firebelly's Forum Posts

  • I don't think it's that strange, have you tried Ludei before? I'm basically looking for someone to tell me why my apps run like garbage on mobile. The only time they run great is when I use the Ludei launcher. All other formats are unplayable. Even the Ludei Cloud Compile apps are terrible, the launcher is ok.

  • I created a little puzzle game for mobile platforms, but I've ran into nothing by roadblocks with optimizing and deploying. It sort of works on Android if I use Ludei, but there are issues. It doesn't work at all on iOS when I publish it. Ludei launchers work GREAT, but once it's live, it nose dives to really poor. Ludei won't reply to my help requests and every time I send them my files to debug, they never reply, completely useless so far. I've tried the other options such as Ejecta and Crosswalk, but those seem to be broken for me, unplayable.

    I need someone who has experience with pushing games from C2 to Android and iOS (I tried WP8, but the game just crashes after a few minutes).

    I'd give you access to the source folder on Dropbox and let you have at it.

    The goal is this: Get the game looking really stable on iOS and Android (WP8 would be GREAT too) so I can I can then add features and make changes without worrying about the deployment side.

    Why don't I just do it? This was a side project for me, that I just don't have time for but I still want it to live.

    Monetary compensation is totally an option.

  • So is the basic answer you just can't do it? I've optimized it over and over. I even REMOVED the physics part. I do it all by hand now with just math and moving blocks. It doesn't look as good but it works.

  • I really apologize to everyone. Ed and I went back and forth with code changes to this. During that time, I re-installed my OS. I thought I had a clean cut of the code, but I guess it wasn't the working version. What is floating around now is as good as it will get. We never got the alignment correct. There was something with the window size that messes up the placement of the effect. I am not a GLSL programmer so my fiddling with it lead no where. I really hope someone with time and skills can look at what we had, and see if we were on the right track. It also helps if you use a mask/shadow. Create a sprite for the shadow, set it to destination out, then set the glow to the same size. It can mimic the diffusion effect of other engines.

  • My last thread was moved into the completed pile. Wasn't expecting that....

    Well...Hello! I'm the lead developer for Temprous and I wanted to let you know I have a Kickstarter going to help fund the game art and audio! Let me know what you think. If you have any questions for myself and the team, you can comment here, on or via twitter. Here are some links to more information!


    Dev Blog/News:

    Firebelly Studios:

    Official Trailer:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Official Press Release: Here

    Steam Greenlight: Here

    Twitter: @firebellys

    Featuring Artists: Scut Fabulous and Pastel

    Temporus started off as a proof of concept in XNA, then I immediately transferred to C2. Most likely in the future, we will move to the Unity Engine. At this time though, most of the game mechanics are in C2 only. Most of the game footage was from C2.

    From here on out, I will post what I can here!

  • Hi guys vagaev szymek firebelly Colludium BluePhaze

    Speaking of different ratios, can you check my bug report?

    Thanks so much!

    This has been around for ages, and if I recall it's a problem with how often anchor resets the position. Ashley commented that there was no way (or reason) to fix this if I recall. My game has this issue as well.

  • > Sorry if this is old news, but is the main branch from Ludei still not working?

    > I'm getting this when I export...

    > ---------------------------

    > Construct 2 Check failure

    > ---------------------------

    > Check failure! This is probably a bug:


    > Dependency file appears to be missing


    > Condition: FileExists(*i)

    > File: html5.cpp

    > Line: 1287

    > Function: void __cdecl Exporter::DoExport(class era::IProject *,class era::ILayout *,bool,struct HWND__ *,bool,bool)

    > Build: release 169 (64-bit) checked

    > Component: HTML5 exporter

    > (Last Win32 error: 2)


    Which C2 version do you use? I have the same issue but with beta version r169. It worked with the latest stable version on my end. So its more a bug of the beta version i think.

    I'll try and downgrade tomorrow. Not sure if that is super possible but I'll try!

  • Sorry if this is old news, but is the main branch from Ludei still not working?

    I'm getting this when I export...


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Dependency file appears to be missing

    Condition: FileExists(*i)

    File: html5.cpp

    Line: 1287

    Function: void __cdecl Exporter::DoExport(class era::IProject *,class era::ILayout *,bool,struct HWND__ *,bool,bool)

    Build: release 169 (64-bit) checked

    Component: HTML5 exporter

    (Last Win32 error: 2)

  • I hope you realize your 2286x320 texture/sprite actually needs ~32MB of ram in memory.

    That and a lot of devices simply won't support bigger than 2048 texture sizes.

    CocoonJS loads ALL your assets on startup, every single one in your game, at once. Often CJS crashing on startup is due to 2 things: 1) bigger than 2048 sprite or 2) too much memory usage.

    This is understandable. My main issue is that my games always work great using the launcher, but fail in the final product. So the one place you can debug, it works, the one place you can't debug, it does.

  • Good luck finding what the issue is

    Don't make textures over 2024. Don't use any of the broken objects like text boxes.

    Even after all that, it might still break. Mine doesn't work on iOS. It loads fine in the Launcher, but when I compile it in XCode, it loads the splash and freezes.

    If you go on the forums there are almost a dozen similar threads with no reply.

  • I've tested my app on multiple phones with the launcher and it works fine in 1.4.7 and 2.0.0 beta. But any time I push the final version to my phone using the cloud compile XCode project, it hangs on the splash screen.

    Anyone else know of a work around or of a way to log and test what is happening? As I mentioned, it works fine in the launcher and there are no warnings or errors in the debug screen, but it does freeze with the non-debug version. Any help is appreciated.

  • Yes i noticed the same (probably) memory issues that you have that's why i posted here..

    but i added the speed comment cause my game runs faster on IE inside the emulator rather than the actual universal export ( but i have to investigate further the situation )

    I'm trying to make sense of it, but when I ran the memory profiler, it showed that images were retaining 4MB of memory each. And that there were 57K objects present.

    When I run in cocoon, chrome and in C2, it always says 90 megs max and 150 objects. So there is something funky going on with the way the 8.1 Universal template works.

  • IE11 is much faster, but I'm talking memory here and not CPU speed.

    VS2013 has bunch of new emulators. They are pretty close to the reference phone sizes.

  • FYI, Ludei expressed interest in the work you all are doing, can someone make a list of all the forks and what they have in them and which ones are stable and which ones are just for playing?

    They want to take a look at what you area doing.

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  • I've heard from multiple sources that CocoonJS can't handle images over 2030. I opened up the export of my project and I had some images in there that were squeezed into a spritesheet. They were only 800px high in project, but the sprite sheet landed at 2048 which is over the 2030 limit. Do you think we need a check on the CocoonJS export for spritesheet size, and throw a warning to the user that some spritesheets were too big?

    I'm not sure if this is a real issue or not.