I'm a big firefox supporter and fan and all that. And it'll still be my number 1 browser, but erm...:
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1013446/firefoxfail.JPG">
(this is a screenshot of my firefox browser a minute ago)
here we see internet explorer crashing on mozilla's firefoxlive server apparently? I mean haha, ie crash and all, but why aren't they using firefox?!?!?!
to make matters worse, I clicked the little link down there for highlight reel, and it wouldn't display correctly in firefox, it didn't have the video play controls, so it was paused on the first frame. Then I tried it in IE and it worked perfectly..
<img src="http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjwWeDI2mayiPHcpQkHe2vjpUS-cEjL8rsJdm9hGsdw4TvOC0_&t=1">
how embarrassing