zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • keep going ^^

  • i really never see both but i would recommend the nexus series they are really cheap and has the standard performance.

    nexus 7 or nexus 10 both are really good

  • until now i don't know what is the use of rep XD can someone tell me :P? is it just for telling us how active we are??

  • ok , i think i will never play this game until it get fix or anything!! this game has alot of weird stuff and i really couldn't play it ... at the beginning when i saw no loading i tough its normal maybe my internet is so slow but i found that the game has this freaking loading and after that it comes says click X and i clicked my x and all my other keys with any working and after alot of clicks the game weirdly began o.o and it seems there is also no jump with an killing stuff>>> the game must has lower loading , hmmm active? when i click x it should work instantly and for beginning the graphics looks great.

    sorry if this comment hurt you but this is the thing i feel and sorry if i used wrong words to explain

  • o.o i want to be in this topic jealous! :'( , i hope soon ^^

  • 0.0 ok i'm confused.... , first of all i want to thank all of you for replaying and sharing your experiences ^^ .

    now i really don't know what to buy , i don't want to be like buddy40 sticking on intuos because i need something for autocad and autodesk in future and i saw that cintiq fit for them also intuos users says its easy to use it in need less than a month for handling it ...

    also about cintiq i found something that i need to get a good pc for a good quality and if i have something weak it will be useless and become like the ipad or android.

    about windows 8 or (all in one pc) i have tried to see more videos on these but i really don't know the most important thing on this graphics tablets it must be as fast as my pen so i don't want to see any spaces between them does all in one or window8 tablet has that speed?? and as said the pressure are really useless the differences are really low and i don't really care about them if they do the job then i don't care how many it has ^^

    hmmm... if someone has windows8 tablet which support pen or (all in one pc ) can you show us the speed of the pen , i'm really intersted on anything but i want something to improve me not sticking in something for ever like i have had on the paper ^^

  • hmmm as i can see i think ill buy something like intous5 for about 2years then ill jump to the cintiq or something similar as i can see cintiq 12 the one that i can buy has released about 3 yrs ago and i really would like a new versions which fit windows8 and support touch but in same way its small not that heavy ... (19 inch is the best for me )

  • , thehen , as i said i have tried something similar to the bamboo idea and from the first time i felt that this is soo hard need alot of learn is this right?? tell me how was your beginning on that tablet as i can see your game has really epic art style ( masha'a allah).

    Ethan , i think you are stucked on the display tablet like me XD , about the other display tablet i really don't know anything of them but i saw some videos and seems that bosto tablets are really amazing maybe they are better than the cintiq but the problem on the pet need charge and no buttons on it but we can program the tablet buttons also the price is good but i don't know if you can re-sell it in future because i couldn't see reseller for it. and about the other one (yiynova) i have heard that doesn't has good support and sometimes it lag and there is a video of someone using it but in comment he wrote : i returned it because of simple problem and stuffs like that..

    can you guys upload some pictures of your first tablet drawing ^^

  • hi there ^^

    today i have a question but this question is really hard to find the answer of course i have an answer for it but i want to know some more experience of what i don't know ^^ .

    first of all , i really liked construct2 which changed a part of my life ^^ and i want to take some of these step more advanced , i have always draw on papers but now i learned some photoshop , illustator , flash , and so many program just to prepare my self to be a digital artist and this just to improve my self not just for money and stuffs like that ... anyway since i jioned the learning i have heard with the tablet and i really enjoyed watching them and i want to buy one but what should i buy??

    of course many people told me to buy from wacom and as in my country we don't have any of these stuffs but i'm going to buy it online and this is easy but the problem i found there are many differant between the tablets and the most i like are : inkling , intous , cintiq , ipad or android tablets ... lets talk about them a little but what see what the problem i'm finding on them.

    inkling : its really great but i have to buy ink every couple of months and also ill draw in paper which mean i need to color it and even worse i need to do the perfect sketch because i can't fix the mistake if the draw moved to the laptop so ill re-make or be pro on pc programs.

    intous : good tablet but the problem is , it has no real feeling of what i'm doing and i have tried something similar to it and i really want say it need alot of time to be good as real drawing on paper or anything.

