Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • jayderyu - Aaaah, sir, you are most awesome. Thank you! And yes, I was referring to that such property box.

    I'll look over what you prepared here. Thanks again!

  • Would anyone be willing and able to give me a breakdown of EasyTween behavior properties (made by lunarray ), please? A layman's explanation would be most helpful, thanks.

    See his forum post for his behavior(s) here.

  • Do you have a "manual" for this behavior? Something that describes all the details of the event handlers and actions?

  • Happy birthday, Ashley!

    I created an algorithm that was supposed to calculate your age, but something must have gone wrong:

    > (Scirra.Releases.Count / Scirra.StartupMembers + NormalizeIfAtAllPossible(Ashley.Programming.Awesomeness)) * BinToDec("1010") / Scirra.Brains.Count + TopFiveOfAllGameCreationTools.HTML5.Rank

    It may happen that NormalizeIfAtAllPossible() is overcharged with Ashley.Programming.Awesomeness, but most of the time it correctly outputs 1.0

    However, the result can't possibly be your age, so I wonder what the result means...


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  • MERRY BIRTHDAY, Ashley! I pray your birthday is full of love and celebration. I'd thank you for being born, but then I don't think you had a whole to do with THAT. LOL Let your mom know I said thanks! LOL

    Seriously, you do awesome stuff and it shows that you care about giving us developers the best. I hope you're blessed a lot because of your thoughtfulness and concern for quality.

  • Thanks, guys. I appreciate the feedback. :)

  • CAPX: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6900854

    The game play is a top-down view. What I'd like to do is create an item (object GrenadeFlash) that, when "thrown" from the player (object CharFinn), it will appear as if it's rising in elevation as you look down. Naturally, as something comes closer to you, it appears to be getting larger. This is where the Sine behavior comes in.

    The problem I'm facing, though, as I learn how to use the Sine behavior is how to stop it mid-period. Let's say the object I'm using is 10 pixels wide and I want its size to expand by 10 (to a max of 20) during its run through the Sine behavior. I've noticed, however, that it will shrink to less than 10 pixels before it finishes its cycle.

    What I want to do is set it so that when it is launched, it will increase to my desired max size then return to its original size and then be destroyed. I can figure out the movement of the object and destroying it. What I'm not sure about is how to cut it off mid-period.

    Any suggestions?


  • Ashley - That's odd, indeed. I mean, from MY completely newb understanding, I didn't even know you COULD end folders with a dot. I'm not sure which folder has a dot in it. Can you point me to it so I can correct it? Or is this a behind-the-curtains stuff in C2?

  • ...oh, aaaand, I listed in the post that I was using r134. I see what you mean now. That's corrected, too.

  • Ashely - Yeah, sorry about that. I corrected the title after I caught my typo. It's the latest beta that I'm using.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    CAPX: sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6905140

    ERROR IMAGE: screencast.com/t/oav62MV3

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Saved file.

    2. Clicked to Export project as an HTML5 file.

    3. Standard PNG compression.

    4. Minify script is checked.

    5. Normal style export option.

    Observed result:

    Attempted to export file and the two identical error messages appear.

    Expected result:

    Full export. I've only tried to export a game once and am unsure of what specifically SHOULD have happened.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: n/a

    Firefox: n/a

    Internet Explorer: n/a

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 service pack 1

    Construct 2 version:

    [r143] beta

  • Thank you, I discovered that later on but hadn't had a chance to update my post. Thank you for confirming that, though. :)

  • New scenario...

    Two objects, each has instances overlapping one of two instances of a third object.

    Object1 and Object2 each has an instance variable called "Home".

    At the start of the layout, it checks to see of Objects1 and Object2 instances are overlapping either instance of Object3.

    If so, then it takes the IID of Object3 and stores it to the Home variable of the Object1 and Object2 instances overlapping them.

    However, I'm seeing that instances 0 thru 3, while overlapping instance 0 of Object3, have a Home value of 0 or 1...even though all four instances are overlapping instance 0 of Object3.

    The events look like this:

    • If Object1 is overlapping Object3 | Set Object1.Home to Object3.IID
    • If Object2 is overlapping Object3 | Set Object2.Home to Object3.IID

    Why, then, do some instances of Object1 and Object2 receive an IID value of the second instance of Object3 even when they're overlapping the first instance?

    In the CAPX, look up event sheet "ES Set-Up", lines 4 and 5.


    Thank you for your input and help!

  • More help, please? (See the UPDATE to the original post.)

  • I would REALLY love to see some descriptions...