lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Yokai, old school platformer.

    The "engine" is finished, and we will post a gameplay video later this week.

    What do you guys think?

    I think it looks great. This is something I would see and actually considering buying on impulse on steam if the price were right. There aren't many games that look that good and interesting to be honest. the art is awesome, and I'm already looking forward to doing whatever that is with the ball or the balloon mode. Seriously, you do plan to put this on steam right?

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  • I have to use my pc daily, or I die

    Also, sol, since you're into this kinda stuff, just thought id share

    My kids have inherited my 5870(flash based web games never ran so smoothly)

    I recently upgraded to a hd6970

    Kabaam!, fool

    Don't know if you play bc2(best fps out), but battlefield 3 is coming later this year, and Dice says to start saving your money for upgrades. Find a vid and check it out, it looks stupidly amazing. its the first pc game to take full advantage of pc's in a long time, unless you count metro2033, and I dont

  • Look its soljah boy, anyone else remember him?

  • I've done something like this:

    But with each object having its own mini canvas, and it worked great

  • yeah, they thought that with dx 10 and 11 too

  • Bugs are still being fixed. The svn is open now.. I've done a few for the next build, rojo's done quite a few in the past few builds, and of course ashley has as well.

    I can't speak for the devs, but I guess that implementing a pay for bugfix system wouldn't be feasible, since it would have to be implemented on the site, and then watched over, money split with nonofficial devs, etc. Resentment building for paid for but unfixed bugs, etc.

    I will say this though, it being on the bug tracker makes all the difference as to whether it ever gets fixed. Whenever I get the urge to fix some bugs, I go straight to the tracker, as I suspect the others do as well. If its just left in some random thread on the board, there's a good chance it'll never get looked into.

  • Glad you figured it out


    Post the bug to the tracker please that way it can get fixed.

  • I can tell you put alot of love into this,

    great job

  • I doubt I'll be playing mvc3 much anymore, unless my kids want to play with me. mk is my fighter now. the combo system is so satisfying, and like I said before - the gameplay, and the way it combines with the sound and graphics gives such a visceral feel.

    seriously, I give the demo a 10 out of. I haven't been this giddy about a fighting game since killer instinct came out back in '94. I can't stress enough how good this game is.

    It is a must play game.

  • anyone play the mortal kombat demo yet?

    I was a big fan at mk2, mk3 slightly less so, but after that, I didn't really play any of them, and they all seemed crappy. Got playstation plus to download this demo, and I have to say Mortal Kombat is back.

    It's dark, brutal, and very visceral. The combo system is sophisticated, and the whole thing plays really solid. Presentation is top notch, too. Great sound, graphics, animation, and the xrays and fatalities look great.

    4 characters in the demo, and already my favorite fighting game of this generation.

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