Woops i guess i had better validate my level! - Here it is. Its more of a trial and error style of stage (I tried to make a stage to emulate the scenario i was having the most fun with while playing).
70,80,-14,1338,Genki,16,1,-1,15,-1�Genki's Challenge�Genki�This level was made by Genki[n] Best score you say? I DARE you to finish this level at all! [n] Bwahahahahaaahaaa..... Good luck!�-15.397528164,-29.8099324141,13.3304899359,-126.5912839753�0,0,0,0�0,0�1,0,0,0�192,192,270,0,3�192,224,180,0,3�224,192,0,0,3�224,224,90,0,3�320,288,0,0,3�288,288,270,0,3�288,320,180,0,3�320,320,90,0,3�384,384,270,0,3�384,416,180,0,3�416,416,90,0,3�416,384,0,0,3�192,416,180,2,3�192,384,270,2,3�224,384,0,2,3�224,416,90,2,3�384,224,0,2,3�384,256,90,2,3�352,256,180,2,3�352,224,270,2,3�160,288,270,3,3�192,288,0,3,3�192,320,90,3,3�160,320,180,3,3�352,448,0,3,3�320,448,270,3,3�320,480,180,3,3�352,480,90,3,3�448,160,270,3,3�448,192,180,3,3�480,192,90,3,3�480,160,0,3,3�192,448,270,1,3�192,480,180,1,3�224,480,90,1,3�224,448,0,1,3�416,288,270,1,3�416,320,180,1,3�448,288,0,1,3�448,320,90,1,3
Completely understand that your not releasing the full cap! That you released anything at all im grateful for! Definately agree that you should be thinking about monetising an idea like this.
It seems i was more confused about the scoring than i thought last night. It could be more intuative if you started with an arbitrary number like 1000 and you lost points for the more moves you made instead of gaining points. Ending the stage with a 0 would just mean you made too many moves/drops to be competitive. I did understand that karma was the amount of tries but wasnt sure if it tied into your actual score or not.
About the hexagons - Why did i tick that box? I guess i thought it was (cpu)consuming effect. Its actually pretty cool when it doesnt change your orientation.
Looking forward to progress! Nice work.