Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • Ashley - Eh, kinda. I mean, for the layer, yes. But what I was trying to do was get info about the layer based on the object that is on that layer. (Sorry if that's just making the matter more confusing.)

    Ultimately, I'm working on creating a "smooth zoom" feature as the object moves up and down floors/layers (in a top-down view). Hard to explain now, but I wanted the scale of the object (assuming it was 1) to be the target scale value as the other layers scaled in or out. But I'm coming to a better understanding of scale and layers, etc, so all this is probably amounting to nonsense as I try to explain it. LOL

    I'll be posting a help request, though, because I've got the very thing I was aiming for to work in a test capx, but not in my game, even though I copied it 99% identical (the conditions had to change slightly).

    Thanks for your input!

  • Ashley - Ah...good point. I didn't think of that. I was having trouble isolating scale values based on what layer the object was on, so it SEEMED to make sense to have a scale value of the object, itself.

    What about an expression that returns the scale that the object is on at that time? I see you put in expressions for the layer name and number, but not the scale value, itself. Could that work?

  • I noticed that you can Set Scale for objects, but when I want to call upon that scale value - say, when comparing two values - it tells me there's no expression available for it. I'd surely love to see that added. Thanks!

  • *bump* I also accidentally saved over the file with other tests I was trying. I've since restored the file to what I had initially been working with, so you can see what I was trying to figure out.

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  • CAPX: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6928963

    The game is going to be a top-down view. The levels will be made out of different layers, or floors in a building. Some floors will obviously be hidden due to design. Other floors may consist of catwalks or lofts or large open spaces, which allow the lower floors to be visible.

    What I'm trying to set up is where going up and down stairs, for example, will 1) cause the character to move between floors, and 2) make the floors zoom in and out (by way of Layer Scale). (It's something I'll address later when multiple floors become too close to the screen, obscuring view of lower floors, namely the one the player is on. First I just need to get something set up.

    What I've been attempting is to use Lerp and Unlerp to create a smooth zoom effect, rather than just the sudden adjustment. The player will always appear the same size. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working as I envision it.

    Additionally, in debug mode, I noted that the scale values of the layers never go back to their previous values - granted, with multiplication and division of many numbers, it's gonna be hard to do. I'm also seeing the same problem when I add or subtract values from the scale. This is a problem because as you zoom in and out, the value will never be quite the same. I'm worried that this will lead to inaccurate zoom levels (in beta testing later on).

    It was suggested to me to try using a greater-than/less-than event test to check when a scale value is at its right amount...

    If LayoutScale is < or > x | Set LayoutScale to LayoutScale + y*dt

    It works...it has the effect I want based on the capx shared with me.

    I'm just wondering if there's a solution while using Lerp. Any suggestions? Thank you much!

  • Nevermind. :) I figured it out. I realized the scale numbers I was using is a fraction of the CURRENT scale value.


  • JoyfulDreamer - I'm reading up on one of your tutorials on Pseudo-3D games. Mind if I get your input on this, please?

  • - Thanks for taking a look.

    Assuming it's showing up the same for you as it did for me...

    The objects not only appear farther away, but darn-near microscopic. I'm looking for a slight shift in difference of depth. So if the layers were 10 feet apart, then layers below would appear 10 feet farther away when shifting layers. Basically, the player character needs to appear at the same scale, otherwise you can't see him the farther up the layers you go.

  • https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6928963

    I'm trying to set up "floors" for my top-down game. Each floor represented by a layer. Pressing keys 1, 2, or 3 will shift the Sprite object between the three layers (use the arrow keys to move it around). I'm pretty sure I'm not fully understanding the Scale parameter fully...as you'll see.

    What I WANT to happen is where the layers shift their "zoom" perspective so that it looks like you're going up and down floors in a building, with objects on each layer appearing to move closer or farther away. This layered floor is illustrated by the three pillar objects.

    Can anyone help me see what I'm missing, please?

  • Ashley - Can you clear this up for us, please? :)

  • Thank you, lunarray!

  • My mind is blown. I'm working on a stealth-action game (top-down view) and this is gonna add so much dimension to the seek-and-evade aspects of the game, such as finding hidden passages. ;) Thank you for this!

  • HOLY----!!! That is AWESOME!!!!! :D

  • ash1221 - What do you mean, exactly? What's going on?

  • (Added you to my Thank You list for the game credits when I eventually get that done.) :)