Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
A big batch of bug fixes!
02 July, 2018 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
We've dedicated a whole week to ploughing through as many bugs as we can fix, and as a result we have a release with a ton of bug fixes! This includes fixes for some older issues that might have been annoying for a while, as well as a number of potential crash fixes. While we expect there to be a few more loose ends to tie off in the next release or two, the end result should be a more reliable and better quality Construct 3.
One notable change is that we've now enabled the Use worker project property for the C3 runtime. If enabled and running on a supported browser, this hosts the runtime in a Web Worker instead of the DOM (main thread). This is a huge architectural accomplishment and you can read about it more in this blog post on the C3 runtime architecture. Note that currently the only browser that supports this is Chrome 69+ - which is currently Chrome Canary (the stable channel is Chrome 67 at the moment). Still, it means there is now a way to try out this major new capability of the C3 runtime. If it has successfully hosted the runtime in a Web Worker, then "[worker]" will appear in the preview window caption. If it's not there it's not using a worker. You can also check the browser console (of the preview window) for more details.
Finally, we've got a beta of Construct 3 in the Windows Store, which provides additional features such as file system access - much like the other desktop download we've been providing for a while. We're interested to hear what you think so give it a spin and let us know!
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Exécuter r108
Nouvelles fonctionnalités
Nouveaux ajouts
C3 runtime: 'Latency hint' property to Audio plugin (trade-off between latency and power usage)
C3 runtime: new 'Use worker' setting to host runtime in a Web Worker where supported (currently only Chrome 69+)
Properties Bar: can now show object type related properties when selecting an object with no instances in the Project Bar
Desktop (NW.js): pass -safe-mode command-line argument to start up in safe mode
Mobile: 'Create instance' context menu option for objects in Project Bar, so there is a way to add new instances with the mobile UI
Desktop: remember last used paths individually for each kind of file/folder picker
Sine behavior: renamed "active" to "enabled" for consistency with other behaviors
Mouse/Touch: no longer counts as clicking/touching an object if it's off the canvas
Corrections de bug
C3 runtime: using "$&" in an expression could produce incorrect results
C3 runtime: tilemap could appear glitchy on mobile devices
C3 runtime: incorrect rendering of parallaxed layers after changing canvas size
C3 runtime: particles 'Set initial size' action did not work
C3 runtime: error setting animation frame to non-finite value
C3 runtime: bullet distance travelled not tracked correctly
iOS: editor could appear wrong after orientation change when running from home screen
Preview window could be too small when using fullscreen mode "off"
OR blocks in sub-events could pick incorrect instances
Closing project did not close behaviors/instance variables/effects dialogs
Undoing deleting object folders did not always correctly restore the folder contents
Tilemap: did not always correctly update physics collisions after being changed
Platform: could incorrectly trigger 'On landed' when setting the vector Y negative
Layout view: dragging a selection box did not correctly select instances on "Parallax in editor" layers
Project bar: selecting a family of non-world objects (e.g. Array) did not show correct properties
Possible crash entering invalid Dictionary expression
Possible crash closing a tab as a large project opens
Unable to ask for camera permission in Android app
Middle clicking a tab while a text editor is in focus could trigger a clipboard paste
Possible crash when opening main menu with recent projects
Confusing warning message after project export if unable to save to the export manager
Text editor: 'Replace all' text could overflow button
Desktop: Animations Editor external editing software in Windows Store app
Desktop: Animations Editor reload tool not working after importing an image
Firefox: could not scroll in Text Editor
Firefox: work around a Firefox bug that could cause images to fail to load in the editor
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