    cintiq : a really super powered tablet this is exactly what artiest need but my question is does it lag sometimes? does it get hot sometimes?? if i paid it will i buy something more to improve it or its fully complete ??

    also the problem i found is , its too expensive but most of the artiest use it so another question does the lowest price cintiq has the same feature of the highest one ? if no what there are except " the bigger is better " ??

    ipad : good tablet and its looks like cintiq but the problem it is slow also the programs are really limited and the stylus are really useless and hard to work with it. no good vector app , and so on ...

    android : the android collection with the pen like note 10.1 are really cool they has the pressure sensitive but they still too slow and getting hot so fast , apps are limited , no good vector app , and so on...

    so my questions : can you tell me your experiences on all of them if you had ^^ what should i buy ?? and should i buy the weakest and then buy the better ? like buying intous then cintiq or just buy cintiq and done??

    see my money on this just 600$ but i can high it until 1300$ so what do you think ??

    thanks for hearing and i know this isn't tablet forum but i want the experience of the artiest which use these stuffs ^^

    by salem ^^

  • Joannesalfa , i think this fixed the problem :P thanks ^^

    and these are the steps that i did to fix the problem :


    <img src="http://i48.tinypic.com/2itpn4h.png" border="0" />


    <img src="http://i48.tinypic.com/20i6xsi.png" border="0" />

  • hi , while i'm working in c2 i decided that i couldn't see the expressions that i usually use the one which can give me all the expressions that i can choose from like system >layout.width or anything ...

    i hope the problem is explained very well...

    this is a picture of what i'm seeing right now :

    <img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/4llvk6.png" border="0" />

  • yes i know there can be all created but they will get alot of bugs but in chrome it would be nice to program one app with the same result and also it can be updated with alot of stuffs like making a team work also the combining with other apps so it can upload to dropbox with email and also auto backup with everystep , and much more ... about ashley and he said he don't want to do more programs at the moment i remember that , but as i said he can do a kickstarter plan wich will required 2-4programers , servers , and so on so ashley and tom can still work on the windows version while the others will work on the chrome and ashley can view thier works (an idea) . also some people says its hard to put the pictures on app on the chrome but it will be much easier if it combine with google drive so all the picture will be saved too , also the exporting it can be done with a server like ludei idea , uploading my work to a server that give me a download link for one time and then the work will be deleted from the server but saved on google drive for later use ... it would be really exciting to see a game engine on chrome and all other os

  • hi everyone :P today in google+ someone asked me if the construct2 is going to be in linux and while before if it going to be in mac and also if it will export to linux or what about Ubuntu, so i'm not asking about all that because this will make all the way harder than one it is now also it will make the engine more expensive also it will be harder to update one of them so ?? i think there should be something combine all these OS on one platform i think some of you knows what i'm talking about its google chrome , google chrome has an os but if you see this , google chrome has all os version : mac,windows all version,linux all versions , ubuntu , google chrome os ,...

    so my question is will this engine comes on google chrome i know maybe its hard or something like that but it would be nice if you release beta version or made kickstarter fundation to see how well this idea also this will be more safer on paying so you can saves all buyers by thier emails and we can use our email in all these OS and we will see our works :P maybe in future you guys combine the app into thier drive so everywork will be compared and saved word by word without any losing also you can make even better by making google drive as a host or a way to upload to dropbox with some clicks :P

    ok some people will says the offline people?? of course you guys can keep the windows version only but all other version can be in the app so in this way if someone liked the app he will buy windows to use it in offline . i hope i explained my idea verywell but this should be one of the most steps that engine should have to beat all the other engines :)

    i hope from Kyatric Tom Ashley to see these and do some blogs or votes or kickstarter just to see how well this idea will goes ... by me ill be happy to buy the business version if this happen :)

    tell us your vote , comment

    thanks for reading

    by salem

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  • see i don't know why you use app mobi while most of people recommend the cocoonjs , anyway i have checked the tutorials and there is only one tutorial about app mobi :


    (by ashley)

    if you are just interested on making game with cocoon you can check this 2 tutorials it may help you alot :P


    (by viking78 )


    (by me)

    hope you try cocoonjs before you do the mobi stuff i think you will like it :P