What next for Construct 2?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!

    Minor improvements please. My wish is seeing C2 running Mobile Projects as fast as running them on computer browsers, but i understand that there's a limitation related with every mobile device, browsers, etcetera.

    Big thanks to you guys. Getting such a great piece of software with such a small team working on it it's amazing.

    Modularity would be a major timesaver that would apply to most projects. Multiplayer, while difficult, also requires server-side coding and infrastructure as well as only applies to minority of projects.

    Modularity, already missed it in lots of my projects. :)

    As a bonus it could tremendously help people that are starting out to get past features requiring more complex execution, and allow them to focus on design aspect of their games.

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    I vote for modularity features because if C2 does this it will become almost as powerful as coding it. It will also make programming much much easier for more complicated programs.

    My second vote would be find refrences, I get lost in my programs too much.

    Both of these will improve the pipeline so much that we can all make games faster and get back to killing zerglings much quicker ;).

    I agree with you. References would be also great. But it's too bad no one vote for references yet, I really wish I could do an simple control+f in my projects :(

    I wanna vote two times <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Minor improvements please. My wish is seeing C2 running Mobile Projects as fast as running them on computer browsers, but i understand that there's a limitation related with every mobile device, browsers, etcetera.

    Big thanks to you guys. Getting such a great piece of software with such a small team working on it it's amazing.


    I like the idea of modularity, but having a refined debug - rather than creating my own, which I cannot personally ensure I'll always create correctly anyway! - would really help to see where the breakdown in my logic is at. Modularity would be a massive overhaul, but being able to easily spot problem areas within C2 events as things are NOW would be a tremendous help.

    Couple of things. There are good sites for doing polls like this. Feature polls are not as useful as the type that allow for community driven requests and upvoting. I feel like the C2 community should be the ones driving these features. We should be able to submit an idea (not moderated) and have others vote it up or down. That is the best democratic way to do this.

    Second, I'd talk to Clay.IO and see if that service can help with multiplayer. Real Time multiplayer is a very difficult animal. Given that HTML5 is limited to the way it communicates outside of the browser, you would need to develop some sort of mini-local-server to do the back and forth. Although if ClayIO has the frame work for cross client already, I wonder if we can leverage that.

    These look ambitious! Excelsior!

    I cast my lonely vote for better 3D support. I know this is very difficult for WebGL but at least a support for unshaded, animated objects on otherwise 2D backgrounds would be just fine and dandy.

    wow, its an amazing job dude :D

    I think everyone would love a support for multiplayer games, but I believe that as this takes a long time before we could get some easy way to debug our code in real time (similar to firebug)

    Well that would be so useful that might help in implementing a multiplayer :P

    Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely modularity. My biggest problem with this program right now (since you've solved saving/loading and creating .exe's, because you guys are awesome!) is that I can't have two people working on the same project together nicely. The ability to create packages so that one person can work on setdressing and level design and the other can code would be absolutely FANTASTIC.

    Thank you for being awesome!

    Tilemap support, that is a good thing.

    I voted for modularity. Being able to have a HUD that remains through the game without having to manually code them into place would be a huge time saver for example.

    And as for multiplayer, there is already a functioning plugin by zack0wack0 if I remember correctly.

    It might not be the most optimized thing in the world, but I did create a multiplayer game with it and node.js , it was playing fine with 4 people (well, 3 and a local player). Granted there was a lot of client side prediction and it would have probably exploded with 16+ people, but it was playable.

    Anyway, like someone above me said, you use multiplayer in some game but you would use modularity in all of them.

    I voted tile maps but would love to see the ability to draw our own paths for sprites to follow.

    Find reference , modularity and debug ...

    Modularity sounds pretty cool. However, there's no question for me: I would LOVE a debug menu. I've been working on a larger project in C2 for almost two years now. There are a lot of variables to keep track of, and I feel like I waste a lot of time assigning variables to text boxes. Continuous preview has helped with that, a little. But a fully functional debug menu, like the one in Construct Classic, would make the whole process so much more efficient.

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