firebelly's Forum Posts

  • It's a lot of work, but some one will get it done. I think what we can from this is that while they aren't going much forward on their own. The Plugin system if indeed allows us access to lower level libraries could be a massive benefit.

    I think they realized once they released, that all these toolkits were going to come to them for support. So instead of just working on the Cocoon product, they had to support cocoon+impact.js, cocoon+Construct2, cocoon+ETCETCETC. it was overwhelming and they needed a way to let them handle it themselves and use cocoon as a platform instead of a end to end product.

  • They will not care about this... now they are focused on apps.

    I don't think they can abandon the base like that, I mean they were marketing as a games company, not so much apps. If it's just apps, they will get steamrolled by Xamarian, Telerik, the rest of the apps crew.

  • I launched a thread on Ludei's site. They are still cleaning up at GDC i'm sure, so I don't expect much this week.

    I wanted to make a list of issues I'm seeing in Cocoon, and ask if anyone has work around.

    *Terrible FPS on first load, there is a noticeable lag as it loads everything into memory I am guessing

    *9Patch looks terrible on Android (sprites look like noise/static)

    *Audio doesn't start

    or restart after muted correctly (depends on platform)

    *Tiled Backgrounds go fubar when they are smallish (related to 9patch?)

    *Particles don't work on iOS, and sometimes buggy on Android (sprites look like noise/static)

  • Also fun note, Intel XDK is an HTML5 app, Node-Webkit. The entire IDE.


    I wanted to start a thread we could use for all things GDC related.

    CocoonJS: Talked to them and here is basically what they said give or take. They are working on version 2.0 which contains bug fixes and feature updates. These feature updates mainly include a remote debugging ability as well as a new plugin API. This is so you can start writing your own stuff for CocoonJS directly. What about audio bugs? What about 9Patch not working? What about Ads failing? No word. What about the fact that Ludei has been pretty slow to answer emails/twitter/forums? Answer was this: We are a small team and we're all coding. They are in need of funding and looking to get either bought out or have another investor inject cash into the business. This kind of talk made me a little nervous. So it really sounds like they are just trying to get features out so they can sell, and they aren't planning on going more customer focused any time soon. He mentioned a monthly release cycle, which we all know is not the case.

    IntelXDK: We (buddy of mine) talked to the folks at Intel who ran the XDK booth. The tool sounds like it is going to be developed pretty regularly. It's still in that strange state where they aren't sure how to handle mobile so they are doing it all. IF you look on the build screen, there are like 3 ways to export to android, we commented that it was confusing...normal android, cordova android, crosswalk android...they need to get that under control

    OcculusRift: Not related to us, but this was AWESOME with EVE Valkyrie. I almost threw up after it, but only because it was a wild ride.

    It was also nice seeing the games in person and meeting devs, even some C2 devs! Everyone should give it up for who had a booth and was also Greenlit on steam during GDC.

  • I want to have a link or button open the phone's native browser. is that possible yet?

  • firebelly - come by the Indie Megabooth and say hello, Airscape will be there and so will I (Well, when I'm not in a talk )

    For sure! I'll bring you a button or sticker!

  • See you there!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Is there any instance when I make a Dictionary set to Global that it would not be global? I have checked a bunch of times, and for some reason my dictionaries are always empty when I move from layout to layout. Maybe I'm missing something.

  • Congrats on a really great game

    Thanks! It's getting there

  • I think that is all Debug info I left in there. It's still in test mode so there are some things that won't be in the final version. Like the "I WIN" button that insta kills the bad guy

    As for font, I did make my own, using the Mono font tool I found here on the forum and then putting it in. I might tweak it some more because it could use some better blending.

  • So I'm making a puzzle game that mixes a little bit of pokemon-esque battles with puzzles. If anyone is bored, feel free to give it a try. ... UWdAnmM%3d

    At this point I'm open to any criticism as long as it's constructive. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • I was more thinking about if it is possible

    Yes, this is what I use for testing.

    I export to a local folder (using cocoon export) and share with mongoose web server, then just reload the zip each time. This gives me as close to a real release as possible with least effort, plus C2 can be open or closed.

  • I suggest you do a preview over wifi of your game if possible (cocoonJS can do that, I don't remember the procedure correctly though), with the debuger enabled (the url should be something like http://XX.XX.XX.XX:50000/debug )

    The debuger could help you to see what is the problem

    So the default cocoonjs debugger tells me a couple things, warnings, actions, errors. There is a profiler inside CocoonJS Launcher, but it only knows how to deal with native commands. So if you open up the logs from the launcher, it will be nothing but more low level api calls. See here:

    If you look at this image here

    You will see the slices are great for telling me where the slow draws are, but they have no meaning to me in Construct 2.

    In C2 I know "Fighting Methods", "Touch Methods for Puzzle".

    I'm looking to get to that level.

    Secondly, I am testing on slower phones, so my PC shows GPU/CPU always at like 0.1 - 4% max. That never translates to the phone equally.

  • I am using CocoonJS for iOS and Android. I tried using Crosswalk and found the performance to be un-usable. On an iPhone 4s, I get great solid 30 FPS performance. On the Samsung Galaxy S III. I get ~28 FPS, but huge drops when I take actions in my game. Down to 5-7 FPS.

    I want to add performance counters into my project so I can see exactly what method/function/timer is doing this.

    I am not using physics, there are no more than 100 sprites on the screen and I am not using many if any effects/particles.

    On the PC it is always 60 FPS. The issue is mainly older android. But this is also a platform I can't avoid.

    Any tips for tracking down very specific perf issues?