Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • naelian - Sounds interesting. Could you elaborate some more? I'm not sure I totally followed.

  • I completely jest. LOL

    I was thinking how I have this patrol system for my enemies to follow. Depending on the frame of the object, its two instance variables will have different values. Then, on top of that, I need to check at what times those values are accessed. If one is accessed, it should be "turned off", so it can't be accessed again. Kind of like a "Trigger Once" condition. Then, on another pass, the previously "off" instance variable would be "turned on", and the other back to "off".

    In a sense, I guess my thought is something akin to making certain variables temporarily "non-existent", similar to how groups or behaviors can be enabled or disabled.

    So, maybe I'm not totally joking. LOL I do realize the practicality of making such a feature would perhaps be more trouble than its worth.


  • How about the option to have selected variables and/or properties of objects/instances appear next to the objects/instance(s) in question. Similar to how we'd create debug text objects to appear along side each object.

    So, say we have an object that has a Pathfinding behavior and 3 variables. There are two instances of this object.

    We want to evaluate the Pathfinding status and two of the variables for just one particular instance. So, we check off some check boxes next to the info in the debug window and those details appear alongside that particular object instance. A check of a box and info will appear/disappear from that text display.

    This way, we don't have to play hide-and-seek through various tables of info which may be separated from several other tables in the debug window.

  • Arima - LOL I guess so, but I'm still very much a newb. And I'm already going towards my fourth month of struggling with my enemy AI behavior.

  • The title says it all.

    I could really go for a feature in Path Finding that plots the shortest path to an object instance.

    Similar to Pick Nearest Instance, but takes into account that the "nearest" object might be on the other side of a wall that will take many more steps to get to. So it'll calculate the "nearest" instance according to which instance has the shortest path to travel along to reach it. Because the shortest distance isn't always a straight line... :)

  • Arima - Thanks for the clarification. If it's that simple, I think I can manage. May I call on you for help if I hit a snag?

  • Ashley - Right. I do remember that, too, and I've been using For Each sparingly since I came across more information. But I'm still struggling to grasp WHEN For Each is necessary.

  • newt - Thanks for the reminder about Families. :) I do recall that point. I guess I need to review it some more. LOL

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  • I'm aware the "For Each" tutorial by Arima (a great help!) and I've reviewed a few tutorials and the manual for "Families".

    I'm not sure if this goes in the "How Do I...?" forum, for it's not quite a request on how to do something. I just need info and clarification.

    I'm wondering if someone can give me a run-down on when I ought to use "For Each" with Families. It's my understanding that Families has a kind of For Each build into it. But that doesn't seem to be the case in certain instances.

    The "behind the scenes" inner-workings of "For Each" and Families is something I don't know a lot about, so it's hard to see when I need to add "For Each" as part of the event conditions and when I can let a Families condition stand on its own.

    Thanks, everyone!

  • Paradox - Aaah, okay. I encountered that, too, and so I set the rotation speed to something up in the hundreds. LOL

  • Okay, run a scenario by me again? What's going on?

    I'm not sure I'm completely following the hang-up in Path Finding...

  • So, in the layout, you want C2 to highlight all objects in a container with a different highlight container?

    Say, object1, object2, and object3 are all in the same container, and you click on object1, objects 2 and 3 would also become highlighted, but with a different color? Is that what you mean?

    If so, I do like this idea.

  • When you get a chance, could you make it an option to toggle the debug window to the SIDE of the browser in addition to its initial nestled point lengthwise at the bottom? :) Thanks. And AMAZING update with r141!!! WOW!

  • What Sargas said will work, too. I will usually set it every 0.1 seconds or so to give it that fraction of time be it needs to calculate a new path it the object being chased is always moving. The pathfinding acts rather smoothly then.

    • Visible Path Finding paths and/or highlighted cells.
    • The debug window with the option to decrease the don't size.
    • The ability to automatically change variable or object parameter values during debug view from the debug window.
    • Visible line of sight cone.
    • Real-time event log of game as it plays.