How do I double touch sticks confine touch to detect only in control?

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  • I found simple logic to use 2 touch for different inputs, but the problem now is that i want to confine the detection of the touch to no more than the size of the controls, this way actions do not happen against multiple inputs.

    The example I started with I found was for Double Virtual Gamepad, this is almost what I wanted, but if I add more objects on the HUD to work with, the controls still react to touches outside of them.

    I tried adding in one more piece of logic so that it will not react to touch outside of the controls but it still reacts:

    how do i change it so that either the movement or look will not react if i touch outside of them?

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  • You could overlay an invisible sprite on top of each of the controls. This way you will only start controlling your character when the player touches inside of the area of the sprite. :)

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