Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • cklester - Yeah. There are those sad cases where individuals will find any reason to get uptight. I do not agree with the major tenets of such other beliefs as you mentioned, but you're right, I'd be just fine if such sub-forums existed. That's fine with me.

    But again, I do want to express understanding of Ashley's concern, too. This is a sensitive topic and, clearly, since someone complained about this SINGLE post, there ARE those who are just TOO sensitive. That's unfortunately gonna cause unneeded unrest within a great place like Scirra. That just isn't fair to anyone else. While I really do want to share my faith so others can make a well-informed decision for themselves, I do know this is NOT a Christian-oriented site as a whole. That's why I keep any mention of my beliefs on the down-low the rest of the time. We're here for GAMING.

    I'll comply with Ashley's decision, either way. (Alternatively, I could make a mention of my forum in my signature. ;) I still come out on top.)

  • *adds and wretchedshark to my special "Thank you" list for my game's credits*

    Let me go test this...I'll let you guys know if it works on my end...

  • Ashley - Man, I think that's a very good idea. The only "offense" I take is that someone complained...and didn't even seem to try to resolve the matter or strike an understanding - either my understanding or the person's regarding the other side. I mean, I don't honestly know just WHAT was offensive. I was tried to be VERY sensitive to the simple fact that others believe other things. No preaching, etc, etc, etc, was every intended. But, it would be silly to hold a grudge. No worries there. Bygones will be bye bye.

    The last thing I want to do is single people out, but I get what you mean about the title, and I think that's a fair assessment. I'm definitely aware of how varied people's views are, as I encounter them daily...literally, daily. So if you feel creating a dedicated sub-forum would help to resolve any feelings of alienation or potential "whip lash", then I'm all for it.

    I suppose I can completely amend my original post to turn this into a "quick list" of Christian-related game development stuff, such as my FB group? How's that sound?

  • Thank you, cklester and I appreciate the support very much, even if you happen to disagree with Christianity. To be sure - and I am sure this is what Ashley is simply trying to avoid, as I am, too! - we don't want to spark needless debate and argument. Heck, the point of my FB group is to foster COMMUNITY between gave developers and Christians. My goals are deeper than that, but suffice to say, a welcoming spirit is at the heart.

    So I'd have to agree with cklester about what the nature of the complaint was. Is it that I simply advertised an "all are welcome", Christian-oriented post......namely that it's Christian? Or is it something else? Did my wording seem off somehow, and if so, in what way, exactly? I really would be happy to clarify and make amends to those who felt offended.

    Heh, after all, one of the instructions and encouragements with the Christian faith (obviously, not exclusive to Christianity) is to make peace with everyone as much as it's in my power to do. I'd like to do that, if I could.

    And again, Ashley, thank you for your understanding, too. I don't know what your convictions are, but it really means a lot that you didn't just boot my post because of any religious relationship it has.

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  • BluePhaze - Curiously, I did have this working just fine at one point...prior to some edits and additional features I'm trying to add next. But I'll see about doing a Trigger instead of overlapping.

    I'm also trying to work in Yann's suggestion to put the VisionCone and and LOS objects in a container with the CharEnemy object...I'm getting new problems with that given my break-down of layouts and event sheets. I have a habit of making easy stuff complicated.

    wretchedshark - I did have a timer going at one time so not to overload the CPU with the Pathfinding behavior. After making some changes to a previous set-up of my events, I decided I didn't need that wait period after all (it was only checking once every fourth of a second). Now I can't recall exactly WHAT I changed that caused the new mess...

  • .CAPX: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6764554

    Following the comments in the "Event CharEnemy" event sheet, what follows SHOULD be the flow pattern of events:

    PreChase -->> ChasePhase <<---->> AlertPhase


    When the VisionCone object overlaps the CharPlayer object, the CharEnemy object SHOULD start Pathfinding TO the Player...but it just sits there even though the two conditions are true to set the status from PreChase to ChasePhase. It isn't until AFTER the Player has left the range of the VisionCone that the Enemy starts chasing the player.

