Roccinio's Forum Posts

  • i had posted something like this not so long ago.i had 125 png's of animation and no mater how fast i set the playback speed it never went over in my guess 20 per one animation lasted 6 sec!! i never figured what was wrong and why construct since it runs in 60 ticks it didn't run my animation in 2 sec approximately . so i re-created my animation to 30 png's and it worked as intended .but you say you have only 12 png's, so this does not make sense .my gut tells me it is a very minor bug ,but who knows?!

  • lucid

    this is with yesterdays plugin.i haven't yet tried with today's .

    i have 2 spriter scon animations on my is playing fine,the other one does not appear at all.this is the error log from cocoonjs.

  • lucid also when i set pixel rounding on NEW PROJECT TAB and i preview, my animation gets distorted. its like pixels move back and forth while he animates.

  • lucid

    1)i still have the exact same problems with the new plugin.

    no matter what animation i set at "properties" -> "starting animation" it always plays the first default animation that i saved in spriter. e.g "idle" instead of "run".

    this problem is "solved" only with the "wait 0" command during sprite initialisation. this also applies for the size of the character as well.

    2)the proper animations play ONLY when a certain condition is met in the code (e.g "platform on moved")the SECOND time.

    possibly the problem has to do with the way the sprite is initialised?

  • lucid

    i have 4 instances of "turtle" sprite.

    on start of layout ----> "turtle" spawn (spriter animation) on layer 1

    every tick ----> set position (spriter animation) to turtle image point 1

    so all 4 instances have from one animation playing.

    if i kill one instance (turtle) all 4 spriter animations play at the same time and they all get destroyed (the animations)

    on player collision with turtle--->turtle destroy

                                       spriter animation destroy

    so i am left with 3 invisible turtle boxes wondering around! lol

    any ideas?

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  • VECTOR Y = jump strength

    vector x = ?

    why am i asking?

    i made a condition that if i land on top of an enemy set vector y -700 and it works jumps again over his head

    i want to make a fallback movement for my hero when he gets struck by an enemy so i say

    player on collision with enemy -----   set player vector x to -300 or 300 depending on which side he is in.

    nothing happens!

    even i input 1000000 or 10 same thing. my player get kicked back a few pixels from what i think is the force of collision between the two(enemy has platform behavior as well)

    any ideas? thank you

  • lucid

    thank you for this!

    i was going crazy when the animation was only playing the first frame although it was looped in spiter and all sorts of other weird stuff.

    this means that soon we will be able to be more productive.

    any eta for the plugin?

  • lucid

    i would like to ask you a few things about your spriter plugin. i am having trouble setting the initial spriter animation.i found a workaround with the wait 0 command (at the bottom of the spriter import file on initiation .wait 0 set "idle" animation)and it works but after that i simply cant consistently call on animations during various situations.

    for example on moved

                      if platform is moving

                             and            -----play "run"

                         variable "x" >300

                      if platform is moving

                            and              -----play "attack"

                      variable "x" <300

    it gets stuck in whatever i have set with the wait 0 trick

    i have another spriter file with another character if i set the same parameters it works.

    am i doing something wrong or there is a chance my file is "corrupted"?

  • i understand your frustration and thus i will not respond to your insults,but the only one you have to blame is your self ,for putting all these man hours into something that it is not feasible with today's tools.

    whatever YOU do to improve your game will always rely on other people work and it will not work as intended.that is the reason i posted on this thread to help people realize what is possible and what is not with c2 as to this moment.

    there is no easy way around (although c2 in damn near) real programming.

    have you ever paused to think for a minute what will happen if you successfully deploy your game to app store,you find a bug ,want to re upload and ludei releases v2021541 of cocconjs, apple changes something , and everything crashes?

    i am not your enemy here my friend.i just want to point out that c2 team has VERY limited resources and it would be better to use that little time to something better.i want as more as you to produce an ios game and make 100000$ (yeahhhh!) but i am realistic and i know i just cant at this moment.

    i know that i will become flamed for saying this but here it goes. don't spend man hours in something that you think it will work.most of the time ,it wont. and since we are not programmers we cant do anything to fix that.

    love to you all!

  • ASHLEY. answered like a true politician! haha love you man!

  • i agree to disagree with you my friend.although you make a valid point you are only seeing it from one side.let me explain.the reason a game company caps a game at 30fps has to do with hardware limitations vs the result they want to present to the consumer(graphics ,a.i etc).what most people in here fail to realize is that we(construct users) are not creating the next forza or assasins creed game where we have to squeeze every last transistor in there to even achieve the 30fps.we are creating 2d games that can barely scratch an i7 with a decent gpu even if we put 1000 animated objects in there.THAT is the difference that Ashley is trying to tell us for so long.html5 has so many shortcomings since it is not low level specific code that they are resolved with brute force.him being a visionary he adopted something far ahead of his time with a calculated risk of pc's and especially mobile getting stronger by the month.soon the discussion here will be for historians to analyse.and that is the reason i am asking him to support the next gen.mobiles as to this moment are no go for construct users.why? because we cant make money out of them(ad support,fps issues,have to rely on 3rd party software).consoles and pc on the other hand offer specific hardware and input controls so it is very easy to be consistent in what you offer your customer.Ashley being a bushiness man (as i am ,and we both have to make a living)will never admit out loud that html5 right now is not a viable solution for mobile gaming if you want to target mid to low spec devices.but if you read between the lines in his posts you can see that he is implying that (and i respect him for that).bottom line. don't confuse 500 men teams with 20 years of low level programming experience working for 2 years on a game trying to achieve 30 or 60 fps for your pleasure with us.anything we make on c2 will run 60fps on everything from a ps3 and up.

  • in my experience people who are willing to pay for a game are usually people who own state of the art phones.just look at the percentage of people buying software in ios and in android.(where android phones vary anywhere from 90E to 800E).personally if i wanted to sell a game i would follow the road of rayman. awesome graphics. even if the game play is not perfect on your game, eye candy always attracts attention in a crowded market. and unless you have a killer idea of a game that requires minimum resources and it will be playable everywhere ,i have to agree with Ashley . i would love to see him spend his limited time to create a way for us to export to the new xbone and ps4 .i want to have a quadrillion objects with physics running at 60fps instead of having to worry if ludei will wake up happy tomorrow and give me another 2fps ,so my game will be playable! i want my overclocked hd7890 to smell like burning transistors from over stressing with c2 :)


    is there a way to disable doublejump while the character is descending ?

  • as the original poster of the virus r148 thread i can assure you it is a false alarm.i uninstalled avg,installed avast and i never looked back :)

  • i made all my animations 30 frames and it works like intended.maybe construct doesn't like many frames.who knows?as for the spriter plugin i wish they wright a guide soon with pictures and examples.thank you all!