I'm attempting to create a pseudo-3D box.
- Two sprites make up the top and bottom of the box - 1 on the "Floor" layer, and 1 on the "Top" layer.
- Pending further adjustments, the paralax for Top is 75, 75, and Floor is 100, 100.
- All sprites have five image points - origin point is at center while the other four are set to each square's corners.
- The Sprite BoxBottom has the Solid behavior.
- The player-controlled sprite, Player, has the 8 Direction, Scroll To, and Bound To Layout behaviors.
- Layout size is 500, 500 with a window size of 250, 250.
- With the exception of TopBox sprite, all sprites are currently on the "Floor" layer.
The viewpoint is while looking top-down (think virtually all the PokeMon games, particularly where the buildings appear 3D as the Trainer moves about town). The lowdown of my goal is to connect the two BoxSide sprites to their respective corners of the BoxTop and BoxBottom sprites. With help of the paralax feature, the BoxTop will move at a different rate than BoxBottom, and the BoxSide sprites will redraw accordingly, creating a simulated 3D effect relative the perspective of the Player sprite as it moves around.
For instance, if Player is standing to the immediate left of the Box, you will barely be able to see the left side. But the further away Player moves to the left, the more the perspective will shift, allowing the left side of the box to be seen. Move to another position around the Box and you'll see a different side of it.
Ultimately, what I'm striving to do is use the image points as anchors at every tick. But I'm not seeing where I can reference one image point of one sprite to that of another sprite's image point. I see the Set Position To events/actions, but not specifically for image points.
My BIG question is if it's even possible to make an image interact between two layers at the same time?
Here's the .capx file at present... https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6518506
Here is an illustration to (hopefully) make clear(er) what I'm trying to accomplish. The graphics are "pixelated" (easier for me to draw), but it's the color scheme that matters, as that's what I have set up in the .capx above.