks! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • <font color="green"><font size="6">Shroom</font> </font><font color="brown"><font size="6">War</font></font><font size="6">Z</font>

    <font color="green"><font size="5">Demo</font> </font>

    I always love TD games, so I deside to make my own verion of a TD type game, a 2d Platformer TD.

    You can try it out now. (10MB)

    <font size="4">You have nothing to lose, just try it. </font>


    Download V1.1.0 Only Bugs Fix

    NOTE<img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    1.Tools Section has been disbale, Due many bugs.

    2.There is a 0.01% a frog get stuck

    3.only 2 Shrooms, and 2 type of frogs so far

    4.only 10 waves so far

    5.No Deafeat/Victory

    6.Unbalanced waves

    FUTURE ADDINGS<img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    1.Pots, for Shrooms that is placed on wood

    2.more Shrooms/Plants, More Frogs/Flying Insects

    3.Better UI interface look

    4.More Res Support, Full Screen

    5.Highly blanced wave hits

    6.Victory/Defeat animations add

    <font size="3">GOING TO ADD</font>

    Shroom 1= Dps

    Shroom2= Healer

    That mean there is not going to be a repair option

    <img src="" border="0">

    <font size="6">Game Layout</font>

    <img src="" border="0">

    <font size="6">Characters So Far</font>

    <font size="5">Shrooms</font>

    <img src="" border="0">

    <font size="5">Frogs</font>

    <img src="" border="0">

    <font size="6">On Working.</font><font size="5"> Blood Animations.</font>

    <img src="" border="0">

    <font color="Red"><font size="6">PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK</font></font>

    <font color="Red"><font size="5">If wish for me to complete this game, then please give some feedback.</font></font>

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • <font size="5"><font color="red">Install this at your own risk, and for crying out loud, back up your files first! It's a beta of an operating system, Or you can Use PC Virtual if you just want to see how it looks.</font>

    Windows 8 Developer Preview</font>

    The Windows 8 Developer Preview is a pre-beta version of Windows 8 for developers. These downloads include prerelease software that may change without notice. The software is provided as is, and you bear the risk of using it. It may not be stable, operate correctly or work the way the final version of the software will. It should not be used in a production environment. The features and functionality in the prerelease software may not appear in the final version. Some product features and functionality may require advanced or additional hardware, or installation of other software.

    Note: You can't uninstall the Windows 8 Developer Preview. To go back to your previous operating system, you must reinstall it from restore or installation media.

    <font size="4">Windows 8 Developer Preview with developer tools English, 64-bit (x64)</font>

    DOWNLOAD (4.8Gb)

    All of the following come on a disk image file (.iso). See below for installation instructions.

        64-bit Windows 8 Developer Preview

        Windows SDK for Metro style apps

        Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Express for Windows 8 Developer Preview

        Microsoft Expression Blend 5 Developer Preview

        28 Metro style apps including the BUILD Conference app

    <font size="4">Windows 8 Developer Preview English, 64-bit (x64)</font>

    DOWNLOAD (3.6GB)

    Includes a disk image file (.iso) to install the Windows 8 Developer Preview and Metro style apps on a 64-bit PC.

    Note: This download does not include developer tools. You must download the Windows 8 Developer Preview with developer tools 64-bit (x64) to build Metro style apps.

    <font size="4">Windows 8 Developer Preview English, 32-bit (x86)</font>

    DOWNLOAD (2.6 GB)

    Includes a disk image file (.iso) to install the Windows 8 Developer Preview and Metro style apps on a 32-bit PC.

    Note: This download does not include developer tools. You must download the Windows 8 Developer Preview with developer tools 64-bit (x64) to build Metro style apps.

    <font size="6">Live SDK</font>

    DOWNLOAD (1.3 MB)

    The Live SDK provides a set of controls and APIs that enable applications to integrate Single Sign On (SSO) with Windows Live ID and access information from SkyDrive, Hotmail and Windows Live Messenger. To learn more and to download the SDK, go to the Live Connect Dev Center.

    <font size="3">System Requirements</font>

    The Windows 8 Developer Preview works great on the same hardware that powers Windows Vista and Windows 7:

        1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor

        1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)

        16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)

        DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

        Taking advantage of touch input requires a screen that supports multi-touch

        To run Metro style Apps, you need a screen resolution of 1024 X 768 or greater

    <font size="6">HOW TO INSTALL GO TO</font>


    <font color="red"><font size="4">I rec use Vurtual PC if you are not sure how to install</font></font>

    <font color="red"><font size="6">I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE REAL THING!</font></font>

  • I don't understand "Use google E-mail Plugin"