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  • I think it looks fantastic. What are the "broken" parts of it? Also, is this a plugin, or are you just doing it with events?

    Either way, I think you should ask for help in the forums, there are some users who may be able to weigh in and give you some ideas. With how long you've worked on it, and how close you are, it's definitely not the time to give up. Also, if you've ever done even a little programming, and this is purely events, I would really recommend trying out the SDK tutorial. I've found that in most cases, the more complex the solution gets, the more it lends itself to an actual programming language more than Construct. Also, when you have your solution, it's portable, and easy to use. You'll have actions and conditions in related to the isometricness, and when you go to make a new game you just add the behavior or object, and it's there again

  • hmmm. that does sound annoying. There's almost never a server filled with nothing but camping snipers, there's also certain servers that don't allow snipers, or limit the number of them.

  • Bad Company 2 had a lot of poor design descions, mainly bad map design that encourages players to sit still and snipe (not to mention the funnelling movement from the spawn area). The grinding to unlock things is particularly annoying in a game that's trying to be competitive. Learning the game and each of its weapons is the most enjoyable part, but once you've mastered the game, theres nothing left for you (I suppose playing in a clan would help, if you can bothered).

    I think the map design is great. There's one sniperfest map I dislike, and the rest of the maps are fun, varied in appearance and playstyle, and believable as locations that might actually exist. they make highly tactical gameplay possible, but also feel very organic and realistic.

    And what's left for you after you unlock everything is an online multiplayer fps. The whole point of these games is to go online, destroy people, and engage in tactical team play. I liked the unlock system. It's fun. Even when it was annoying. And you don't grind to unlock. You just play the game like normal. The only difference is, you might have to play medic longer than you wanted to.

    the spawn area thing is irrelevant. The whole game is squad based, so you and your squad coordinate by spawning off of eachother or off of captured points if you all die

    not saying your opinion is invalid or anything, just giving the alternate point of view


    I'd really like to play a game with a decent matchmaking system (Halo 3's and SC2's are okay) so that you don't have to spend a lifetime trying to find a match where each player is of a similar skill level (theoritically, the most satisfying challenge is one which is equal to your skill), but Battlefield still holds onto the awfuly outdated server list system where you play against random kids of random skill levels, it's possible to see the game's skill range in a single match (an FPS beginner trying to figure out how to aim a gun and walk at the same time, and a veteran pro FPS player).

    I'm not sure how it is on xbox or whatever, but on pc, it has a perfectly state of the art server system. Being able to specify filters to help you choose between hundreds of fast servers, all with gamers in them. Servers that can be customized. It's how it's supposed to be. if your team sucks, be the one that makes it better. if it still sucks, change servers. If you want to play similarly skilled players, try different servers until you find a good skill mix, and favorite it. I don't need my pc telling me who I should play against. When I play with or against vets I learn from them, and sometimes its fun to kills noobs over and over.

  • Yea bc2 is good. I particularly enjoy c4-ing atv's and zooming up to enemy tanks for the kill. I hate the arduous and unfair unlock process though. Veterans have all the best weapons, while new players get the crap weapons. And those graphics are crazy in the trailer.

    yeah, that's funny. I was one of the pioneers of the c4atv maneuver. At least, when I started doing it, I hadn't seen anyone else try it yet. I got it from unreal tournament 3. And I just recently finished unlocking all the equipment.

    Played Crysis 2 yet Lucid? The lighting is gorgeous.


    crysis 2 upped the game, now battlefield 3 can top it maybe...

    its all about the shaders and textures

    I've played Crysis 2, and I have a gaming pc, so I played it maxed. It definitely looks good, especially when you emerge into the light after walking through a dark corridor, and the awesome lightbloom is even more powerful for a second....definitely awesome, but it's got nothing on those battlefield 3 trailers. crytek, like so many others, sold out, and made it a console port. I doesn't even use dx11.

