I wanted to start a thread we could use for all things GDC related.
CocoonJS: Talked to them and here is basically what they said give or take. They are working on version 2.0 which contains bug fixes and feature updates. These feature updates mainly include a remote debugging ability as well as a new plugin API. This is so you can start writing your own stuff for CocoonJS directly. What about audio bugs? What about 9Patch not working? What about Ads failing? No word. What about the fact that Ludei has been pretty slow to answer emails/twitter/forums? Answer was this: We are a small team and we're all coding. They are in need of funding and looking to get either bought out or have another investor inject cash into the business. This kind of talk made me a little nervous. So it really sounds like they are just trying to get features out so they can sell, and they aren't planning on going more customer focused any time soon. He mentioned a monthly release cycle, which we all know is not the case.
IntelXDK: We (buddy of mine) talked to the folks at Intel who ran the XDK booth. The tool sounds like it is going to be developed pretty regularly. It's still in that strange state where they aren't sure how to handle mobile so they are doing it all. IF you look on the build screen, there are like 3 ways to export to android, we commented that it was confusing...normal android, cordova android, crosswalk android...they need to get that under control
OcculusRift: Not related to us, but this was AWESOME with EVE Valkyrie. I almost threw up after it, but only because it was a wild ride.
It was also nice seeing the games in person and meeting devs, even some C2 devs! Everyone should give it up for — who had a booth and was also Greenlit on steam during GDC.