    Can someone help me see what I'm missing, please?

  • Ashley - Also, anything else to do with Christianity in this thread - or any thread - would be simply related to any game project. I wouldn't try to start up a sermon. :) For example, I might QUICKLY relate, "I'm working on a game about the various battles ancient Israel had with other nations during the Old Testament times." And then I'd leave it at that and discuss the game elements, itself.

  • Ashley - I totally understand. I was definitely NOT intending to get into any kind of debate or specific discussion about Christianity, itself. I would have directed that to another communication forum entirely (to private messaging at the VERY least). If this thread started getting into a discussion/debate about the tenants and credibility of my faith, I would have called a halt to it.

    Thank you, too, for being understanding of my perspective, too. I'm sorry if this caused you any unnecessary grief via the complaints.

  • - It's all good. Even teaching well requires some learning. Was actually one of my favorite classes in Bible college...just learning how people learn in different ways and relating to each type.

  • RandomExile - I would argue that Christianity is not man-made, just man-recorded (in terms of the Bible as a physical book), but yeah...the human factor obviously gets in the way since mankind is so flawed. LOL So yes, it goes to heck in a sense.

    And I don't know that I could have said it better regarding Jesus' core principles. I plan to go even DEEPER, which is gonna take some very SKILLFUL use of story telling and logic and...lots of stuff. But those core principles will certainly serve as a welcome mat for my games. Very well said, sir!

  • RandomExile - Yeah, that's precisely why I will go for more subtle presentations. I don't want to water down the message at all, lest I distort the truth. (Even IF the Biblical message turned out to be false, I'd lose even more credibility by distorting the message! LOL So silly...) Anyway, you're very correct.

    CS Lewis did that very thing - though much less allegory, as he dubbed the Narnia stories as "supposals" - and especially through "Prince Caspian". (See a book called "The Soul of Prince Caspian" in which the author cracks open a MASSIVE Easter Egg hidden in the very pages of a children's book.)

    Because Christianity often carries with it such a bad stigma, I want to present the topics and themes with gentleness and care, rather than seeming like all I want to do is get on the pulpit. I think gaming can do that nicely, eh? ;)

  • nickkname - My apologies. I didn't mean to imply that you did say that. I guess bad wording on my part. Sorry about that. I just meant to state what my plans were. I even remember games from back in the 80s/90s for the NES that were based on Moses and Joshua, Noah, and different stages in Jesus' life, as well. There was even a really decent Zelda-esque game called "Spiritual Warfare" that, while not being as highly polished, had some fairly solid gameplay. It had a high level of challenge, too. I want to bring games like that to the next level in terms of development...probably about TEN levels up. LOL

  • nickkname - Actually, that's my plan for my games: to make the Christian aspects subtle. I can't say I won't make any overtly Christian material, I aim to be creative in my presentation of such themes and messages.

    I haven't played Fable - I love the concept, though! - but it's disappointing that such an OPEN-ended game that allows you to take different paths in "life" apparently doesn't offer a balanced opinion about the Bible.

  • On specific keyboard input, I want to change the height or width of a sprite. The action with expression I use is:

    Object | Set width to Object.Width+10

    But even when I've increased the numerical value (I started with 1, then changed it to 10), I don't see any changes in the dimensions of the object. I tried including parentheses around Object.Width but with no success.

    Can someone tell me what I'm missing, please?

    UPDATE: Nevermind....*facepalm* I discovered that I had forgotten I had created variables to control the height and width, and they were being set into motion after my keyboard Events/Actions...overriding any input I gave.

  • ramones - Sir, your awesomeness never ceases to prevail. Thank you! In addition to some rearranging of other Events/Actions (I had some things nested that shouldn't have been), I got it all to work thanks to your suggestion.

    Know what the sad thing is? I actually wondered if that wasn't part of my issue (along with something else...I can't recall what). Go figure, eh?

    Thank you, again!

    (Here's the "finished" work: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6767676.)