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  • yeah, s has them done for you already as expressions

    under the expression list

    "get rotated x/y from offsets does this"

    S.xoffrot(origin x, origin angle, x offset, y offset)

    S.yoffrot(origin y, origin angle, x offset, y offset)

    origin x or y would be your hotspot, or sprite location

    angle is the sprites angle

    x and y offset are your imagepoint x and y

    and it returns the x location of where the imagepoint would be

    The "get x offset" and "get y offset" expressions do the reverse

    if you have a thing that you want to be the new imagepoint, but your sprite is already rotated, so you need to retrieve these rotated x and y offsets, you do that with those expressions

    maybe I'll add those to the math plugin next, since it'd be a simple copy/paste job

  • It's possible to exchange bit coins for USD though I think!

    I'll take bitcoins.. USD seems to be on the verge on death.

    I like the whole concept of bitcoins as well...

    strange how the internet is forming into such a powerful antiestablishment force. wikileaks, Anonymous, and now this. A while back thepiratebay was providing a completely anonymous outlet for people in destabilized arab countries to communicate without fear of the government...uh...executions. MIT's opencourseware as well. I know these are mostly unrelated things, but I can see a similar thread running through it all.

    soon there will be an opensource government taking paypal and bitcoin donations as we all vote for a plot of land to form our utopian trolls allowed.

    seriously though. I really like where things are headed with the worldwideweb, and the what it can mean for society. This amazing force for truth, good, and humanity. Already, the communication that goes on in noncrap forums sometimes amazes me. Conversations I never thought I'd see going on, it's amazing. Even the stupidity that goes on becomes commonplace enough that the general consensus of the world as to what is and isn't acceptable behavior is becoming sort of an open-morality and open-etiquette type filter.

    Anyway. I've got more work to do, but not to derail the thread, but does anyone else see or have any thoughts on the direction the global online community is or isn't going, and what it can mean to the sociopolitical structure in say the next hundred to two hundred years?

  • D'oh!

    Happens to the best of us, dtrq.

    I made a file dialogue plugin once only to realize there's already an official one

  • Awesome, as always Lucid!

    It reminds me of Ubiart, which is great.

    Keep it up, can't wait to try it

    yeah, this was an idea I've had for a while, seeing how good ubiart looked in action was part of the inspiration to take it all the way

    So you can copy texture chunks from the backdrop onto morphable polygons and keyframe them with tweening? Looks really awesome.

    as I'll show in the next vid, it isn't just like a background image, you can take any number of images, and stretch them or rotate them, and place them, and then rip em out for bone skinning, multiple skins per bone permitted as well, as well as multiple frames per skin. The code is already mostly there, adding some more UI to be able to use it is what I'm working on at the moment. and if you remember all the procedural animation generation and blending I've always started on or talked about, that stuff is in there as well but I finally figured out how to tie it all together in one generalized easy to work with way.

    damn good work man XD you gonna go into commercial games?

    I sure hope so finishing this project is my first step toward that goal. Then I'm going to make some tech demos, then a level editor that's similarly flexible and organic, and a few levels of a chapter based game. Then the rest I'm hoping will be history

  • thanks guys

    wait so you want to tell me that you can put this in construct?

    yeah, this is actually created in construct. it's the editor version of the plugin. The files it exports will be loaded by the ingame version, which will be the same thing, but stripped down without the editor features, so it will just play and mix animations with commands like the sprite object has

  • So this is the humble beginnings of the engine I've really wanted to be creating in all my unfinished previous work. I was always trying to rush it, though. This is the culmination of everything I learned in those projects, including not trying to rush anything really ambitious.

    anywho, for now the plan is for it to be an in-house engine that will export characters to c1 and c2... preinterface prealpha:

    Left Click Images to view Videos

    skinning, and basic skin deformation

    newer skin deformation

  • Something else to consider is we're planning a new model for families when we get round to them. Objects will inherit the variables and behaviors from the families they're in. So instead of family variables and behaviors being all-those-in-common, you define them seperately and all objects in the family get them, no questions asked. In this case, you can add a 'Sprite solids' family with a solid behavior, and any object in that family also gets the solid behavior. This way you get both! You can make an object solid either by adding the behavior, or adding to a family you made with a solid behavior.

    With that in mind, does this sound better?


  • yeah, if I remember correctly r0j0 indicated the situations it doesn't work with

  • I see what you mean ash, but my only concerns are not having several tabs in the ace dialogue, like if purely attribute behaviors should just take a single tab. just seems like a lot of overhead for a single value. The entire plugin sdk compiled for a boolean, although you can probably afford it most situations still seems a little wasteful

    And I disagree with mipey I think. I mean...what? How would you define a solid object for platform behavior to jump on?

  • I don't know, so you're saying, a character that has platform behavior but acts as a platform for other things too jump on that's destroyed on startup has to have platform behavior, is-a-platform behavior, and destroy on startup behavior?

    Maybe behind the scenes its nicer, but I think these attribute behaviors shouldn't look the same in the editor as regular behaviors. Clutter for the property pane under behaviors and in ace dialogues where you have 3 tabs with only enable/disable on them

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  • here ya go:

    I've been meaning to release a math thing for a while, consider this plugin fully working and stable, anything I add from here won't interfere with old caps. I'll probably add 3d math next. this is an easy to make and easy to use thing I'll have no trouble adding to as I work on my current project

    example usage:

    ps: s has this function but I oopsed it up. I"ll have to fix that later

  • 1. the one posted now is probably going to be the last one ever made for Construct 0.9x

    it is perfectly up to date, and you can use it to make plugins for the current version of construct

    2. the current sdk is only compatible with Visual Studio. The sdk project file is a visual studio project file

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