zumwaltwood's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, that pretty much matches mine but still get the error I posted.

    So everything is setup correctly just can't use the preview to get the google information returned to the game. On the android, it has the typical google play welcome back message show up with the image etc, but none of the other things that you can do in google play can be used with Construct 3, none of the features in the documentation anyway. I will try to move to the firebase plugin I just purchased off of the Construct 3 store and see if i can use it.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • The Test for web in your image is the one i am using in mine

    Web client (auto created by Google Service) type Web application.

    What do you have in your Authorized Redirect URIs?

    I only have my firebasapp.com URL, what other URL should go in their?

  • I looked over the documentation at:


    The problem is, in google play console, there is no game details section that has a header of API CONSOLE PROJECT like in the documentation, however, under "GROW" there is the Play Game Services, which has the credentials, adding the credentials of Game Server type for a web appliation OAuth client, using Web client (auto created by Google Service) which gives me the Client ID, the project is linked via firebase also with google play using the project ID. Also, in Firebase, authentication sign in method provider is set for Google. What step did I overlook?

    When going into test mode, the error I get from the app in the browser preview is:


    preview.construct.net is listed as an authorized domain under client id for web application, web client (auto created by google service), authorized javascript origins. I also have construct.net listed just in case. I double checked that the client id matches that in the google plugin, this is the one ending in googleusercontent.com and listed in the Client ID field in the object type properties for Google Play.

    I do not see any reason for me to get an error, it does show the login screen, goes through the login process, then with Google play -> On sign in failed is triggered with the error: idpiframe_initialization_failed

    any suggestions? It works just fine when deployed to the android store for android devices and signs in, but On signed in doesn't trigger or set the player display name, so on the android side, the sign in itself works, but none of the other actionable events work.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

  • Thank you very much for the link, I will go through those and see what else I can find and learn from. Hopefully I can get some of these final issues worked out in the next few weeks of working through them. Your assistance has been very much appreciated.

  • From the list of answers in the order you answered them in (thanks)

    *Thanks, I didn't see the global layer and that is fixed.

    The Save / Load is actually doing what I have said, I do not have a hard coded player load position in play other than the start position on the layout as a default position that is overridden if the load event runs, simply System -> Load game from slot "save1", I have spots on the map where saving can occur, waypoints, so when a player touches the waypoint, the game saves. This uses System -> Save game to slot "save1".

    While in the editor on my PC, I touch the spot on the map with the player and it saves to save1 slot. Then I can build up the app and publish to google play, when loading the game on my phone, touch my main menu Load Game which uses Load game from slot "save1", it loads and takes me to the layout and the last position I had in my editor. This should not be possible, but there it is, it is what it is doing, and only coordinates, not inventory.

    I have also ran into another issue with Google Play, it works on the Android to sign me in ok and I see my typical "welcome" popup, but when trying the login on the PC, it shows the web page to login, I choose my profile, sign in, it returns to the game just fine, but at no point can I get information about the player.

    I know you can't get anything until the player is signed in, but after signing in, I do not get the GooglePlay.MyID, I have been through those documents pretty thoroughly and have both the firebase stuff setup and the play console stuff setup, even tried to use System -> wait for previous actions in a sub event on the Google Play sign in event I have setup but it doesn't wait and Is Signed In doesn't seem to trigger nor does Is loaded nor On loaded, or even On signed in, so still working out the why.

    Many thanks for your pointer on the global layer thing, that solved a ton of cross layer issues with the HUD i designed.

    Randomly, while fighting a monster, the game runs the Load game from Slot, which also doesn't seem possible, it is basically like it is reloading the layout for no reason at the last save, this is completely random, sometimes it never happens but rarely it does. Not entirely sure why on that either, seems a little bit of a bug, been through my layouts a lot to try to find if there is some weird logic, but it never happens in the editor, only in the live game.

  • I have ran across a few issues with making my menu and in game UI, first, the main menu layout to load additional levels, i need to be able to create a menu that allows the player to start a new game or load an existing one then load into the last layout they were in, additionally, my UI in the game, when I create a layout, I want it to have a master UI to select from, not have to copy/paste the HUD into each layout, as this causes issues if i update the HUD design, I want all layouts to get that same HUD change without me copy/pasting to every layout. Is this possible?

    If there is a store package that already does either or both of these, what is it called for C3? I would gladly pay for it, would save me a ton of time. Problem now is that when I save the game then try to load in, it is reset like it is a new game.

    I am already using save game to slot and load game from slot with naming, then using goto layout to load the layout, but the players inventory is empty regardless.

    What ever i collect on my layout and save to slot, is not kept when moving to a new layout and i do not have a reset in layout load event to wipe it.

    So recommendations on learning this, or template to purchase that has this built in as a fix is great. Many thanks community. Please refrain from beating up on this newbie.

    Well, something else i found out today, my save game using the save slot, translated into the deployed build, so on a different android device, it loaded my last save slot, no inventory, just location, that i had saved in the development environment. Why would it do this? This should be device independent and the program when I build it up and deploy it to Google Play to test in internal testing, should not load using the save slot that was used in development. As I said though, only the player location was loaded as it was saved in development to the save slot, which is bad.

    I can't build the game up and publish it and change the players save location on their personal devices, plus overwriting their saves in the mean time.

    No idea how to get around this problem.

  • I found simple logic to use 2 touch for different inputs, but the problem now is that i want to confine the detection of the touch to no more than the size of the controls, this way actions do not happen against multiple inputs.

    The example I started with I found was for Double Virtual Gamepad, this is almost what I wanted, but if I add more objects on the HUD to work with, the controls still react to touches outside of them.

