I have two text boxes (CoverTitle and CoverDesc) and a tiled background.
On start of layout I do:
CoverTitle => Set position to ((LayoutWidth-CoverTitle.Width)/2, 32)
CoverDesc => Set position to ((LayoutWidth-CoverTitle.Width)/2, CoverTitle.Y+CoverTitle.Height+10)
[ Replacing with "CoverDesc => Set position to ((CoverTitle.X, CoverTitle.Y+CoverTitle.Height+10)" does the same ]
TiledBackGround => Set size to CoverTitle.Width, CoverTitle.Height
TiledBackground => Set position to CoverTitle
[ Replacing with "TiledBackground => Set Position to )CoverTitle.X, CoverTitle.Y)" does the same]
The described method DOES NOT center text. Instead, the window is divided in two halves. CoverTitle is centered on first half of the window, and CoverDesc and TiledBackground are centered in the other half.
Replacing LayoutWidth with WindowWidth seems to do the same. I've tried with Fullscreen "scale mode" also.
Is this a bug?