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Added Portuguese (BR) language; lots of improvements and fixes; SDK updates
17 July, 2018 ()
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This build adds support for the Portuguese (BR) language by default! Thanks to all the contributors and reviewers who helped on this. We're looking forwards to seeing this reach wider release in an upcoming stable release.
We've also got a range of improvements and bug fixes for you. There are some quality-of-life improvements filling in gaps like being able to update existing addons, multi-select animation frames, and copy-paste for collision polygons. The C3 runtime also continues to improve with some more fixes, and a range of other bug fixes cover some potential crashes and various issues, including with iOS exports.
As ever we're also working hard to make sure Construct 3 works as well as possible in different browsers. Firefox will be able to use UI animations as of Firefox 63+ (due in October) thanks to a fixed Firefox bug. We also fixed some issues affecting Construct 3 in Edge and in the Construct 3 Microsoft Store app, including a workaround for an issue preventing more than one preview from working.
Finally SDK developers can now use a much broader range of features with the Custom Importer API. This allows third-party addons to do things like create animations, containers, new project files and even add events to the project. See the Editor API reference in the Addon SDK documentation for more details (the documentation will be updated shortly).
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Nouveaux ajouts
Addon Manager: now prompts to update addon if installing addon that is already installed
Animations Editor: support for multi-selecting frames - delete and sort multiple frames at once
Animations Editor: copy and paste collision polygons
Physics: fixed misleading descriptions of force/impulse image point parameters
Firefox: enabled UI animations for Firefox 63+ (currently Nightly), since the relevant Firefox bug was fixed
Windows Store app: use dialog preview mode only, since a Store bug prevents popup mode from working
Corrections de bug
C3 runtime: error using Audio 'Preload by name'
C3 runtime: error syncing angle in Multiplayer plugin
C3 runtime: error destroying Array/Dictionary
C3 runtime: changing constant event variables did not always update in preview
Possible crash deleting entire object folders in Project Bar
Could add multiple behaviors that were only meant to be added once (e.g. Solid) via family behaviors
Games exported for iOS didn't size correctly on iPhone X
Hide statusbar option not working on iOS
Recent projects clearing after each session
Unable to rename objects to deleted object names
Possible crash when interacting with object types that have no instances
Desktop: unable to import audio
Desktop: some projects may have failed to open
Edge: issue entering values in Properties Bar
Firefox: work around Firefox bug causing incorrect touch input on desktop touchscreen systems
Mises à jour du SDK
Added more APIs for custom importers
Instant Games plugin now has modifiable context ID/type
Mises à jour des langages
Portuguese (BR) language is now available by default!
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