- Click on the Sprite and in the Groups - Attributes - tick off the "Center view on me"
- In the action of the first event set: "Start X" to "Sprite.X" and "Start Y" to "Sprite.Y", so you can actually see the effect.
- And you'll probably want to change also the action of the second event. Now, the "shake" Duration is 100ms and Drop Off 1000ms when it makes more sense if it's the other way around.
U Sprite si od?krtni "Center view on me". Bije se to s MagiCam, proto?e jsi mu nastavil aby se obraz vycentroval na pozici 640,480 a z?rove? se Construct sna?? vycentrovat na st?ed Spritu. Pak nastav kameru na ten Sprite, abys vid?l co to d?l? a je?t? si asi zm?? d?lku a a ?as od kdy za?ne ten ot?es kamery sl?bnout.
Nap?. Duration = 1000ms a Drop Off = 500ms
Ot?es bude trvat jednu sekundu, po p?l sekund? za?ne sl?bnout.