Roccinio's Forum Posts

  • i have send you .capx in pm

  • thank you for your reply. i fully understand what you are saying and with time and experience you know where and when to add things for your code to function properly and as intended. what am i saying though is something different.let me try to be more clear.

    Enemy health<=0

    For each enemy

    --- destroy enemy

    --- add 1 to score

    it works

    lets say i add (just for the might not make sense )

    Enemy health<=0 and

    gamepad button a is down


    Enemy health<=0 and

    gamepad button a is up

    For each enemy

    --- destroy enemy

    --- add 1 to score

    i try it,for some reason i dont like it,i go delete everything that i added ,i run the code and now for example enemy wont die if it meets the condition.

    i delete everything i write it down again and now it works.

    that kind of problem i am referring to .

    is there a possibility when you add complicated stuff like else,or etc start moving them around and when you delete them and revert to there previous state, the code in the background freaks out? i noticed that the bigger my project there a possibility my computer is slow and fails to read fast enough in some situations the code and hence the now it works now it doesn't situation? or maybe i change something and i cant see it.

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  • Hi to the community! I would like to request help from the more experienced users in something that is troubling me in the past couple of i am very new to this ,and i have just began to understand more and more i noticed something that really is ticking my nerves.i could swear that sometimes identical code does not do the things it used to do.what i mean is that it happened to me twice and although the events seemed perfectly logical and the same before i started messing around with them and when i reverted them back to the original it simply wouldnt do what it was supposed to do.after deleting them lines and putting them back in the excact same order,it it me and my lack of experience that causes me to miss little things or did you have the same experience as i have sometime during your project? Any ideas,suggestions or good practices for me to follow? I even saw a variable in debugging mode that just didnt change but the event worked! Should i start taking meds? <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • thank you much! you helped me a lot :) feeling in the mood to give us the solution to that little "bug" with the drop down next to ladder thingie?

  • my only advice to you my friend is to keep reading everything.from the manual to every post on the forum. i know its very tiring at first but after a while you will be able to do everything so much easier.when you compile it on the cloud it returns an .apk file.the standart android file that anyone can install on his phone. if you have the cocoonjs app on your phone then you only need the .zip file construct 2 exports to test your game.

  • glad i could help! :) one good practice if you want to keep your background intact is to use an imaging software(illustrator,corel,paint etc) and divide it into 3 or 4 parts.then use the tile background option again and again to import them one by one and join them.the result will be the same but the smaller the pixel size the less taxing it is to the possessor! and you MUST use tricks to get the best performance out of a mobile device since as master asley says"they are anywhere from 10 to 100 times slower than a pc"

  • press the framerate button and then go to the error section to see whats going on.last time i had the same problem it was because i had left in my project a background bigger than 2500 pixels which is not supported. the error log said it clearly! i deleted it and it worked like a charm hope i helped

  • i think i got it but one question.what if the player falls from very high?then the timer will reset and he will be able to rejump again.i am very new to this but wouldn't be better if we said doublejump=2 and each jump detract 1 from doublejump and when we reach zero deactivate? or something like that.

  • thank you sir! any suggestions on limiting the amount of jumps he can perform one after another?

  • same here! any thoughts?