Voir un historique complet de tous les changements dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.
Disabled WebGL 2 on Android in C2 runtime
Android: disabled WebGL 2 for the time being due to reports of what appear to be GPU driver bugs. Android devices can still use WebGL 1.
Removed storyboard-splash.png as default image (can optionally be added to customise)
Physics: fixed misleading descriptions of force/impulse image point parameters
Firefox: enabled UI animations for Firefox 63+ (currently Nightly), since the relevant Firefox bug was fixed
Windows Store app: use dialog preview mode only, since a Store bug prevents popup mode from working
Desktop: remember last used paths individually for each kind of file/folder picker
Sine behavior: renamed "active" to "enabled" for consistency with other behaviors
Mouse/Touch: no longer counts as clicking/touching an object if it's off the canvas
Updated export script minifier to latest version
When saving an autosaved file you can now optionally overwrite the original file instead
Recent projects now has an entry for each location a project is saved in, instead of one for the last place a project was saved
Autosave is now a bit smarter, and will only save if something has changed since the last autosave.
Autosave will now save all open projects, not just the active one.
Text editor: Ctrl-F didn't highlight the search box
Mobile Advert: now requires that application ID, publisher ID and privacy policy URL are specified
Mobile Advert: now includes a user consent dialog on startup to conform with GDPR (Android only at the moment, we're working on iOS)
Platform: better handle walls moving horizontally in to the player
Replaced 'Add to home screen' start page tip with a 'Install as app' main menu item
Allow gamepad connection events to unmute audio, if the browser allows
Instant Games: update to SDK v6.2
Google Play: renamed property "Game ID" to "Application ID (android)"
Updated the Cordova plugin versions for Google Play, Mobile IAP and Mobile Ad to latest versions
Loading timeout extended in Cordova exports
Adjusted object type naming scheme so cloning "Sprite_1" uses "Sprite_2" instead of "Sprite_"
Audio: update to handle new audio autoplay restrictions in Chrome 66
Event Sheet View: ensure reasonable column sizes on mobile