Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • According to this Wiki page, it seems that there's some serious lacking in the department of overall support. Not that I understand most of it.

    I'm sure Ashley can make sense of it.

  • *BIGGEST FACEPALM THIS SIDE OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER!!!* Oh my goodness. I HAD that set to Custom before! I don't know how it got changed, but now I see what the problem was! LOL

    Man, I feel like a dunce. :P

    *sighs and laughs at myself* THANK YOU, Once again, you are my hero. .....er, don't read into that too much.

  • .CAPX: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6792106

    For all of my sprites labeled with "L1" (the "Ground" layer), they have two frames of animation (settings set to speed: 0, loop: no). Frame 1 it the same block shape, but its alpha (transparency) setting is set to 50 points less, so that there is a subtle see-through, just enough to notice to the observant eye during gameplay.

    Under no circumstances does the Enemy object get to pass through any wall. At least...that's how it's supposed to be.

    When an instance is set to frame one, then I disable its Solid behavior so the Player can pass through it like a secret passage and give the Enemy chasing him the slip...hence the LOS object that tests if any walls are obstructing the direct line of sight.

    The problem is that the Enemy characters via Pathfinding treat any wall object as if it were not a Custom Obstacle when that wall is set to frame 1. Press M to create sprite instances that highlight where cells have Custom Obstacles. You'll notice where the walls with frame 1 set do not get highlighted.

    I've checked the collision polygons on all frame 1, L1 wall objects to ensure the collision nodes are set as they should be - everything checks out.

    My only theory which I haven't been able to isolate and conclude on is that the disabling of the Solid behavior is causing the relevant L1 walls to also become unrecognized as Custom Obstacles.

    My apologies if all my Event sheets and Layouts as they are broken down create some confusion. The main gist of things can be found in Event Wall Set-Up and in Event CharEnemy. In Event Level 1, I reference to both of these two Event sheets...and I'm wondering if the order that I reference them makes a difference according to traditional event flow logic (ie: reading top to bottom).

    Also, previously, in Event Wall Set-Up, I had it set so that for each wall instance, if the L1 walls were set to frame one, I would also turn them invisible as well as disable Solid. Now, this worked, and the Enemies would not chase the Player when I went through the "secret" passage. Since then, I decided I wanted all the walls to look unbroken, and only walls that had a slightly distorted look during gameplay would be able to be walked through by the Player. But, again, the Add Obstacle would apply to all L1 walls regardless of frame setting.

    I'm not sure what I'm missing by now. Much obliged for your help!

    UPDATE: I tested for frame 1 also having the Solid behavior active. That solved my dilemma partially. I now need to figure out how to allow the Player to go through sprites (no Solid) while preventing the Pathfinding behavior from mapping a path THROUGH the same sprite that, while having Solid disabled, is still an obstacle it cannot go through.

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    I like the idea of modularity, but having a refined debug - rather than creating my own, which I cannot personally ensure I'll always create correctly anyway! - would really help to see where the breakdown in my logic is at. Modularity would be a massive overhaul, but being able to easily spot problem areas within C2 events as things are NOW would be a tremendous help.

  • jayderyu - LOL Most of that was well over my head.

    But from the ScirraMark, it doesn't sound like C2 would work on the 3DS browser anyway... And it would look really odd and be two small being on dual screens.

  • Actually, can you clarify something for me?

    How exactly does exporting work?

    You have your project on C2, itself, which can be previewed in any of the three main browsers. But then say you want to export a game to Facebook, or a game made for Android or the iPhone. What goes on behind the scenes that make an HMTL5-based game program compatible with other platforms. After all, Android is Java based... How does the translation process work? (I imagine this is maybe "intellectual property" related, so it is okay if you can't give me much on the details).

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  • Ashley - LOL Yeah, browser-speaking, it's not in the slightest ready for C2. It's best to see if you can make C2 exportable to the 3DS app market...if that's even possible. I don't know...well...anything about the inner-workings of the 3DS and how it compares with C2's abilities and foundation.

    I don't know for SURE, but I have HEARD that Nintendo charges a hefty sum for 3rd-party developers to make games for their stuff. Not to discourage the prospect, and I might be wrong, but just an FYI. At the same time, I think it would be a GOOD possibility to at least look into. Obviously the WiiU and the 3DS are good places to provide indie games a chance to shine.

  • jayderyu - The browser is decent. It's not at all C2-worthy. But it is certainly good enough to browse most web sites - though my access to my the internet is not regular and I have my laptop, so I don't use my 3DS browser. It takes some getting used to browsing via a dual screen, but it's not difficult to use. The tedious part is tapping in every character for a web address or a message. LOL But if it's all you got, it's functional, definitely.

    Ashley - Loading it on my 3DS, ScirraMark doesn't even recognize it, so it seems. It says:

    Your browser scores ? out of ? (?)

    You are using: Mozilla/5.0 (Nintendo 3DS; U; ;en) Version/1.7552.US

    - It definitely doesn't compare to a computer. But it's functional. :)

  • This just goes to show that I'm very easily amused with my tech toys. :) I'm in a good mood. LOL

    So how are you? :D

  • This post is brought to you by Nintendo...and the number 3. And the letter D...and the letter S.

    And the web browser app.

  • BlueSkies - I can understand that. But that's also why I addressed that part specifically to any Christians. Perhaps that was a bit of some poor wording on my part, though.

  • Yeah, I had to add a time delay on checking for "Find path". It's working now. :)

    Thanks, guys!

  • Um...since the latest update to the site and rep system, just earlier today I had somewhere between 2200 and 2100...maybe a bit more. NOW I'm back down to a little over 2000.

    What just happened? I've been MAKING comments, so my rep should be going up, right??

  • I'm actually going to try to start working on this soon. I'm no expert by ANY means, but I do have a mind to try to make even the most complex material as easy to grasp by your most basic learner as possible.

    Yann has the Wiki link via Reddit, so it might be good to bookmark.

    I mean to actually start working on it today, but time eluded me. I should have more free time tomorrow.

  • I've been using an Every X seconds Event while my characters chase another character. This allows the Find path and Move along path Actions to do their thing and not hamper the other, since it takes a short time to calculate the path.

    I've also set up actions to enable/disable the Pathfinding behavior...I'm not entirely sure if this works well, or at all, but it might be worth testing.

    I've also been advised to employ the Trigger Once Event to prevent successive calls on the Find path Event from triggering too soon, cancelling out Move along path because it's still calculating. You might want to try that.

    I'm also personally curious about how long a single call on Find path takes on average to calculate. I know it's dependent upon the distance and number of obstacles, etc, but what's a good mean time?