Noga's Forum Posts

  • Same here, suggest it. Could be helpful to have it.

  • No you have to collapse them all manually, or I don't know if there is a way how to do that. You could suggest it.

  • Don't understand what you mean. Can you explain it a bit more? You can collapse current Project as far as I know.

  • Posted on 2 Czech game developer sites

    Translated - link

    Pledged - already had the full version, so just donated a bit. Pity I can't afford more atm.

    Good luck with the project, I'm happy to see the funding is going well.

  • Beautiful artwork, man. Do you have any finished, playable product?

  • ENG

    • Click on the Sprite and in the Groups - Attributes - tick off the "Center view on me"
    • In the action of the first event set: "Start X" to "Sprite.X" and "Start Y" to "Sprite.Y", so you can actually see the effect.
    • And you'll probably want to change also the action of the second event. Now, the "shake" Duration is 100ms and Drop Off 1000ms when it makes more sense if it's the other way around.


    U Sprite si od?krtni "Center view on me". Bije se to s MagiCam, proto?e jsi mu nastavil aby se obraz vycentroval na pozici 640,480 a z?rove? se Construct sna?? vycentrovat na st?ed Spritu. Pak nastav kameru na ten Sprite, abys vid?l co to d?l? a je?t? si asi zm?? d?lku a a ?as od kdy za?ne ten ot?es kamery sl?bnout.

    Nap?. Duration = 1000ms a Drop Off = 500ms

    Ot?es bude trvat jednu sekundu, po p?l sekund? za?ne sl?bnout.

  • You don't need loop if you want to add it to all instances, just add action - square - Set monster to random(2,9)

  • I guess i can't rely on comparing instance variable to do the filtering / picking..

    Sure you can, used Danijerry's example - download

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  • It was promised (here) to have the picture editor improved, but it's still the same. I don't need full editor, yet

    i think it might actually be a better idea to have a button on the image dialogue that allows you to choose a color to generate a solid square.

    this'd be very welcome. I hope you could add at least this one feature soon. As lucid and I guess many others, I've been using CC image editor to draw only squares of a different color.

  • I think it'd be good to have that option, like duplicating layouts, it's just one click. Includes are good if I want to reuse the same code, if I'd like to do some changes, better would be to clone and edit. I can use both methods you're suggesting guys, it just, imo better to have the option than not have it.

  • Could it be possible to add it to some future release?

  • Try search [How do I]Frequently asked questions sticky in this forum - Object moving section - grid

  • Try to read this post. Haven't read it myself, but it says solved so maybe there's an answer for you question.

  • General

    At first it took me a while to get used to it, I felt the learning curve was steeper than I'd like it to be. Maybe there could be more tutorial levels, 2-3 for each block type? But after first 5min passed, than it's been all good.

    What confused you?

    How to use all block types. In every level, I've always put other blocks out of the way and used only square blocks. It's pity that the game allowed me to do that, there could be some levels where the player would've to use different blocks to reach the goal.

    What did you like?

    The whole concept, it's something new, that's plus. Than music, option to make own levels and share them(even though, I haven't used it), score table - compete with other players.

    What did you dislike?

    Graphics could be better, it's not I dislike it, just could be bit more fancy(don't know if it's the correct word<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />)

    Buttons could be not that flat, pointing hand could be shadowed etc. - something like that, add more detail.

    But that all isn't important, I just wanted to write here something, you asked for it<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Nice game, don�t have time to leave feedback atm, will do later.