Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • I'm assuming you have the settings to Custom Obstacles? (I'm having what seems to be a similar issue.)

  • Excal - The link should work now...

  • .CAPX: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6638796

    Please bear with me...this might be difficult to follow.

    If you're familiar with stealth-action games like Metal Gear (Solid) and Splinter Cell, then you're already on par with the gist of my game.

    To help me with organization and easier referencing portions of the game instructs in the event sheets, I've been breaking things down into multiple event sheets and (of course) layouts.

    Thanks to Wrangler's awesome tutorial on Pathfinding (which also happens to be a stealth-action set-up paying some serious homage to Metal Gear), I've already gotten some more insight to the Pathfinder behavior, which is where my primary concern rests now.

    The viewpoint is top-down is with some layered scaling effects to create some pseudo-3D visuals...you'll see when you load the .capx. In the editor, look at the Layout Level 1 layout. You'll notice a row of thin black lines (object L1WallThin1) near the top of the canvas. Between two solid lines are several dotted ones (that's actually frame 1 of instances of the same object). That's a visual cue on the layout so I can remember what wall sections I want set to invisible during actual gameplay.

    Any wall section set to invisible also has its Solid behavior deactivated. Keep in mind that I have the layered effect going on. So only the black wall objects will ever be set to invisible (unless I later change my mind...). This means that the black section will create this semblance of a "crawl space" below the other two "elevated" blocks that I place above the black blocks (see event sheet Event Wall Set-Up).

    Seeing as this is a stealth-action game, clearly we want ways for the player to sneak around while the enemies stick to the obvious main paths. This means that we don't want the enemy to be able to track the player under walls and into crawl spaces, effectively breaking off any pursuit that might be under way. We want to break his line of sight.

    Now, because Pathfinding uses up SO MUCH of the CPU, I don't want a bunch of enemies walking/running around with active or even pre-active Pathfinding behaviors eating up CPU unless they are actually needed and ONLY when they are needed. So you may notice that I deactivate the behavior whenever the player is far away enough from the enemy (the method by which I test this is subject to change).

    All that's said to hopefully make the main problem clearer...

    After checking the manual and Wrangler's tutorial, the best spot to use the Regenerate Obstacle Map action is at the On Start Of Layout event. I've added all the object walls to the list of Custom Obstacles that I want the enemy to look out for...

    Problem is, the enemy never engages in pursuit even when I'm right on top of it!

    I want ALL of the black block objects to be effectively solid, regardless if the the behavior is active or not for the Player. They should always be "active" to the enemies with the help of the Custom Obstacle setting.

    Is that clear? Or do I need to explain better what I'm having issues with? Thanks for your feedback!

    UPDATE: Does the fact that I have the Add Obstacle action early on in the set-up (see the Event Wall Set-Up) matter? The Event Wall Set-Up is designed to add the additional wall objects above the primary black wall objects (saving ME time in actual level design). But this event sheet comes before the Event CharEnemyRed event sheet...does that make a difference even though the actual CharEnemyRed object is already on the layout to begin with?

  • BluePhaze - AWESOME MOVIE!!! :D RED PALM!

    ptbcomposer - Yeah, right now I'm just looking for more simple stuff.

  • BluePhaze - Oh nag, nag, NAG. LOL Yeah, I realized I had it a tad backwards afterwards. I'l be more careful next time so not to annoy you. ;)

  • Thank you, all, for your input! :D Always greatly appreciated.

  • lemo - Oh, awesome! Thank you!

    Ashley - I downloaded Audicity earlier. :) I'm surprised I didn't think about that one...I've used it before.

  • ptbcomposer - Thank you! I found one that'll transcode to .oog, but as Ashley was saying, I need one that does .wav.

  • Ashley - Thank you, sir. The audio elements of programming/game making is a weak subject for me, but that does help.

    Unfortunately, whatever transcode feature is in C2, I can't make use of it because the file selection box doesn't even LIST it, even though using the Windows Browser clearly shows the files are there. And I am using Windows 7. I'll see what I can find for a converter and will keep that in mind about transcoding from mp3s. Thank you!

  • I found a couple of .mp3 audio files for some sound effects I want to use. However, the import selection window shows no files (when they really are there in that folder on my computer waiting to be imported).

    This leaves me to think that C2 doesn't make use of .mp3 files. If that's the case, my search in the forums has yielded the suggestion that C2 only uses .m4a and/or .oog audio files.

    If so, can you recommend a good file converter program so I can translate my .mp3 to .m4a/.oog files, please? Or is there something else I need to be aware of?


  • I have what seems to be a similar problem...

    I'm simply trying to IMPORT an audio file into the Sounds folder. I just moved the sounds I'm trying to import into the right folders on my computer (for organization purposes). But, C2 says the files aren't even there when I go to import them.

    I'm trying to import mp3 files. Is that my issue or is it something else?

  • Paradox - A VERY good amendment to my idea. :D

  • Ashley - That's fine. :) I didn't think it would be a critical feature; just a helpful visual reference. Thanks!

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  • This is a good one. Glad it's on the list. ^_^

    Thank you, ASHLEY.

  • In the Objects window pane, we have a list of objects, but no quick reference to see what kind of behaviors, etc, are associated with them. You have to click on them and then reference the Properties window. This isn't a big, but when sorting through a LOT of objects and making edits, it can be tough to keep track of what object has what behavior or if it has an instance variable, and so on.

    <img src="https://www.sugarsync/pf/D6025908_4317202_6613196" border="0" />

    (If image doesn't show: sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6613196)

    So what if there were mini-icons in the selection bubble (when an object is highlighted) identifying what behaviors or other properties it had?

    <img src="https://www.sugarsync/pf/D6025908_4317202_6613258" border="0" />

    (If image doesn't show: sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6613258)

    This, I think, could help a LOT with debugging and figuring out what objects have what options during the process of development. And let's face it, sometimes we can forget and not think that maybe another object is cause the problem that might not otherwise seem to matter. That's been true in my experience so far.

    So everything from behaviors to instance variables to effects. All with quick mini-icon references.

    Ashley, do you guys think?