Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • Ashley - Can you clarify what the tolerance is? I just noticed that today and I don't quite understand what its purpose is.

  • I'm trying to run an experiment where the window size - I presume that's the view of the overall layout - is gradually resized right there in the browser window.

    For instance, if the width of the window is 500 pixels, I want to gradually made that width expand...501 pixels, 502 pixels, 503, 504...until I reach a certain value.

    My first question is simply what is the difference between the "canvas", the "layout", and the "window". As I said, my understanding is that the layout contains the whole of the current level or room or HUD. The window, however, is what can be SEEN of the layout at any given time, whether in part or in whole. But in the C2 editor under System, it mentions the canvas. Is that a reference to the layout, the window, or is it entirely something else?

    Per my experiment, I put in the Event tab:

    SYSTEM On start of layout (This I tried both toggled on and off...)

    SYSTEM While

    SYSTEM WindowWidth < 1250

    --> SYSTEM Set canvas size to WindowWidth+1 x WindowHeight

    The initial layout size is 1280x1024.

    The initial window size is 800x480.

    Again, I want to try to make the window through which the game is viewed to perceptably widen until it reaches my desired value. Like a window the size of a box, for example, expanding to that of a rectangle.

    Running the layout only left problems...rather, it didn't actually load. Certainly not as I hoped. I didn't even see a window in the first place.

    Another problem I have is that a different test using the While loop seems to complete instantaneously even when I add that Wait 1.0 seconds action into the mix while the condition is still true. I wanted a variable to increment by 1 while the value was less than 500, adding a one-second delay between increments, and to display the value of the variable immediately after each increment. AND! Even after adding a 10-second delay at the start of the layout before the While event still yields a text display for the variable's value as 500, or even 5000! I see no increment progression...even a fast one. Just instantaneous.

    Can someone help me clarify what the differences are between canvas, layout, and window are (if I'm at all mistaken), and give me a hint/direction on how to accomplish my goal, please? Just a hint...I still need to learn this on my own, too. And to explain to me the nature of the While loop as it's in action?

    Thank you so much!!

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  • Looks like has a better solution than anything I've come up with. C2 doesn't support what I had in mind...at least not yet. What I was trying to do requires the ability to warp shapes (not supported) by way of keeping image points of the same sprite attached to independently moving coordinates (also not supported).

  • HOLY...!!!! That's virtually EXACTLY what I was trying to do a while back. The main difference (hence, the "virtually") is that instead of layers, I wanted to create a solid box.

    The problem I realized is that, as far as I have learned, C2 doesn't stretch/skew sprites in odd contortions while pinning them to each other's image points at corners (ie: a square's shape shifting so that it's that of a trapezoid or parallelogram to represent the sides of the box from shifting top-down perspectives as in this example).

    Well done, !!! WOW!


    -> Play .capx file | Top3D


    -> Rhindon's mind | blown

  • Whiteclaws - Ah, okay. Yeah, when I started it up, I noticed the Y-axis coordinates adjusted ever so slightly, as if my character was falling simply because I supposedly placed him just a few pixels above the platform, and gravity was taking affect. However, I didn't ever actually SEE my character falling in the slightest. I thought maybe it was because I placed him slight overlapping the platform, but I doubt that was the case as I tend to be rather precise when possible...that, and I don't think my character would have been able to MOVE in the first place.

  • Whiteclaws - I think I discovered my problem. It's not the platforms or collision boxes at all. It's something to do with the initial starting coordinates of my character. I have some text values on the screen for me to track, and I notice that a simple JUMP results in a slightly different Y-axis value for the character's Y-axis position after it lands. After that, I'm able to move freely on the surface as if it was one super-long platform.

    Thank you for your replies and suggestions, too! Always good to be thorough and check even the unlikely possibilities.

  • Whiteclaws - I'll double-check the collision boxes, but since I did the click-Ctrl-drag-to-copy shortcut on the Layout, it should be the same dimensions for the box. The only thing I can think might be the case is the minute difference in the Y-axis positions for each instance...like, an extra fraction not accounted for in the Properties bar when the platform is highlighted.

    And I don't see how the rotate angle could be the case since I have them all set to Off. All my images are drawn as basic rectangle shapes, so no rotation was present at their conception.

    Now to check those collision boxes...

  • Okay, someone please explain this one to me...because I'm one confused puppy.

    I'm trying to set up a platform game using the Physics behavior to move the character around. I've created two instances of a long, flat surface, and they both rest on the same Y-axis value, maybe overlapping by a couple of pixels at their ends. Pending refinement to the movement mechanics, the character object is moving just fine.

    It's properties are set to:

    • Immoveable: No
    • Uses collision polygon
    • Prevent rotation: Yes
    • Density = 1
    • Friction = 0.5
    • Elasticity = 0
    • Linear damping = 0.6
    • Angular damping = 0
    • Bullet: No

    For the platform:

    • Immovable: Yes
    • Uses collision polygon
    • Prevent rotation: Yes
    • Density: 1
    • Friction: 0.75
    • Elasticity: 0
    • Linear damping: 0.6
    • Angular damping: 0
    • Bullet: No

    When moving left or right, I use the event Apply physics force +/- 20 at image point 0, with the image point being right in the middle of the sprite object.

