Noga's Forum Posts

  • Ah, don't remember installing it, thought it was default C2 plugin. Would be nice to have official version, but I guess it's already on the "to-do" pile. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Don't know if it's been reported. Is it a bug or am I just doing something wrong?

    <img src="" border="0">

    Download .capx

  • Good, last time I checked we were at 20. Keep 'em coming!

  • The program says it needs DX9 to run, I think the same applies for an exported program. I'd set minimum requirements at XP and later, there won't be many Win98 users now, if any. If you need it to know for sure, pm Ashley or any of the current CC developer - lucid, R0J0hound and I think tulamide is also involved.

  • I think is because you still run it on the XP and than, why would you need that anyway, how many Win95 user are there? I guess less than 1? <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Could be ads shown only to guests and members who haven't purchased the Construct 2?

  • It looks could be fun, but controlling with the mouse is confusing. Sometimes when I move mouse left, the screen scrolls to the right, sometimes opposite. I've tried the first level, the ball landed on the platform after the first flag and than I got stuck. In any way I've tried to move the mouse the screen has been scrolling the opposite direction.

  • Is it because pixel perfect is not viable on HTML5?

    Javascript isn't fast enough. You could have a precision to a pixel, but it wouldn't be playable.

  • Good work on it Tom, I like especially stats. Do you have any more upgrades coming, on mind?

  • Click the "Properties" in the left tab and tick the "Fullscreen" box.

    or on a click

    1:Right click on the layout - Insert new object - Mouse&Keyboard

    2:In the "Event Sheet Editor" - RMB - Insert event - M&K - On key pressed - select the key - finish

    3:To the event - +New action - System - Set fullscreen - select mode

  • Noga, cool!! I have neve seen another engine similar to C2. Do any compare in quality?? I'm also in love with C2 and the community, they have a really good community.

    If you want to try it, I'd start with Starcraft 2 editor (War3 is too old now). You can look at

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    where the guy is working with the editor. I like the easiness of both (SC2 and C2) program editors. I prefer C2 of course<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">, because you're not restricted to SC2 world (you can mod, skin etc., but that's huge amount of work) and SC2 players, and most importantly, I can sell my game.

  • 30 years old, started 15yrs ago with couple paper/pencil games for friends. After that I found QBasic (few text adventure games and a platformer), loved that program. Then 1/2 year playing with Warcraft 3 editor - it's very easy, yet powerful. Their scripting editor remind me kind of Construct's event editor - screen. I've made only one "defend the tree" map.

    Than I hadn't been doing anything until I found Construct 3 years ago. Don't remember how I found it, but here I am, 3 years later, still in love.<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • I've tried this. Check out the last event.

    Can you fix the title of the topic (physics)? It should be easier for others to find it when searching the forum.

  • Try this, if it's what you're looking for.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Can you upload the .cap, or exctract that part from it.