What next for Construct 2?

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    - Real FullScreen without black margins in .EXE mode independently of the monitor size.


    He will not care about it, you have to put a huge image on the background in scale fullscreen.


    What about trails ?

    Joannesalfa No need to bring the negativity from another thread in here. Every person that brings it up actually helps your cause.


    > Well, depends on how good the debugger is. If he was to built a really good debugger, than it would take a lot of time than that would also be equivalent to him building the multiplayer capabilities. Chances are the debugger won't be that advance in the beginning to help you a lot in debugging advance games. I think a simple debugger can be made fairly quickly , this is base on my opinion. But I won't dwell on this so much because I think modular seems to be winning the vote now.

    Ashley described what he had in mind for the debugger in the first post in this thread. Please read that to understand what the debugger is intended to do.

    ummm, should allow means it should be advance. the step through is not so advance, it goes exactly with what I'm saying? Can you re read the post and explain to me why you think I didn't understand it?

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    I guess a debugger (and while being at it, a real profiler) is what's needed to really form a complete and professional development environment.

    I still voted for tilemaps, because that's the easiest to implement (I guess) and is desperately lacking even on relatively small projects that can be done without a decent debugger.

    lemo Stating that you think something that you have never had to use is the laziest way to do something is pretty irrelevant. Your statement does not have any bearing on how useful debugging is, only on your lack of experience with it. Debugging is how you find bugs. Make sense, the name says it all. Can't figure out why something in your physics isn't quite right, look at the output of the calculations in the debugger. Can figure out where a variable is being set in your 30+ event sheets with 1000's of events, set a global watch on the variable and step through the code to watch where the variable changes.

    There are millions of reasons that a debugger would actually make all the other features easier to implement as well as easier to troubleshoot when something doesn't work. How many times a day do we get someone saying check my capx because I can figure out why X or Y is happening. A debugger is the way to best hunt down and troubleshoot these issues.

    The number one feature of the best developer tools is their debugging capabilities. Writing code is easy, figuring out where it's not working and why is hard. Saying that debugging is lazy is like saying that having a mechanic fix your car is the laziest way to maintain your car.

    I am not trying to be mean, but making a blanket statement about debugging while having zero experience with it and hence no context around the statement does not help the statement at all. Feel free to express what you feel is the feature you would want them to work on next, but try to avoid making unqualified bashes on the features that others may want. It does not add anything of use to the conversation.

    I have spent the past 10 years working as a developer at a very large software company and without debuggers 90% of the bugs or other issues you find in very day software would never get fixed.

    If you write it correctly the first time you don't need a debugger is also a very skewed statement. Someone who wants to divide by zero can write the code for it correctly very easily, that doesn't mean that trying to do it won't crash the application. There are many ways to do something the "right way" that will still cause problems elsewhere. You can write code just fine to bring images and resources into your game, but if you are getting out of memory exceptions, you may want to find out what object is using all the memory in your game. These are just a couple of ways that writing something the right way does not avoid the issue.

    Anyway, sorry for the long rant. The right way to promote the idea you want them to focus on is not to bash the others, especially you have no experience with them.

    On a side note the above was not meant to be rude or harsh, just pointing out that the goal here is to help them decide what to focus on by voting for what you want, not to bash what others want to see, if they vote for something you don't feel is important.

    Joannesalfa No need to bring the negativity from another thread in here. Every person that brings it up actually helps your cause.

    BluePhaze Actually, i should bring the negativity from another thread because others devs are seeking the solution as i am. No one helps my cause.

    Joannesalfa I was actually trying to tell you NOT to discourage him from asking about it. The more people ask about it, the more support you get. I was not ignoring it, I was actually trying to help you. I think we are just miscommunicating due to language barrier a little bit. I am not trying to cause you discomfort. I was telling you the more people that ask the better it is. Your statement in the first post sounded like you are telling him NOT to ask about fullscreen. Sorry if this does not make sense.

    Joannesalfa I was actually trying to tell you NOT to discourage him from asking about it. The more people ask about it, the more support you get. I was not ignoring it, I was actually trying to help you. I think we are just miscommunicating due to language barrier a little bit. I am not trying to cause you discomfort. I was telling you the more people that ask the better it is. Your statement in the first post sounded like you are telling him NOT to ask about fullscreen. Sorry if this does not make sense.

    BluePhaze I was telling him we can't get rid of black bars in fullscreen by easy way.

    I'm sorry, i had to edit my original post to make it more simple to understand.

    Joannesalfa No problem, sorry if there was a misunderstanding, I was not trying upset you. I was trying to encourage others to ask for the feature if that is what they want too, like you.

    It would be great if a roadmap was published so that we could anticipate what might be on the short/medium term horizon.

    BluePhaze Okay maybe "lazy" was not the right word

    I didn't say a debugger was useless in my post, I was mostly just trying a comparison with the reference search tool.

    And as Gamezilla said in a previous post, people can create a "light" debugger already in their project with text boxes or other outputs.

    Okay it may not be as great as a debugger for "30+ event sheets" projects, or to step through events, but there's already "some" way to follow variables I guess.

    On the other end, I find it impossible for the moment to search for objects in the event sheets efficiently, or visualize their connections...where I believe the "find references" tool could be a great help.

    And for that same purpose, I'm just seeing that as what I would call an "active debugger" tool.

    That's just the way I'm seeing priorities, but all the items in that list are kinda cool of course.

    Closing this thread. Thanks for your feedback everyone, it's very interesting and we're going to consider it all very carefully, but there's no need to get heated or annoyed over it.

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