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Export with C3 runtime; expression translation setting; more C3 runtime updates; bug fixes
23 July, 2018 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
In this release you can now export projects using the C3 runtime. There was quite a lot of work to implement this and it's still quite fresh, so we don't recommend publishing any important projects with the C3 runtime yet. However if you're interested in trying it out let us know how it goes and be sure to file any issues! Note that due to some serious bugs in Safari, C3 runtime exports are unlikely to work correctly on iOS 11 / Safari 11. These issues should be fixed in iOS 12 / Safari 12, so things should be working better once that's out.
An all-new debugger for the C3 runtime is also now in development. We hope to share it with you soon!
We've also added a new setting that lets you always view expressions in English. This may be useful for anyone using Construct set to a non-English language. For compatibility reasons expressions still have to be entered using English expression names. We try to make this easier by showing translations wherever possible, but some users (particularly bilingual users who also know English) would prefer to just work with expressions entirely in English. Now you can uncheck Translate expressions in Settings and expressions will always display and autocomplete in English. In this mode Construct will still show translations where possible to help you out, but these don't affect how expressions are displayed or typed.
This release also disables WebGL 2 on Android. This is a rather unfortunate step we've had to take since we've had a number of reports of what appear to be GPU driver issues with WebGL 2 on some Android devices. (GPU driver issues are nothing new - see our blog for a number of posts in the past on the subject!) This means no Android devices can use the benefits of WebGL 2 for the time being, even if they were previously working with WebGL 2, but they can continue to use WebGL 1. No other systems are affected, so Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome OS can continue using WebGL 2. Hopefully the issue on Android will be resolved soon and then we can re-enable WebGL 2 on Android.
Finally there are a few more C3 runtime updates and, as ever, more bug fixes. We hope to make a stable release soon so please test carefully and let us know if there are any more outstanding issues!
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Nouveaux ajouts
Settings: 'Translate expressions' checkbox (enabled by default). Uncheck to always display expressions in English.
C3 runtime: support for exporting projects. Note: iOS / Safari may not work correctly until iOS / Safari 12
C3 runtime: support for GameCenter plugin
C3 runtime: support for Mobile Advert plugin
Android: disabled WebGL 2 for the time being due to reports of what appear to be GPU driver bugs. Android devices can still use WebGL 1.
Removed storyboard-splash.png as default image (can optionally be added to customise)
Corrections de bug
C3 runtime: some projects failed to preview (regression in r109)
C3 runtime: possible error using triggers in OR blocks
C3 runtime: text did not cut off last line in same place as C2 runtime
Deleting an event sheet did not always remove references to global variables on the sheet
Animations editor: fix multiple-selection frame sorting
Containers of only dictionary/array objects destroyed the initial instances
Event Sheet View: could show incorrect mouse cursor with multiple projects open
Renaming font files did not update font picker list
Desktop: imported files with path as name; prevented folder save working
iOS: in Desktop mode, could sometimes scroll views behind dialogs
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