We are referring to the property box on the left side right?
* Active on start
- Yes: will result in the object proceeding with the proprty setting upon the start of layout or creation of object.
- No: will not start as above condition.
* Tweened Proprert
This is which value will be changed. Fairly obvious.
* Function
Maybe this should be renamed to Motion. This representes what math formula is applies when changing the Tweened property. There are a lot so I'm going to only give 2 as an example
- Linear : the formula to move from the start value to the end value with each step being an equal amount.
- EaseOutBounce : Ease(>STARTS< or slows) a little slower when altering the property(>OUT< or in) references when to Ease. ie EaseOut to start slow. And upon reaching the target number to then cause a Bounce effect.
* Target
This is a single value for most properties but a 2 value for position.
The important part is the reference of "Relative" or "Absolute".
- Relative means the number should be set from -Infinite to +Infinite.
As am example. If I set Property Width, Target -50. Then the the Width of the object will end up being [self.width = self.width + -50 ]. This takes into account the current or start value when Tween.Start() runs
- Absolute means that the numerical value as written is the target. This ranges from 0 to +Inifinit. So if I set Property Width, target 50. Then the result with be [self.width = 50]
**** hmm. My version doesn't have "absolute or relative" in the property box. It should be :\ I'll have to double check for an update :D
* Duration
The period of time in seconds that the time of animation should happen over. ie 5 means that the total animation time for tweening will be 5 seconds from start to end.
* Enforce mode
Should tween play friendly with other animation modifier.