Some of my Art Work

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_______ Huge collection of metal fixtures ________
  • Ok so,

    I'm venturing into the world of development and C2 was so far the best program and I'm falling in love with it! =D

    That aside, I was always a game artist. I oftenly aimed for quality artwork since I'm always so frustrated when I download a nice game that looks terrible :{ I mean, if the gameplay is perfect, why wouldn't the graphics reflect that ? So I'm always designing something here and there. The intention of this topic is to share with you guys what I know, maybe some tutorials (if I get the time) but surelly alot of my work will be here. Also, if you have any questions, do ask! I'm no professional but I swear I'll try my best to help you out.

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    If you want to contact me just mail at, I'll try to answer as fast as I can. =D

  • Beautiful artwork, man. Do you have any finished, playable product?

  • Nice color palette. <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Top notch stuff right there.

  • Beautiful artwork, man. Do you have any finished, playable product?

    Not finished, I made something to practice (even the game art itself) but I never intended to make it an actual game.

    There's a links for it right here.

    Nice color palette.

    Thanks alot! =D the secret is to never use black.

    Top notch stuff right there.

    Thanks alot! I'm realy glad you like it =)

  • Fantastic art! I envy you man! <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • By the way which software do you use? Congrats man you are really talented. Keep the good work.

  • Fantastic art! I envy you man! <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thank you =D It'd be greater if I had them on a game. >.<"

    By the way which software do you use? Congrats man you are really talented. Keep the good work.

    I use Photoshop and often times I scratch Corel Painter for some textures.

  • hmm noob question do you use pen/hand or a mouse to draw these??

  • hmm noob question do you use pen/hand or a mouse to draw these??

    Both xD I use a Pen-mouse (Tablet) to draw these. only a couple of them were scanned before finalized, I just draw the sketch fully digital.

  • LemonDROP: Have you tried Xara Designer 7 Pro. Its super cool. I bet it will be a breeze to you.

  • LemonDROP: Have you tried Xara Designer 7 Pro. Its super cool. I bet it will be a breeze to you.

    I just tried it out, I'm not into drawing vector, if I were to use it I'd just stick to flash. It's just not my thing. But thanks for the sugestion!

  • I got a Bamboo Tablet.. Do you use something similar?

    I'm far from being good to draw on tablet ^^

    I can't see myself getting good on tablet unless its something like a Clintiq wx 12 (or the newer model <3) where i draw on the screen - not on a tablet and watch a screen..

  • These look really fantastic! Great job, I'll have to keep your contact info for later use :-P

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  • I got a Bamboo Tablet.. Do you use something similar?

    I'm far from being good to draw on tablet ^^

    I can't see myself getting good on tablet unless its something like a Clintiq wx 12 (or the newer model <3) where i draw on the screen - not on a tablet and watch a screen..

    Yuh man! I use Wacom Bamboo Connect. I had the option of buying the Intuos but I thought Connect was so cool and green! :D I want a Cintiq too though :{ It's way too expensive here in Brazil. It'd be cheaper to buy a car.

    These look really fantastic! Great job, I'll have to keep your contact info for later use :-P

    Thanks alot man! Haha please do. If I can do anything to help, just ask! :P

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