Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • Awesome! Let's make it clear it was MY IDEA.

    MY IDEA I say again.


  • When I create a physics object (in code at runtime) and then immediately apply force everything works as expected.

    But when I create and object, set is scale and then apply force in the following line of code; no force gets applied.

    Any idea what is happening here? Is this a bug?

    Additionally I noticed that the force on an object is affected by its scale. ie the same force does much less if the object is scaled up. Is this a new thing? I thought that was only controlled by its mass.

    Also, the force seems to change completely again if my object has animation frames or not. In my case if I set my anim speed to 5 instead of 0; the same force applied has much less effect on the object. Why is this? Is this expected behaviour?

    Using r311 Beta


  • Not yet I'm afraid. I resolved my issue in other ways but I'll be working on another part of the project which has the same kind of this going on. I will report back here if I see the issues again. Thanks

  • Oh, I see there is a bug fix for this in the latest r310 already.

    • Timelines: width/height not applied correctly on hierarchy children ignoring parent's width/height


  • Im seeing lots of scale issues with timelines. In my case when I have a timeline for an instance that is a child of an object that is playing its own timeline.

    My object is a 'tear'(crying)) that animates down a face (which is in turn is animating on its own timeline, moving side to side).

    The first time the animation runs it runs fine, but in subsequent run the tear is either scaled inversely or scaled inappropriately. (skinny, fat, inverted or a mix of everything)

    I am resetting the timeline each time I play it to time 0. It should be noted that the timeline is one shot repeat once (not looping) and in this example I start the timeline each time I press the spacebar.

    Link to video which better explains it here:

    Any ideas?

  • Hi , I'm getting a crash using the opacity property on a timeline with the following error in the console below. When the opacity reached 0 the game crashes.

    Also, the opacity seems to have no effect in the timeline preview.

    Unfortunately, I don't have time to fill out a lengthy bug report (apologies) but I'm using the latest beta r309. For now I'm going to just fix my issue in a different way.


    numericInterpolationAdapter.js:16 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'GetOpacity')

    at NumericInterpolationAdapter._reset_action (numericInterpolationAdapter.js:16:190)

    at NumericInterpolationAdapter.SetResetState (numericInterpolationAdapter.js:27:322)

    at PropertySourceAdapter.SetResetState (propertySourceAdapter.js:3:173)

    at PropertyTrack.SetResetState (propertyTrackState.js:7:539)

    at Track.SetResetState (trackState.js:15:381)

    at Timeline._SetTimeAndReset (timelineState.js:16:68)

    at Timeline.Tick (timelineState.js:26:226)

    at TimelineManager._OnTick (timelineManager.js:18:476)

    at TimelineManager._tickFunc (timelineManager.js:3:31)

    at EventHandler._FireAndWait_AsyncOptional (handler.js:8:515)

  • The problem is my rope is a hierarchy and not only that but has a timeline controlling it. Would your idea still work?

    I think the problem is that I cant attach something to an object that's moving in a timeline and then control its movement 'in addition' afterwards. It seems as soon as its controlled by a timeline or pinned to a timeline objects no move or tween commands will ever override that. DOes that sound right? Or maybe there is a way to add additional movement to an object after it has been affected by its parent/timeline.

    Complicated to explain but hopefully someone understands :)


  • After a few reloads (and who knows what else), all the question marks have disappeared from my layer dropdown (as shown in your screenshot). I am using the latest Beta now though, so maybe that had something to do with it.

  • Imagine a rope that is made of multiple segments. They are parented to one another and move (wiggle around) using a timeline. It looks like a wiggling rope. Great!

    Now, I want to move an object along that rope. Imagine a spark moving along a (wiggling) fuse wire.

    Any tips on how I would go about doing this?

    I've tried tweening to the different segments but not having much luck. Maybe there is a better way?

    Perhaps this is a case where 'pinning' is preferable to using the scene graph? I don't know.


  • And what the heck is this all about...(See image)

    Im starting to think that all the bugs that Im currently trying to fixed are caused by this sudden automatic renaming of Layers.

  • I have more confusion with this. When I reference a layer for example "Create particles on layer...".

    What do I name the layer now if the layer is called My_Layer but is overridden? My_Layer(overidden)?!?

    In my project it seems the latest versions of C3 have replaced all my calls to layer name to something like "My_Layer([overidden])". So am I supposed to do this in future too?

    Personally I think the indicator of whether a layer is global or not should just always be a little globe icon in the editor. In that way nobody gets confused between global/overridden and it doesn't affect the naming in anyway.

    Or even simpler, just change the text colour of global layers in the layers window. Globals=green, Normal Layers=grey

  • Thanks all!

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  • What do I do with app-ads.txt? What is it? Thanks

  • Approval Status is ready, however I have no idea what the app-ads.txt file is, so maybe that's the issue. :)


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