zumwaltwood's Forum Posts

    iPad error on play:

    Failed to load preview, try loading construct3 and try again.


    Try again


    Attempt to clear safari cache and reload C3, same problem.

    C3 login does not save user information, even with check box checked for remember credentials, causing user to have to type in credentials every time.

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    So, today I purchased the 1 year membership for C3, using an iPad 12.9 inch 512g latest model, there are tons of non functional items.

    1) cloud save, plane broken, doesn’t work on iPad

    2) load any project, none runs, gives error on all projects

    3) no way to save, every time it tries to do a pop up window that refreshes C3 window, logs you out, and you lose all work

    This is just the beginning, but wait to get it if you want to use your tablets, it’s still alpha material for iPad.

    Going to see if my desktop has all the same problems.

    And yes, I opened up a bug report with screenshots, but these are the most elemental needs that are boasted as features, but they simply don’t work.

  • Thanks, still reading the manual, the user interface is not so friendly looking but its not something I am used to seeing. This would be great if there was a plugin for eclipse for this engine.

  • I was looking for that also but it appears they only have it and sell it for the PC, so I just use VMware on my MacBook Pro.

  • Decided to purchase it when I saw what it can do and I haven't even done anything yet, so saying hi and waiting on my "points" for purchasing it, until then I am still bronze level ROFL. So lets see what kind of fun I can make with this engine...