Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • Is there an entry for the new tilemap feature in the manual? I can't find it.


  • pirx - LOL I know, I know. The revival of Christian gaming is sure to make even the most lax of non-believers do a double-take, I'm sure. But my aim is to take a slightly different approach. The obvious nature of the Biblical factor in any of my future games will vary, but I still hope to make games that are as engaging as any other we see out there. I lack the words to explain better, but I assure you, I'm going to do my best to make my games accessible to any willing to give my games a chance. You need not be "religious" to enjoy what I have in mind. :) I'm a gamer like anyone else.

    I'm curious, if you don't mind telling, what's your reservations about "Biblical" and "game" being in one idea? :)

  • NotionGames - Thanks, Andrew. The two main points of consideration right now are ironing out the story line and having a viable plot, and deciding whether to stay with Construct 2 and the 2D engine or move it to Unity for the 3D. Ultimately, gameplay will still be 2D, but I am considering that the 3D environments will lend itself nicely to what I have in mind. (But I'm nothing if not a faithful man - Scirra is still my home game making source. So there's the emotional factor, too! LOL)

  • Operation PAS is a stealth-action game that focuses on Finn, a young boy whose journey from doubt to faith in God literally has him traveling back to ancient Biblical times! He'll have to outwit Pharaoh's armies, the Pharisees and other religious elite, bandits in the wilderness, and more. Being a boy, Finn isn't much of a fighter, so he'll have to rely on his cleverness, observational skills, and FAITH to avoid his opponents if he ever hopes to return back home.

    The game will feature retro-style stealth gameplay similar to the original Metal Gear, as well as environmental features from games like Splinter Cell, where sight and sound will be factors...and more!

    I don't have a whole lot to share for content at the moment other than a video on my game's Facebook page, but here are the addresses for my three main points for updates:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OpPASgame

    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn1vIhK21FbhmUV0xuNjlTA (Note: There is PRESENTLY no content for the YouTube channel for the game as development for the game is still in the planning stages. That'll change, of course, as things progress.)

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/OpPASgame

  • ramones - Dude, I can't wait to have insight like you do. I'm slowly getting the hang of reading C2 like it's nothing, but THINKING in C2, that's still another story. Thank you again!

  • Looks good! Except now the layers, themselves don't scale...just the CharFinn object. I'll look over it, but maybe you can see what happened?

  • ramones - Well, your explanation made sense. I'll try to follow along in the capx, itself. Thank you once again, sir! (I think I'm gonna have to give you SEVERAL slots-worth in the post-game credits. LOL)

  • MAIN CAPX: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6930991

    TEST CAPX: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6933785

    Alrighty! Next issue.

    In the main capx, I adapted everything you helped set me up with. In your rendition, we have 3 layers to work with - 0 through 2. But in my main capx, I have a few other layers, namely the Effects layer, which is nestled between Ground and Floor2

    So with that in mind, I created a new Function, "LayerNames" (see line 13 and line 12 for the Call action), to adapt the placement of the CharFinn object based on the value of CurrentLayer.

    However, this isn't working, and I just don't understand why. I'm still struggling to grasp the parameters element of the functions, as well, which is probably ALSO why it's not working. (In another file, I tried swapping lines 9 and 11, thinking I had them in the wrong spots. Still no dice.)

    I need a recap on the function parameters, too.

    Here's the way I'm understanding them...

    Let's say you're the "Ground" layer... 0.

    So CharFinn collides with the StairsUp object...the Function kicks in:

    Call ChangeLayer(min(NumberOfLayers-1, CurrentLayer+1))

    Number of layers is 3 and the current layer is 0.

    Call ChangeLayer(min(2,1))

    So the minimum value is 1, and thus goes up to "Floor2" (per my additional Function).

    Thanks again for your time.

    (Alternatively, if you're busy, may I petition help from , ArcadEd, Arima, BlueBlaze, or ? Heh, just someone who can spare a moment since ramones has already given me much of his.)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • ramones - Thank you, sir. :) That does clear things up.

  • ramones - Okay...just to confirm...

    numLayers never changes - it's a constant (at value 3), correct?

    currentLayer is to denote - as the name implies - the CURRENT layer that the Sprite object is on.

    In the FadeTopLayers group, layers refers to any layer above the current layer (per line 9's action).

    Variable finished checks to see when the fading of a layer is complete, but I don't see any time when its value is actually set to "true"... Does that have to do with the fact that it's not constant nor static and that it's repeatedly set to "false" within the While loop?

  • ramones - Okay, I think I'm following you. I'll check back if I need further clarification. Thanks. :)

  • ramones - Thank you again for your help.

    I was wondering if you could help me break down your additions. I'm not yet fully adept at using the Function object.

    Particularly, on line 7, you have the action Set currentLayer to Function.Param(0). But I see that in each instance that you make a Call to the functions, you have a min or max parameter. Why the "0" in line 7?

  • ramones - DUDE!!! That's beautiful! Thank you so much! :D I'll tweak it to fit my liking and work to understand exactly what you did, but man, I so appreciate your time on this. (I may seem to be getting extra-happy about it, but it means so much to me...I have BIG goals I'm working towards, starting with this game. So you're helping me keep my goals alive. Again, THANK you!)

  • CAPX: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6933785

    Pressing the 1 or 2 keys will cause all the layers to scale in or out (imagine this is a top-down view, and each layer is a floor in a building). What I'm trying to do is make it so that each floor above the floor that the black block is on will fade out as so not to obstruct what's going on below it.

    I've tried several different methods, including the For loop, where I subtract 10 from the layer opacity for every iteration of the loop, and I've tried using the Fade behavior, and a couple of other deals. Nothing's quite working.

    Presently, the attempt is the make the layer fade based on a percentage of a target opacity value. As you can see, the blue layer is close to what I have in mind as the scale adjusts. But it's working at the wrong time.

    Both Layer 1 and Layer 2 should be opacity 0 at start. Any layer the black block is on and any layer below it should be visible. Moving down a layer (aka floor) will cause the former layer to fade out and layers farther above will be invisible.

    Any suggestions, please?

  • Arima - *facedesk* Once again, another obvious solution evades me.