zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • philx , i really don't get it , maybe the problem in your mobile that shift the sprite position,

    also if you are using android you can show the touch input from : sitting >> devolopers (or something like this) then click on the box that says : show touches , and maybe you can see the shift in the screen...

    also maybe its from your finger is too fat or maybe the origin point of the sprite isn't on the center or or or .. there are many reason that cause the same problem.

    as to make sure i have tried the demo on the pc and it works fine when i re-downloaded the capx file and played , the link that has the demo is broken from the server i don't know the reason :(

    anyway try these steps and i hope it fix it :)

  • elafreat , yes this month the website has been closed and opened a new fully formated website and in the same time i lost the game :( so i just hope they find my game as they told me :) and nice to see some arabs here

  • rob i really can't help you here , because in my country we are not allowed to sell apps :( but hopefully someone tell us a way to sell our apps until they open it :(

  • lucid , ok about why i'm saying this program is getting hard its just the timeline .... i have tried somethings on it and it keeps going weird to weirder , like for example if i made a keyframe lets say in 40 and moved it to 65 and made a new keyframe on 40 then you will see that there is no tween between 40 and 65.

    also i don't know why if i do a new animation i should re-put all the character parts again and again and i have tried to re-put the bones but failed i must do new bones any way to fix??

    also this is another wierd thing is that if i made my animation as a 1000ms but i used just 600ms then i see after the 600 there is a tween i don't know how to delete it o.o

    and the most weird thing is when i do for example an animation with 5 keyframes and i want to delete them they keep deleting the bones and the sprites and if i deleted all the keyframes except the first one ill end with just bones with the head sprite (resized into weird size)....

    lucid i just hope this timeline get fixed with must simpler use , i have seen a program called : spine it has a good timeline but bad animations and bones setup and spriter is the oppsite ^^ also i hope your timeline doesn't go like flash timeline which has alot of weirder things :(

  • lucid , i have a question ... does spriter gets automatic update or at least a note comes at the start says there is a new update or no ??? if no , can you put it because its really hard for us to keep viewing the news of spriter without any notifications...

    2nd thing i feel spriter is much harder than before can you do a small starter guide video with shortcut , some steps , how to use the weird timeline .... last thing i want to say is : thanks for your great work :)

  • after using the bamboo for 2days i feel its great and easy to use ^^ the only thing is that i don't like that the tip or nip has no place to hold and i think its easy to be lost :P

  • cesarzevil ^^ ok with video i understood what you need XD sorry i went way differant thing hehehe :P

    by the way the problem worked here too but i have tried something and solved it :

    in "World events" , in the event number 8 , re-order the action and make them like this :

    action1: set currentlevel to levelsbutton.level

    action2: go to layout "level"&currentlevel+1

    if you changed this order it will make some problems ^^ thanks for the video

  • cesarzevil ,nothing happen everything is just fine 0.0

  • ??

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  • cesarzevil , you keep missing around with the events and making it useless ... try to just add your game with any editing of the levelselect ... see this capx i fixed and i hope you don't miss around...


  • ok just to let everyone know also , your capx was a really messy which no one maybe can fix it except if he re-build it from zero ... so i have re-made the level select with fully working with webstorage and just one world and designed as you made so you try editing my capx and doing your game on it ... also try to create organized game so anyone can help you in the future without any problem . i hope to re-read my tutorial and see constructdude video and understanding where this events goes and re-build your game ^^

    by the way your game is good and smooth and can be build in about 3 hours , so its not that hard to re-build it ^^


  • ok just to let others knew your problem isn't what you has been talking about , its a whole another problem and the problem is in misunderstand of the tutorial .

  • cesarzevil , sorry dude i couldn't understand you maybe because mine and your english are really weak XD but follow these steps to fix all your problems !!!!

    1- open your game and change the array name to levels

    2- put the plugin webstorage in your game .

    3- download this :


    4- open the file in "step 3" and copy the event number 3 in event sheet name " World events " and paste it in your game eventsheet that has levels and the condition is : system : on start of layout

    5-on the same file copy the event number 5 in event sheet name " levels events " and paste it in your game on the winning condition like if you hit the gate it will win this put it in that event...

    i hope you understood this ^^ and ill put this post link in the tutorial if you understood just give me a replay ^^

  • o.o cesarzevil , i saw your capx and nathing wrong with it ?? it saves the game and everything looks fine ... where is the problem ??

  • cesarzevil , hmm have you see the link of webstorage example?? check it out you may know how to fix it