Voir un historique complet de tous les changements dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.
Scripting features are now hidden when 'Use simplified user interface' enabled
New projects now use worker mode by default
Update 'Infinite jumping' template to request device orientation permission on mobile
Organised Advanced Random and Mobile Advert actions/conditions/expressions in to categories
iframe: updated to allow scrolling on iOS 13+ since a long-standing iOS bug with iframes was fixed
Plugins that have required properties linked to Cordova variables will now display an error on export if left empty
Updated several example projects to use new 'Wait for previous actions to complete' action
Mobile Advert and Google Play: updated to use latest versions of related Google play services
Updated runtime to use Pointer Events API for mouse input
Timelines: Setting the time now pauses a timeline at the new position, instead of completing the timeline at the new position
Event sheet view: Expand/collapse all options now also affect event blocks as well as groups, and have been moved to the "Event sheet" submenu
Event sheet view: 'Else' after a looping condition is now marked invalid
Consistently lowercase filenames on export to avoid case-sensitivity issues
Also warn on Remote Preview if images over 4096 pixels big are used (previously only warned on export)
Animations Editor: Pasting a color into the color inputs of the color palette now changes the alpha to 255 if it was previously 0
Attempt to get right popup window size when installed as app (PWA mode)
Project Bar: improved validation when drag-dropping files between folders
Block context menu in debugger and whole game window
Attempt to work around a long-standing Chrome bug which opens the preview popup window at the wrong size
Re-enabled WebGL 2 on Android (once again), since Chrome 74 has the full fix
From this release onwards, installing Construct 3 as an app will load either editor.construct.net or editor.construct.net/beta, instead of a specific version
Event sheet view: inserting conditions/actions from context menus or keyboard shortcuts now inserts after the selected condition/action
Event sheet view: moved toggle context menu options to a submenu to avoid the menus getting too big
Timeline plugin now enabled by default (was previously accidentally still behind 'experimental features' setting)
Updated 'Taking screenshots' example to include sharing the file (note currently only works in Chrome 75+ on Android or in mobile apps)
Updated function dialog help links to point to new manual entries
Limit free edition projects to one timeline up to 5 seconds long
Updated all example projects to use the new builtin functions instead of the old Function plugin
Animations Editor: Picking a color from the main color picker now default to max alpha and 50% luminance if the previous alpha was 0
Add detection of exports broken by Kaspersky software and display a message indicating the problem
Expression autocomplete now hidden when clicking anywhere outside of the autocomplete box and when current identifier deleted
Updated 'Instant hit laser' example to use LOS raycasting instead of bullet stepping
Cordova export: 'Require Camera permission' checkbox will now include RECORD_AUDIO and MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS permissions for microphone access
C3 runtime: now uses a new storage library - should not change anything but be on the lookout for anything broken
Updated 'Audio analyser' and 'Microphone input' examples to not use deprecated features
Warn on export if Kaspersky Internet Security is detected, since some users report it breaks exported projects
Avoid activating back navigation on iOS, since it allows navigation gestures in iOS 12.2, which breaks the swipe-in panes when added to home screen
Disable fullscreen mode in Safari on iOS, since it doesn't work on iPhone and isn't useful on iPad - use 'Add to homescreen' instead
Improve build service and keystore creation failure dialog
New functions: can now use unrestricted function names (e.g. including spaces) if return type is 'None'. (Functions with a return type must have a name that is a valid expression, e.g. no spaces.)
Treat Chromium-based Microsoft Edge equal to Google Chrome (with Edge-specific hacks disabled)
Disable WebGL 2 on Android again because it turns out the previous workaround did not actually fix all devices. It will be re-enabled once Chrome 74 is released which has the full fix.
Added a status indicator when cloud saves are waiting on user authentication
The old Function plugin is now deprecated in the C3 runtime in favor of the new functions feature
Remove temporary blue styling of function blocks
Updated 'Camera input' example to include recording a video with Game Recorder
Improved handling of potentially corrupted browser saves