Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • .CAPX: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6765580

    Yet another scenario that hopefully I won't lose anyone on while I explain the details in order to better clarify my dilemma...please hang tight; I'll try to make this concise.

    Wrangler provided a tutorial which I have amended previous Event instructions that I had to now follow after. C-7 has also provided help earlier so I'm calling him for some insight, too, if he wouldn't mind. ramones is always a great help. Anyone else who can identify my problem is welcome to chime in, of course. :)

    The gameplay is modeled after your traditional stealth-action, particularly with some "Metal Gear Solid" elements: Normal, Chase, Post-Chase/Caution statuses.

    I'm using three condition statuses to determine how the Enemies (object "CharEnemy") behave depending on their awareness of the Player (object "CharPlayer").


    (When I later get the Events set up,) the Enemies will follow preset patrols, which the Player will have to navigate around or distract with items (a feature not yet added). If the Player does not fall within the Enemy's line of sight (object "VisionCone") and no obstacles (the various wall objects) are in the way (determined by the "LOSobject" object which stretches between the Player and the Enemy instances), then the situation remains normal, or "PreChase". I do not have a group for these conditions as I want them to be readily available to test as conditions change.


    This group is activated when both the LineOfSight and IsPlayerInRange variables test True. To try to prevent Event/Action contradictions, I make sure that the LostChase group remains deactivated (or is otherwise turned off) to prevent the Enemy from randomly wandering around or that it doesn't get confused on how to compute the Pathfinding behavior.

    If during the chase, the Enemy loses sight of the Player somehow, the AlertState variable is set to 9, the LostChase group is activated, and the ChasePhase group is deactivated.


    The Enemy is now set to wander around randomly for about 18 seconds. During this time, it is my goal to allow the ChasePhase to be reactivated if the LineOfSight and IsPlayerInRange conditions become true again. If not, the Enemy (again, when I implement this feature later) will go back to its patrols like normal.

    Basically, the process should look something like this:

    PreChase -->> ChasePhase <<--->> LostChase

    ^-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    As you can see in my comments throughout the Event sheet, I will also have it set to where the Pathfinding behavior for each instance will be on or off to save on the wear-n-tear on the CPU...at least, that's my intent. I'm wondering, too, if doing so actually affects ALL instances or just the one (as in, while using Pick or the For Each loop)...so if someone could clue me in if I'm mistaken about that.

    But, when you run the "Layout Level 1" layout, you'll see that the Enemies are awfully lethargic. I did have this working at one point...but apparently I "fixed" it too much. The Enemies don't respond to the test conditions; at best the LOSobject changes color as it should so I at least know that that much is working.

    Can anyone see what I'm missing?

    Thank you!

  • Ashley - I see what you mean, and I think you're right. It is harder, and I guess some of my trouble just stems from the fact that I have SO MUCH about C2 to learn. I guess what I'd really like to see is something along the lines of what jayderyu just described. A "highlight" of all associated objects/instances and command prompts. Maybe a kind of pop-up window on a "mouse over" deal... A QUICK LIST of sorts. Again, though, I imagine that would be much harder to implement, let alone describe clearly in concept. We'll make due. :)

  • Any suggestion to add SOME kind of visually related flow chart within C2 while using in-project images, etc, to "see" prior to any active preview how things are connected would be difficult, I'm sure (I can't even begin to describe how it MIGHT be described, let alone wonder if it COULD)...

    So, dreaming aside, could anyone recommend a flow chart program to aid in the C2 game development? The Event/Action visual instruction nodes is great, but it's not always easy to SEE how one thing is connected and affects another. Especially when you have option 1 / option 2 / option [#] that will take you all over the event sheet and layouts depending on the actual events that take place.

    (This may be in the wrong category, I realize, but it seemed related in a loose way...)

  • Jase00 - :) Thanks for the vote!

    Ashley - I suppose I can see that (barely, as I don't have the programming expertise like you do...but I understand).

    The work-around, though, I think will fit what I have in mind perfectly. I know of the !=...er, whatever you call that instruction (I can't remember), but I'm not used to using it. Thank you. :)

  • I'm sure there a work-around for what I have in mind, but is it possible to add a trigger that checks for the moment the value of a variable changes?