    That's all the relevant stuff, I believe. So, with no rotations going on, the two instances of the platform being on the same Y-axis point, why is there a collision stopping my character from moving when it reaches the beginning edge of the second instance? It should be a continuous flat surface, right? But clearly it's catching on the corner/side of the second instance and unable to move forward.

    Anyone have any input, please? Thank you!

  • steveyaar - links aimed at promotion are removed outright, without notice, regardless of the user. So just don't post promotional links.

    Juuust to be clear... So a link to my video game development Facebook group would be considered promo? If so, then I'll surely not put it in my sig.

  • I'm all for 3D on C2. But I appreciate the simplicity of C2 first and foremost. It's hard enough for some of us novices just to get use to how to set things up without worrying about an extra dimension. For instance, I'm working on learning the Physics behaviors, and all these properties and fields that affect how the physics are applied is still a lot to absorb.

    I'm with Ashley on this one, for now. Let's stick to 2D...if only at least until the Scirra Bros get "all" the kinks worked out and all they have on their to-do list added. That may take some time, obviously. The reason I think this would be good is because it's no good going into three dimensions when all conceivable and necessary aspects aren't rock-solid yet. What would it take to arrive at that point? Heck if I know, but that foundation is needed.

    I am, however, eager to see some implementation of scaling and 2D image warping features (image warping could help me to create a faux-3D box I was trying to make...too complicated for my own head to explain).

  • CrudeMik - I'm still learning a great deal here, and audio is definitely NOT my specialty. However, I have just a hunch that part of the deal is because it's all set to On start of layout. Something tells me that's part of the conundrum. While it's working for one emitter, even though you have the For each going, the layout has since already started...come and gone. (The green arrow of the event, as I'm sure you clearly know already, signifies it's waiting for a singular, specific instance of that event...the start. Can't have multiple starts, per se. Certainly not of the layout. ... Er, correct me if I'm wrong.)

    Since it's working for one emitter, I'm guessing you just need to set it up so it's a different event that isn't looking for a one-time occurrence.

    I really don't know, but I hope that helps somehow. Hopefully this will help me learn something, too, once you find the solution.

  • Ashley - LOL I'm messing around with the Physics - distance joint.capx example (I presume you set this one up) that you referred to in your tutorial, and I'm levitating the cog to make the HTML5 shield "jump rope" around it. Man, I'm having a blast. (Us crazy Yanks, eh? LOL)

    I really appreciate how much work you and your brother have put into this. It means more than I can say (without getting ridiculously long-winded).

    I've recently learned about a program code called Corona that, as I understand it, is similar to Java, but easier in a sense. I aim to look into in the future as my programming skills grow because I want to have at least working familiarity with different languages as I pursue my loftier dreams. But you can be sure that C2 is going to hold a special place in my gaming heart - not to sound too sentimental about it. lol Just...wow. I'm GRATEFUL. So VERY grateful. Thank you both (and you, too, Kyatric!) for all your amazing work. I really do hope the God of Heaven blesses you tremendously (I'm a Christian...I don't throw that out lightly ;) ).

  • Kyatric - *forehead-palm followed by dragging my hand down my face for an extended facepalm* How long have I been here now and I didn't think to look at the tutorials this time?? Thank you, sir! I'll check those out now.

  • Maybe it's because of my tendency to be detail-oriented and perfectionistic, but it's taking me much longer. I can get side-tracked from my original task at hand all so I can learn as much as possible about another feature in C2! So what MIGHT have taken me a matter of hours has...er...taken me several weeks. LOL But yes, I'm with you on the praise. C2 just has a way of making development actually ACCESSIBLE to your average gamer.

  • This is a help request particularly for ramones because he helped silkc2 resolve an issue for a physics-based bridge-making program. HOWEVER! Obviously there are many of you who understand the physics behavior, so please feel free to chime in!

    What I need is a "for dummies" explanation of the Physics behavior, in particularly, the Revolute Joints. I've read the manual but it doesn't do much to explain exactly how to put it together.

    As a stepping stone for a larger project I'm working on, I'm working on a test program to learn more about Physics. The set-up is that there is a single sprite - a dot - on the screen. When the mouse arrow touches the dot, from whichever point on the dot's circumference, a new dot instance will appear at the very point of mouse-over-dot contact. Thus, the two instances will touch at their respective edges where the mouse originally touched the first instance. (To prevent further complications, I set it so that each instance can only create one new copy of itself one time, requiring an instance variable.)

    So far, I figure that a Revolute Joint is the best choice, but I'm not for certain. I've also considered a Distance Joint...but that one's even more complicated (and I could use someone to explain each part of it to me, too).

    Rather than JUST giving me all the answers, of course, I welcome someone walking me THROUGH it. Thank you so much!