    My jaw dropped at watching that trailer. The graphics look far better than the unreal and crysis tech vids that showed up. The lighting and graphics and especially how they move makes that look real. Incredible.

    yeah, about the animation :

    awesome interview:

    also, I can't find it now, but he said something about the destruction system, and how it's next gen in a way that nothing out there even comes close to.

    btw, the sound in bad company 2 is probably the best in any game. If you're in a desert, hiding inside the husk of a bus, you hear the perfectly clear and unmistakable sound of bits of sand hitting the metal as wind blows, or tiny creaks. And then a tank fires near you, in a realistically deafening boom.

    anyway. top quality stuff

  • this is what current gen pc games are supposed to look like.

    right-click view image to see the entire thing

    <img src="">

    If you've never played battlefield:bad company 2, and you're a fan of fps's, it's a must play game. I've never played Call of Duty again since my first match in bf:bc2.

    but I digress:

    look at these vids: ... e-footage/ ... -launcher/

    About time someone stepped up to the plate.

  • Or use custom movement pushout

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  • so what's the status, done?

  • here's the latest version:

    I know it's annoying but I think some of the older tutorial cap files don't work with the latest version, that's why the old link is still on page one. so you kinda upgrade as you progress through tuts... I had planned to redo them to work with the latest version, but my fulltime job is a hellish oppressive negative force in my life that functions as a sort of time vortex, funneling away all my time, along with most of my freedom, and parts of my soul.

    not sure if you were asking what it mean as well, but here goes

    tt stands for true type

    meaning you have a family called "blue"

    that has several objecttypes as members of the family

    you can do stuff like add objecttype to objecttype array"blue")

    and instead of adding the type "blue" to the array, it will add the actual type of the object currently selected as blue

    it can come in handy in other situations as well. like

    on collision with "blue"

    ---------------do this

    ---------------do that

    ---------------system compare"blue") equals "deathsprite"

    ------------------------------------------begin fadeout

    .....or whatever

    oh yeah, you can also use it in non 's' stuff where you can normally pick an object type

    like say, you want anything that's a member of "blue" to clone itself when clicked

    on click on object "blue"

    ---system - create object

    and instead of using the dropdown list, you right click on the list to choose an object, right click and click 'use expression'

    then there you can type"blue"), and now that object type will be what's created

    pretty much anytime you'd want to know the real type of a picked family, you can use it

  • yeah, in my demo thingy embryo, I believe I had over 70 layers of parallax grass:(you can see it runs very smoothly) ... ame_alpha/

    the slight fps hiccups there were caused by fraps recording

  • I'm a big firefox supporter and fan and all that. And it'll still be my number 1 browser, but erm...:

    <img src="">

    (this is a screenshot of my firefox browser a minute ago)

    here we see internet explorer crashing on mozilla's firefoxlive server apparently? I mean haha, ie crash and all, but why aren't they using firefox?!?!?!

    to make matters worse, I clicked the little link down there for highlight reel, and it wouldn't display correctly in firefox, it didn't have the video play controls, so it was paused on the first frame. Then I tried it in IE and it worked perfectly..


    <img src="">

    how embarrassing

  • I'm not saying I'll do it, as it's not really an option at this point timewise, but either plugin is very possible, the general xml one particular. also, it says it supports custom output formats, which means you can design an exporter specifically for your importer. As a side note though, the isometric thing would still require something else to make it work gameplaywise.

  • I did it on my time, for my own reasons, because I wanted to give back something to the community that made Construct what it was. Not because I was expecting something in return.

    I've seen a lot of this sort of attitude on the forum lately and frankly I'm a little concerned. Try losing that misplaced sense of entitlement and rekindle your community spirit. If you're not here because you enjoy being here and you support Construct then what's the point?

    And no, this isn't aimed solely at you Draven, I've seen it happening a lot around here lately.

    totally agree. it's annoyingly nonstop in the c2 forums.

    They're trying to make an awesome game creator. They decided they wanted to make a career out of it as well. End of story. You're not abandoned stepchildren. You're not slighted exgirlfriends. You're not victims of another great indie group selling out to the almighty dollar.

    You're the lucky users of a great piece of software that was given to you for free. And the beta testers of an improved version of that software, that deserves to go commercial. I know this isn't the tone Ashley and Tom have been trying to project, so I'm definitely speaking for myself here. but if it offends anyone, I assure you the tone taken by most of the those who feel like they have some debt to hold over scirra's head is just as offensive to me.

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