I looked over the documentation at:
The problem is, in google play console, there is no game details section that has a header of API CONSOLE PROJECT like in the documentation, however, under "GROW" there is the Play Game Services, which has the credentials, adding the credentials of Game Server type for a web appliation OAuth client, using Web client (auto created by Google Service) which gives me the Client ID, the project is linked via firebase also with google play using the project ID. Also, in Firebase, authentication sign in method provider is set for Google. What step did I overlook?
When going into test mode, the error I get from the app in the browser preview is:
preview.construct.net is listed as an authorized domain under client id for web application, web client (auto created by google service), authorized javascript origins. I also have construct.net listed just in case. I double checked that the client id matches that in the google plugin, this is the one ending in googleusercontent.com and listed in the Client ID field in the object type properties for Google Play.
I do not see any reason for me to get an error, it does show the login screen, goes through the login process, then with Google play -> On sign in failed is triggered with the error: idpiframe_initialization_failed
any suggestions? It works just fine when deployed to the android store for android devices and signs in, but On signed in doesn't trigger or set the player display name, so on the android side, the sign in itself works, but none of the other actionable events work.
Thanks for any suggestions.