Noga's Forum Posts

  • That's great, thank you. I didn't notice your links in the last post to the PC readers, so I looked up one myself - link

    Take it as an alternative to the Adobe DE, because I think Adobe's reader looks better.

  • The pdf version should follow the online version so you should be able to find things that way, the reason is that as C2 continues there'll be a lot of changes / additions and page numbers will change.

    Then if I'm offline, I can't check that and have to search through all folders. When the manual grows bigger and you'd assemble a new version, you'd have to update just the "index.pdf". Plus, it'd be helpful for beginners, they'd know where to start. Now, folders are sorted by name when overview should be first, interface second... as in the online version.

  • Thanks for that. I'll be off home and probably also internet for 3 months, so I bet I'll be using it a lot.

    Could you add one more document where'd be all pages and their location? Something like a tree structure, plus maybe with a little description. I think it'd be easier for searching, if I had been looking for how to add music, I could see that I need to look into the - Plugins folder - and PLUGINS - AUDIO OBJECT.pdf.

    How it is with .pdf and hyperlinks? In the online manual, there are references to the oher parts of the manual but they are missing in here. Is it possible to add relative links to other .pdf documents? If not, I guess it'd be better to make the manual it HTML.

    You have a little spelling mistake in the post title <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi talkinghead, good work on the demo. Do you know how big is the lag? Judging from the new video it looks like something around 100ms (or 80 - 160 ms), which is ok, but how it changes if you join more than 2 players?

  • Nice example Yann, thanks.

  • I think it works as it should and by WindowWidth it's meant the canvas window width and not the browser window width.

  • I'd suggest you to read the manual. The section you're probably looking for is here.

    You can scroll down to see all supported formats and what formats they convert into. Extract from the page " highly recommended you only import PCM .wav files, which are widely supported and can be encoded to both .m4a and .ogg by Construct 2.."

  • Please tell me what you think about it, and how I could make it even better :)

    It looks good, I don't see any problem with that, or I don't know what you're trying to do.

  • I'd like both of my Player and Ball objects to collide with the wall, but I don't want them to collide with each other.

    If this is only what you want, than it's quite easy.


  • Yea, pretty annoying bug, let's add some stars guys to make them fix it!

  • Once the Start page tab is closed the only way to reopen it is to restart C2 again. It could be added to the File menu.

  • Keep up, looking good.

  • In just 2 days, that's amazing, it would've taken me 10 times longer. If I were fast <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Did you work on it stright, no sleep?

  • Do you think I should post it on the examples section of Scirra Arcade, or in the C2 tests section of "Construct 2 General"?

    Best would be probably in the "Your Creations".

    I think that makes me think of the labyrinth generator I did in construct classic

    Hey, that's a nice example.

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  • I've tried flipping the backround, and it works ok. While you use just black blocks as the background it should be also fast.