    I tried adding in one more piece of logic so that it will not react to touch outside of the controls but it still reacts:

    how do i change it so that either the movement or look will not react if i touch outside of them?

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  • Final Mac solution, on my macbook pro using Google Chrome, C3, using C3 runtime, no worker, low latency, that is the only thing that worked, Safari refuses to work under any circumstances.

    macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra

    Hopefully there are other ways around this insanity, but for now, at least i am up and running, just haven't tried to actually build and deploy, rather scared of that at the moment, so many differences to disable just to get the editor to work, would rather be able to build equally across environments, but that is not going to happen it seems.

  • Ok so Safari really boils down to this on every project, so can't seem to work out a fix for it in the browser settings at all.

    Blocked a frame with origin "https://account.construct.net" from accessing a frame with origin "https://editor.construct.net". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.

    _MaybeSwitchToMemoryFallback — localforageadaptor.js:19

    Viewport argument key "minimal-ui" not recognized and ignored.

    [Error] Unable to use local storage, reverting to in-memory store: (2)

    SecurityError: IDBFactory.open() called in an invalid security context — kvstorage.js:22

    "IDBFactory.open() called in an invalid security context"

    _MaybeSwitchToMemoryFallback (localforageadaptor.js:19)

    (anonymous function) (localforageadaptor.js:36)


    (anonymous function)


  • Ok well the only browser i can get to work is Chrome on my PC, i cleared out facebook plugin, got rid of it in my project and my project now loads in chrome, builds, and runs in preview, but the exact same clean project without facebook, still doesn't preview in Safari, (iOS) or even iPad, actually, still no projects work on my iPad or Safari, so in 1 year i take it that construct 3 dropped the support for iPad and iOS? I can't do a bug report or demo project because, well, it's a 100% break *shrugs* not entirely sure why right now, but its rather annoying to say the least, yes, i have cleared my cache, all the typical stuff, reset my browser, yadayada, i guess i will just deal with this in more attempts tomorrow, but the debugger clearly only shows me that 1 min ui thing, which is a known issue apparently, for iOS stuff and safari, says to never use it, but it is built into C3.

    Yes, i have tried C2 and C3 runtime, just saying.


    Ok, so i finally got it to work on the iPad, C3 runtime, use worker true, then i had to turn compositing mode to low latency.

    Safari, still playing with the settings, but still nothing, no setting changes seem to matter...

  • This is an error on Safari so far and iPad

    [Error] Viewport argument key "minimal-ui" not recognized and ignored. (editor.construct.net, line 13)

    Going to try a windows browser now, iPad is a dud, iOS is a dud with Safari. Maybe chrome will work.

  • additional debug info, this is obtained by the demonoire demo, just tried to simple preview it

    Error starting preview:

    Error: error fetching editor.construct.net/r164-3/plugins/platform-specific/facebook/channel.html (404 )

    (anonymous function) — main.js:2:109786


    [native code]


  • So, been out since October of 2018, coming back to return and work on what i worked on a year ago, doesn't work, so i figured ok, try the demo projects in review, nothing loads to run, Safari gives a generic, not useful error that it just broke, and nothing runs on the iPad.

    I haven't tried windows yet, but clearly if not even the demo projects will work on the iPad or Safari on the Mac Book Pro, it is not just my project that is broke, any general suggestions? This is bizarre

    My Safari is reporting as:

    Platform information

    Browser: Safari

    Browser version: 13.0.2

    Browser engine: WebKit

    Browser architecture: (unknown)

    Context: browser

    Operating system: Mac OS X

    Operating system version: 10.13_6

    Operating system architecture: (unknown)

    Device type: desktop

    Device pixel ratio: 1

    Logical CPU cores: (unavailable, defaulting to 2)

    Approx. device memory: (unavailable)

    User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.2 Safari/605.1.15

    C3 release: r164.3 (stable)

    Language setting: en-US

    Local storage

    Storage quota (approx): (status unavailable)

    Storage usage (approx): (status unavailable)

    Persistant storage: (status unavailable)

    Browser support notes

    This list contains missing features that are not required, but could improve performance or user experience if supported.

    Rendering multiple on-screen Layout Views is slow in Safari due to bug 177132

    CSS containment is not supported. Editor performance may be significantly degraded.

    The <dialog> element is not supported. A polyfill is in use.

    The Clipboard API is not supported. Some clipboard features may be unavailable.

    Web Animations are not supported. Animations are disabled.

    WebGL 2+ is not supported. Rendering quality and features may be affected.

    ImageBitmap is not supported. Texture loading performance may be degraded.

    Idle callbacks are not supported. Background loading performance may be degraded.

    Determining input device capabilities is not supported.

    Persistent storage is not available. Local storage could be deleted by the browser.

    Storage quota estimate is unavailable.

    WebGL information

    Version string: WebGL 1.0

    Numeric version: 1

    Supports NPOT textures: partial

    Supports GPU profiling: no

    Supports highp precision: yes

    Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.

    Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6770M OpenGL Engine

    Major performance caveat: no

    Maximum texture size: 16384

    Point size range: 1 to 2048




















    Audio information

    System sample rate: 44100 Hz

    Output channels: 0

    Output interpretation: speakers

    Supported decode formats:

    MPEG-4 AAC (audio/mp4; codecs=mp4a.40.5)

    MP3 (audio/mpeg)

    FLAC (audio/flac)

    PCM WAV (audio/wav; codecs=1)

    Supported encode formats: (encoding not supported)

    Video information

    Supported decode formats:

    H.265 (video/mp4; codecs=hev1.1.2.L93.B0)

    H.264 (video/mp4; codecs=avc1.42E01E)

    Supported encode formats: (encoding not supported)

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