Spriter/C2 - (9-16-2019 - bug fix)

From the Asset Store
Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • lucid

    I was planning to buy and use a 2D animation software after finishing my current project (Bounce Line Arcade) but I've seen that the 25$ price will be only until the release of the full version, so I will buy it the following days. <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    But before that I want to confirm the following:

    • Can the Spriter animations be used without problem in C2 games and work as normal C2 animations ?
    • Will the games work as expected on all browser that support HTML5 and XML/JSON ?
    • Are other engines in which I can use the Spriter animations (.smcl) ?
    • Can I customize the character ? The game will be a MegaMan/Castlevania type where the character's appearance changes based on the powerUp/weapon equipped (also to add items like a sword in hand based on a specific powerUp).
    • Does Spriter comes with default animations/skeleton for walking, running, jumping ... etc ?

    I also looked at Spine, but I decided to go with Spriter because already has a C2 plugin, is cheaper at the moment (25$) and I don't need complex animations (only run, slide, jump, shoot, jump and shoot ... etc).

    Just, out of curiosity, what are the advantages of Spine ? I've seen that is more expensive (60$ at the moment). <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • tgeorgemihai The brashmonkey website should answer all those questions. Just look at the features, videos and also the section on plugins for other development environments.

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  • lucid


    I've done my <font color=gray>research</font>, but I still need some <font color=blue>answers</font>:

    <font color=gray>- Can the Spriter animations be used without problem in C2 games and work as normal C2 animations ?</font>

    Tested some demos, works nice <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    <font color=gray>- Will the games work as expected on all browsers that support HTML5 and XML/JSON ?</font>

    Online demos works on Android (Dolphin and Chrome)

    <font color=gray>- Are other engines in which I can use the Spriter animations (.smcl) ?</font>

    Now that I think about, I only use C2 so is not that important for me (at least not for now)

    <font color=blue>- Can I customize the character ? The game will be a MegaMan/Castlevania type where the character's appearance changes based on the powerUp/weapon equipped (also to add items like a sword in hand based on a specific powerUp).</font>

    I've seen the skins, but what about adding or removing items/weapons ?<img src="smileys/smiley29.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    <font color=gray>- Does Spriter comes with default animations/skeleton for walking, running, jumping ... etc ?</font> The animations from the Basic Platformer Animated art Pack should do the trick for starters like me.

    I also looked at Spine, but I decided to go with Spriter because already has a C2 plugin, is cheaper at the moment (25$) and I don't need complex animations (only run, slide, jump, shoot, jump and shoot ... etc).

    Just, out of curiosity, what are the advantages of Spine ? I've seen that is more expensive (60$ at the moment). <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    New Question:

    <font color=blue>Does Spriter support multiple textures quality/resolution ? Is there a function that can do this, or is done by choosing a skin that has Low/HD textures ?</font>

    After what I've seen, maybe I'll use Spriter in my current project since is not using WebGL (for compatibility issues). The effects from Game Effects Animated art Pack are wicked cool <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks, the program just keeps improving :^)

  • lucid

    i have 4 instances of "turtle" sprite.

    on start of layout ----> "turtle" spawn (spriter animation) on layer 1

    every tick ----> set position (spriter animation) to turtle image point 1

    so all 4 instances have from one animation playing.

    if i kill one instance (turtle) all 4 spriter animations play at the same time and they all get destroyed (the animations)

    on player collision with turtle--->turtle destroy

                                       spriter animation destroy

    so i am left with 3 invisible turtle boxes wondering around! lol

    any ideas?

  • with the new construct 2 beta version 150 I cant open projects that use spriter. it says: "---------------------------

    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Action ID does not appear to exist in related plugin

    Condition: plugin->HasActionID(act_id)

    File: Projects\EventAction.cpp

    Line: 43

    Function: __cdecl EventAction::EventAction(class EventBlock &,class ObjectClass *,class BehaviorType *,int,class std::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class EventParameter,struct std::default_delete<class EventParameter> >,class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class EventParameter,struct std::default_delete<class EventParameter> > > > &&,unsigned __int64)

    Build: release 150 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally."