    For instance, in my stealth game, I may have my enemy chasing me. I have a variable that states "Is enemy chasing player?" - True.

    But there are times before and after where both are False. I want to test the moment the pursuit is lost.

    The reason in my example is because before pursuit, the chase condition is false, but I don't want the follow-up actions to take place BEFORE the chase has even started. I need a test that says THE MOMENT WHEN the value changes and pursuit has been lost.

    Does this seem like a viable option to add? Thanks. :)

  • Whoooaaaa! :D Just the concept alone grabbed my attention!

  • Darklinki - Thank you for your help. You kinda lost me with the shirt examples but I truly appreciate the examples all the same. :)

    Ashley - Gotcha. Thank you! :) Next up...a post requesting help to understand how For Each loops are rendered at/during runtime. LOL (I'm trying to peek UNDER the hood to see how the engine does its thing. That's why all these "basic" questions. Trying to see where the limits are for each event and function, and where I need to add other instructions to compensate.)

  • Panacea - lol Don't feel bad, man. I've noticed that C2, despite its amazing ease of ACCESS, also has that odd effect of creating steep learning curves...namely in teachings us that the obvious is hardest to see when it's staring dead in the face.

    I'm very familiar with C2 now, but I'm STILL learning tons and facing lots of obstacles in the process. The celebration here is that now you've got something else under your belt of tricks. :)

  • The rep amounts are not final, so if anyone has suggestions on how to balance it more let me know.

    Also can add other ways to obtain rep, but sometimes its technically not possible to add them all in.

    What about a feature similar to Yahoo Answers and other like sites? Particularly when a help request is given and the original poster finds one or several replies quite helpful or fully answers the request. Those who reply can also receive a little extra rep (say, just one rep point) by OTHERS who read the post and also find the input helpful.

    This, I think, would encourage quality feedback and given even, perhaps, those who just TRY to offer help a chance to garner rewards.

  • Well, THAT's a relief. I think the rep system is fun.

    ...I'm still just hoping I get my Quick Draw badge FINALLY since I was in the top three downloaders in a recent release.

    But the updates are appreciated. :)

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  • Say I have the following:

    -> Event | Condition

    --> Sub-event | Condition

    -> Else

    I understand that Else will take effect if the previous Event was false. In this case, does the Else wait for the Event or Sub-event to be false, since both come prior. However, to my thinking, the Sub-event is still part of the main Event, so it shouldn't matter, yes/no?

    So...let's say......

    -> Event | Condition TRUE

    --> Sub-event | Condition FALSE

    -> Else ...?...


    -> Event | Condition FALSE

    --> Sub-event | Condition Doesn't run...

    -> Else TRUE......right?

    How does the Sub-event's true/false status play into the outcome of the Else condition since both the Event and Else are on the same level? Is the Sub-event viewed as an extension of the Event in the eyes of Else, or is the Sub-event still part of the Event and factor into the overall true/false?


    I'm using a For Each to check the conditions of each instance of an object. Some instances may have true statements, others false. Will the Else condition take that into account?

    -> For Each | Instance 0 TRUE

    -> Else ...?...

    -> For Each | Instance 1 FALSE

    -> Else ...?...

    Thank you for your help!

  • If the clue IS still on the badge description page as it says the "clue is right here", then I'm really stumped...

  • I messaged Wrangler for help (he wrote a tutorial using Pathfinding) and he said he seemed to get my .capx to work by setting the Pathfinding cell size to 0. You might want to tweek your settings, as well... See if that helps.

  • stratospheres - Yeah, that's what I'm experiencing, too. My latest effort shows some odd behavior by my enemy object...likes he's constantly trying to find a new path when I'm in range. But it also ignores walls that I've identified as obstacles (including regenerating the obstacle map). I'm wondering if I haven't put the regen map action in the wrong spot...

  • ramones - Really? With the Custom Objects in effect? I tested it when toggled on and off and it only worked when I had the Obstacles set to Solids. I can't help but think there's a factor in the order of the behavior's events/actions that I'm missing...