Noga's Forum Posts

  • You don't want the sprite to rotate, only face the direction, but how many? 2 - left/right or 4 - left/right/up/down? What if the destination point is diagonally from the sprite? I'll try to make an example.

  • I understand you don't wanna share the graphics. Can you replace it with one color boxes, delete all unrelated events, so there's only the beetle and the floor and upload the .capx?

  • Click on the third action and change "Width" to:

    len(TextBox.Text) * 8

    ha, ninja'd by Joe7 <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • You can't mix platform and physics behavior. Maybe they'll fix this in the future, but for now, if you wanna keep physics interactions, you'll have to remove the Platform behavior and do it by using Physics.

  • Polls are back again, yes!

  • ..and name the topic properly "Scirra! I have a bug for you :)" isn't really describing.

  • If it's not a big problem, you could workaround the bullet behavior like this.

  • there's a place where I can check this capx for R84??

    I could recreate it in R84, but can't you just install r85? (you can install in on a flash drive, if you wanna keep the stable version)

  • 100% done, 23 days remaining, awesome!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Have you seen this tutorial? It could help you with your project, it's well documented and explained, have fun learning Construct.

  • Yann - that looks cool. I like the trees, stylo.

  • I think it could work, but maybe I just don't know how you exactly want it. Here's an example how I see it, can you explain it on this one?

  • You can use what 7Soul suggested, and check when the object reaches the waypoint - stop the movement.

  • You can remove private variables from "Block" and "VerticalLine"(they don't do anything, what you've wanted to do with them?), than delete events 7 and 3.

  • Delete event 10

    Your event sheet is a complete mess, doesn't look like you know what you're doing. Have you just started using the program? Check out this list. You'll find there many examples and tutorials. Or you could try Construct 2, free version for experimenting is more than enough, it has it's own manual here, where you can learn basics, how events, actions, event sheet etc. work. Than you could go back to Construct Classic, it's works almost the same as C2, or buy a full version.