    So I cant open the project.. any update coming or something?


  • never mind..

    i downloaded the plugin again and it worked


  • Please note this version of the plugin requires the .scon save option from the latest build of Spriter. Also, this plugin doesn't yet work with all of the new Pro Features (char maps, collision boxes, points, skins). Lastly, for the time being, this plugin requires both the scml and scon versions of the file.   Please see the video below for additional details

    plugin changelog 11/16/13

      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed several bugs with movement jerks at points when transitioning between animations <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed an issue where setting the animation before an item initialized would be ignored (like at Start of Layout) <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed an issue where each new instance of an scml object was reloading the file<img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Added support for the new .scon format. This makes projects load faster, and exportable with CocoonJS


  • lucid

    Nice update :)

    :D so when will the character map version of the plugin be coming :)

  • lucid

    1)i still have the exact same problems with the new plugin.

    no matter what animation i set at "properties" -> "starting animation" it always plays the first default animation that i saved in spriter. e.g "idle" instead of "run".

    this problem is "solved" only with the "wait 0" command during sprite initialisation. this also applies for the size of the character as well.

    2)the proper animations play ONLY when a certain condition is met in the code (e.g "platform on moved")the SECOND time.

    possibly the problem has to do with the way the sprite is initialised?

  • lucid

    On initialized>> Set object scale - isn't working anymore. I updated the C2 plugin and imported scon-files and everything is now unscaled.

  • Thanks for the bug reports guys. I'll take a look

  • lucid also when i set pixel rounding on NEW PROJECT TAB and i preview, my animation gets distorted. its like pixels move back and forth while he animates.

  • Hi, I just import a scml object like I used to do. and I get this error when I run the layout


    Unexpected token <


    Javascript error!

    SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character

    localhost/Spriter_plugin.js, line 281 (col undefined)

    This is either a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer!

    and that line is


    Please help me



    the problem is the new version of the plugin because I try with the old one and works perfectly

    EDIT 2:

    This error only happens when you create the spriter object with the new plugin. I had a project created with the other plugin, I opened it with the new version, and the .json works fine.

    EDIT 3:

    The function set object scale doesn't work with the .json file

  • plugin changelog 11/18/13

      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed a bug that made it so setting a the object's size ratio before the character loaded would be ignored

    lucid also when i set pixel rounding on NEW PROJECT TAB and i preview, my animation gets distorted. its like pixels move back and forth while he animates.Thanks for the bug report, will have to look into this.

    Hi, I just import a scml object like I used to do. and I get this error when I run the layout


    Unexpected token <

    lease watch the video above to make sure you have all of the instructions, but I believe the problem is that in the object's properties the default is .scml, rather than .scon. The new plugin requires the .scon file to be specified there. This is just a temporary thing. I forgot to mention this to Ashley, but I'll let him know, as this is a C2 side thing.


    1)i still have the exact same problems with the new plugin.

    no matter what animation i set at "properties" -> "starting animation" it always plays the first default animation that i saved in spriter. e.g "idle" instead of "run".

    this problem is "solved" only with the "wait 0" command during sprite initialisation. this also applies for the size of the character as well.

    2)the proper animations play ONLY when a certain condition is met in the code (e.g "platform on moved")the SECOND time.

    possibly the problem has to do with the way the sprite is initialised?

    I tried to reproduce your bug, and I did!, but originally thought it was a plugin problem, I ended up fixing it by removing the quotes from my default animation name, I had "walk", and in the debugger it came up as ""walk"", and it couldn't find an animation named that. let me know if that was the problem, if not please send me the capx if possible, because it's working for me.


    On initialized>> Set object scale - isn't working anymore. I updated the C2 plugin and imported scon-files and everything is now unscaled. I don't remember if Mike covers it in the video, but you should no longer use on-initialized to set the objects anymore. That should now only trigger once per file on a layout. However there was another issue probably stopping from working at least once, or from working At Start of Layout, where I recommend you move those initialization actions. That's fixed with the new version of the plug.

    Thanks again everyone for the bug reports.

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