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  • hmm

    maybe put all sortable objects in two families

    lets say red and blue

    on start of layout

    sort stuff


    trigger once while true

    red overlaps blue

    sort again?

    ....seems like it might work-

    if you make it sort one particular object on command

    activate it on

    original zindex of overlapped objects in event + and -1

    after the move

    and original zindex of overlapped objects in event + and -1 after move

  • superawesome!

  • In other words, I want to use S like a standard 2d array for the level data,

    edit: just realized tulamide's #2 method was what I was going to say was the closest thing to a 2d array, but

    There's probably an easier way to do what you're thinking, what're you going to use the 2d array for?

  • no, unfortunately.

    Most brightness controls are on the monitor itself, with no software interface. At least not a universal one you can program without proprietary software.

    You could do one of those brightness things, where you tell the player to turn down the brightness until a symbol is barely visible

    but for in game brightness controls, other than like making a big transparent black square over everything I can't think of a way you could do it.

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  • yes, it's from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

    and it's hardly a secret DtrQ.

    developed for television by Lauren Faust who is famed for her work on two of Cartoon Network's noted franchises The Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, on all of which she worked with their creator and her husband Craig McCracken.

    The animation is the best quality flash animation I've seen period(even helped to inspire me while making my animation engine). The voice acting is universally outstanding. It has characters that actually develop, and have flaws. And it's funny. I have my daughters as an excuse to watch it if I'm ever confronted by the Heterosexual Adult Male Brigade, but honestly, I'd still be unashamedly a fan of the show. If you're a cartoon/animation fan, it's the best thing since Powerpuff Girls. Much closer in spirit to that show btw, than to the original MLP series.

    I was extremely skeptical at first about taking the job. Shows based on girls? toys always left a bad taste in my mouth, even when I was a child. They did not reflect the way I played with my toys. I assigned my ponies and my Strawberry Shortcake dolls distinctive personalities and sent them on epic adventures to save the world. On TV, though, I couldn?t tell one girl character from another and they just had endless tea parties, giggled over nothing and defeated villains by either sharing with them or crying?which miraculously inspired the villain to turn nice. Even to my 7-year-old self, these shows made no sense and couldn?t keep my interest. No wonder the boys at school laughed at my Rainbow Unicorn Trapper Keeper.

    From what I?ve seen since I?ve grown up, little has changed. To look at the quality of most girls? cartoons, it would seem that not one artist really cared about them. Not one designer, not one background painter, not one animator. Some of the more well-meaning, more expensive animated productions for girl audiences may look better, but the female characters have been so homogenized with old-fashioned ?niceness? that they have no flaws and are unrelatable. They are so pretty, polite and perfect; there is no legitimate conflict and nothing exciting ever happens. In short, animated shows for little girls come across as boring. Stupid. Lame.

    This perception, more than anything, is what I am trying to change with My Little Pony.

    apparently, I'm not alone either:

    "Thank you! My goal was to make a show that parents could watch with their daughters without wanting to shoot themselves in the head. It has always been our intention to provide stories that would be entertaining for adults as well as kids (the concept of "all ages" entertainment needs to be resurrected outside of Pixar!!) So extremely excited to see that we are successful. Thanks so, so much!"

    "As well, the series has an unusually large following among adults. The series' growth in popularity in this demographic can be seen in the number of pony-related posts on 4chan's /co/, or comics and cartoon boards, which surpassed 6000 per day on February 25 2011.[7] The series has become a meme, and has many devoted followers who refer to themselves as "Bronies". The series creators, as well as many fan blogs, have acknowledged and encouraged the show's popularity with the older demographic"

    It's at least 20% cooler than anything else out there.

    Oh, and adventure time is awesome, too.

  • or



    For 0 to global('life')

    system, create object "heart" at global('lifebarx')+((heart.width+5)*loopindex)

    that doesn't need multiple frames

  • wow, awesome

    if there was any weakpoint, I would say it was the parts with regular text. It just looks cheaper than the rest of it

    great job, though

  • Here's something I'm working now:

    looks good, especially the ships

  • I know it's impractical for actual realtime purposes, but did you happen to try triple checking?

    even if it can't work in practice, it'll at least let you learn something about why it's not working

    theoretically, the same way some things could be placed incorrectly in the first round due to the fact that they had outdated info on objects

    something that depended on the location of one of those objects would have outdated info after the second round, when it was updated. this could obviously build up to a big problem, but at least you would know if the sorting logic is flawless, and then you'd just have to work out the order of the checking logic.

    also, you saw rojo's iso thing from a long time ago right? not sure if that would be of any help

  • temps purdu!!! I love that show!!

    just kidding. never heard of it.. congrats though

    looks like some kinda indie highlights show

  • have you tried double checking? so it orders everything using whatever logic you're using, and then does it again, so that the objects that were checked against unchecked objects would go again with updated info. Maybe even loop it several times, if necessary

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